Lowongan Kerja D3 S1 Terbaru PT Paragon Technology and Innovation Agustus 2021

Lowongan Kerja D3 S1 Terbaru PT Paragon Technology and Innovation Agustus 2021

LokerBlog.com (Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK D3 S1 Terbaru Agustus 2021) - Keinginan anda untuk dapat bergabung di dalam sebuah perusahaan adalah tekad yang harus anda lakukan agar anda mempunyai semangat kerja yang tinggi. Ketika anda memiliki sebuah tekad untuk dapat menjadi calon karyawan yang baik, seharusnya anda mempunyai kemampuan dan keinginan agar bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan kemampuan anda. Disamping itu Anda juga memiliki kualitas dan kemampuan Sumber Daya Manusia yang memadai juga sehingga lebih mudah untuk bersaing dengan para pelamar lainnya. Bagaimana Anda dapat diterima sebagai salah satu calon karyawan yang diperoleh tetapi tidak mempunyai kualitas dan pengalaman kerja yang kompetitif. Diharuskan anda untuk terus bisa menjadi yang terbaik dan mempunyai sebuah kualitas sumber daya manusia yang menunjang potensi untuk dapat diterima. Untuk mengikuti tahapan wawancara kerja sebaiknya Anda mempersiapkan diri secara matang apa saja yang nantinya akan ditanyakan ketika di dalam interview kerja. Anda harus mengetahui pertanyaan umum yang biasanya keluar di dalam tes wawancara kerja. Oleh karena itu, Anda harus mengetahui profil mengenai perusahaan yang akan anda lamar serta job deskripsi dari pekerjaan yang anda inginkan tersebut. Karena semuanya itu akan ditanyakan di dalam seleksi wawancara kerja. Bila anda memiliki jawaban yang baik tentu anda akan memiliki peluang yang besar untuk dapat diterima di sebuah perusahaan tersebut. Setiap pekerjaan memiliki tujuan akhir yang ingin dicapai dan perencanaan memegang peran penting untuk menghasilkan tujuan akhir yang maksimal. Namun, ada kalanya situasi tidak selalu berjalan sesuai mengikuti rencana. Berikut adalah tips untuk menjaga tujuan akhir agar tetap maksimal saat situasi yang sedang tidak pasti. Saat berada di dalam kondisi yang tidak pernah anda hadapi sebelumnya, maka anda harus selalu siaga, jeli dalam setiap kondisi dan temukan peluang untuk memastikan agar anda dan tim tetap menjadi yang terdepan.

Lowongan Kerja PT Paragon Technology and Innovation - PT Paragon Technology and Innovation bergerak di bidang kosmetik manufaktur dan mendapat sertifikat GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) dengan kapasitas produksi yang besar dan formulasi yang unggul. Dengan pengalaman di bidang kosmetik lebih dari 28 tahun PT PTI telah membawa Wardah Cosmetics sebagai brand lokal dengan penjualan tertinggi di Matahari Dept. Store (Departemen Store terbesar di Indonesia), serta pada tanggal 5 Juli 2012 mendapat Halal Award oleh LPPOM MUI sebagai pionir kosmetik halal. PT PTI juga membawa MAKE OVER sebagai brand terpercaya oleh para Make-Up artis terkemuka. PT PTI terus mengembangkan brand-brand unggulan lainnya, seperti Putri, IX, Vivre, Hair Addict, dan Nusilk.

Saat ini PT Paragon Technology and Innovation kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan Agustus 2021 untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan ditempatkan.

Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang tersedia beserta dengan kualifikasinya saat ini bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir.

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Paragon Technology and Innovation Tahun 2021


1. Brand Development Manager
Head Office
  • Strong leadership with good problem-solving skills
  • Strong business acumen
  • Has working experience in building and developing brands for 5 years minimum in the same position
  • Able to drive and engage with multi-functional teams
  • Great understanding of trends and customer insights
  • Able to thrive in fast-paced and ever-changing environment
  • Able to innovate and take calculated risks
  • Passionate in beauty brands is an advantage

Main Responsibilities:
Develop brand strategies based on customer insights and market data, lead teams to plan and execute brand communication and campaign, engage with multi-disciplinary teams to drive business results.

2. Channel Development Manager
Head Office
  • Minimum 2 years experience in Sales Operation/TradeMarketing/KAM
  • FMCG background preferred
  • Proficient in MS Office
  • An analytical mind with a strategic ability
  • Excellent communication and people skills

Main Responsibilities:
  • Translate category & brand objectives on a market level into channel category objectives, and then: Formulates, manages and execute with the annual strategy and plan
  • Understand channel priorities, identify strategic initatives dan develop effective programs
  • Ensure that channel strategies are updated on a category level and efficiently incorporated in the commercial plan
  • Ensure effective new product launches, line extensions through organizing category road shows/ presentations for the sales teams. Provide the support and monitoring.
  • Conduct pre and post evaluation of activities
  • Track, monitor, and report key Competitor activities on a Channel level, providing insights/plans to drive competitive advantage
  • Ensure Development/ efficient utilization of hard and soft POSM for generic and local activities, including evaluation of its effectiveness at point of purchase
  • Maintain, update, and implement the core distribution priorities and merchandizing guidelines by channel
  • Work with the relevant Channel & Supply chain teams to set up the route to market and build a sustainable service model
  • Interpreting data and making recommendations for company business and channel development program based on their market intelligence/research findings
  • Continuously provide insights on channel, category and shopper trends
  • Analyze and provide recommendations / action plans on retail audit reports

3. Retail Account Manager
Head Office
  • Experience Hire; S1; min 2 yrs experiences
  • Familiar with retail industries
  • Willing to travel
  • Data driven

Main Responsibilities:People related
  • Build connection with malls/shopping center/developer key person to be in “the up to date” retail community
  1. Regularly visit and contact targeted malls to do evaluation and next plan together
  • Engage with DC team (CDT & MD) to assure that all brief are fully understood and get feedback to improve better
  1. Routine conference call 1x/month to discuss monthly calendar and room for improvement
  2. Establish an effective retail group (nationwide) to deploy the information faster

Business related
  • Sales monitoring (In & Out)
  1. Achieve 100% sell in target for store format by creating suggestion order by SKU and delivery frequency
  2. Create a visible sell out target by store and do weekly check in monitoring
  3. To oversee promo mechanism (include NPD) more detail by store basis and do tactical program if needed
  • Publish monthly guideline for DC/store team
  1. Create monthly retail calendar for Promo, product news, & highlight
  2. Providing monthly business review and sales improvement suggestion
  • Seeking new opportunity to grow business through NOO in potential location
  1. Identify NOO by giving feasibility study for approval (targeted mall)
  2. Improve existing store location to better location
  • Coordinate internally with other department to get approval for each program
  1. Conduct a routine coordination meeting with finance to get the same vision
  2. More effective flow of approval process
  3. Periodically coordination with Brand & CMM for Retail initiative (NOO and activation)
  • Provide total retail P&L
  1. Dashboard monthly update by store by brand that include OPEX & CAPEX
  • Responsible to create activation and event to support sell out and increasing engagement with shoppers

4. Key Account Operation Officer
  • Maximum age 40 years old, preferably for male gender
  • Minimum diploma/bachelor degree
  • Minimum 2 years experience in modern trade or sales operation

Main Responsibilities:
  • Doing excellent execution at store level, in terns of AVP (product availability, product visibility, quality of promotion) performance
  • Monitoring of daily sales performance and ensure operation plans to get sales target achieved
  • Evaluate and analysis all operation’s KPI has been given, and get any kind of improvement
  • Lead and control the sales team (Sales Representative, Field Merchandiser) strongly on their daily activities
  • Identify all sales opportunities at store, together with sales and operation team into tactical activities
  • Build and manage good business relationship with all store manager/ supervisor, particularly our key stores
  • Quarterly review of sales team’s itinerary (permanent journey plan)
  • Provide market situation update to KAM holders to maintain competitive edge in tarde

5. Area Sales Manager
  • Minimum S1 all major from reputable university
  • Active in organization at university
  • Have 2 years experience in FMCG’s Sales
  • Capable to leading the team at least 5 person
  • Has a leadership skill, expert in negotiation, has knowledge about distribution and wholesales, coaching skills, upholds ethics and understands the legal aspects of doing business and competition, understands the operational management of the sales team.
  • Willing to be placed in Banten, Bekasi, Yogyakarta/ Solo, Jambi/ Bengkulu, Banjarmasin/ Palangkaraya

Main Responsibilities:
Responsible for achieving targets by making maximum utilization of the resources and investment that have been allocated by carrying out the role of developing sales territories (Territory Optimization) which includes coverage, channels and customers as well as innovating in customer development (Customer Creation) in establishing relationships, conducting activation activities and improving services to customers in the areas which are his responsibility.

6. MT – Research And Development
  • Minimum of Bachelor (S1) in Pharmacy and Chemical Engineering
  • Preferably having 1-2 years experience
  • Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply

Main Responsibilities:
Developing product’s formula, testing, and managing its legality aspect

7. MT – Production Innovation And Development
Head Office
  • Minimum of Bachelor (S1) in all major
  • Fresh graduates and having 1-2 years experience are welcome to apply
  • Having a passion in beauty or cosmetics

Main Responsibilities:
Developing new products, start from determine ideas, make concepts to launch in achieving customer satisfaction

8. Creative Product Designer Officer
Head Office
  • Bachelor degree, preferably in graphic design.
  • Fresh graduates are welcome to apply.
  • Having strong interest and passion in design.
  • Fast learner and eager to learn.
  • Able to develop design from new ideas.
  • Savy in operating Adobe Illustrator/ photoshop and other design tools.

Main Responsibilities:
  • Set design requirements based on information from Creative Product Design Manager.
  • Identify new product improvement opportunities.
  • Analyze how a new designed product satisfies market needs and consumer preferences.
  • Stay up to date on current industry trends and market conditions.
  • Coordinate with other design team members to ensure consistent and accurate communication.
  • Modify and revise existing designs to meet changing customer preferences.
  • Present product design ideas to cross-functional teams and related stakeholders.

9. Junior Product Designer
Head Office
  • Savy in operating Adobe Illustrator/ photoshop and other design tools
  • Have a good design sensibility
  • Able to do multiple projects within tight deadlines

Main Responsibilities:
  • Assist creative team in execution and implementation of design adaptations.
  • Liaise with team members on a regular basis to ensure deadlines are met for reviews.
  • Develop concept, graphic and layout of products into the final Finished Artwork (FA).
  • Make revisions based on the feedbacks received

10. PLDP – Information And Technology
Head Office
  • Minimum of Bachelor (S1) in Information Technology or Information Systems or max 2 years experience
  • For non IT education must have programming background (Python)
  • Software Engineer for either one of :
  1. Frontend Developer : Familliar with HTML,CSS, JS, JS Libraries (e.g. jQuery) or CSS & JS Frameworks (e.g., Bootstrap) Version Control ( Git ). Experience in JS Framework such as React JS / Vue JS & PWA would be an advantage.
  2. Backend Developer : Familiar with PHP / Python based framework, RBAC, API Development & Management, and RDBMS Databases ( SQL ).
  3. Mobile Application Developer : Android Native Java or Flutter
  • Experience working on real projects related to the skill would be an advantage

Main Responsibilities:

Responsible for one or more of the following responsibilities:
  • Responsible on analyzing user requirements, write and test code, create documentations, and collaborate with other engineers & business partner.
  • Manage Network, Server, Remote and/or On-premise Cloud System.
  • Collaborate closely with stakeholders and vendors for ERP implementation project.

Bagi Anda yang berminat, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran secara online:
[PENDAFTARAN] – Posisi 2 – 5
[PENDAFTARAN] – Posisi 6
[PENDAFTARAN] – Posisi 7 – 9
[PENDAFTARAN] – Posisi 10



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Hanya pelamar terbaik sesuai klasifikasi yang akan diproses untuk mengikuti seleksi selanjutnya
Selama proses rekrutmen tidak ada dikenakan biaya apapun

Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi Anda para pencari kerja dan jangan lupa untuk membagikannya kepada teman atau kerabat yang membutuhkan.
Informasi seputar lowongan kerja BUMN, CPNS & Swasta lainnya kunjungi www.lokerblog.com

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