Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK D3 S1 Terbaru PT Darma Henwa Tbk Januari 2022

Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK D3 S1 Terbaru PT Darma Henwa Tbk Januari 2022

LokerBlog.com (Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK D3 S1 Terbaru Januari 2022) - Keinginan anda untuk dapat bergabung di dalam sebuah perusahaan adalah tekad yang harus anda lakukan agar anda mempunyai semangat kerja yang tinggi. Ketika anda memiliki sebuah tekad untuk dapat menjadi calon karyawan yang baik, seharusnya anda mempunyai kemampuan dan keinginan agar bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan kemampuan anda. Disamping itu Anda juga memiliki kualitas dan kemampuan Sumber Daya Manusia yang memadai juga sehingga lebih mudah untuk bersaing dengan para pelamar lainnya. Bagaimana Anda dapat diterima sebagai salah satu calon karyawan yang diperoleh tetapi tidak mempunyai kualitas dan pengalaman kerja yang kompetitif. Diharuskan anda untuk terus bisa menjadi yang terbaik dan mempunyai sebuah kualitas sumber daya manusia yang menunjang potensi untuk dapat diterima. Untuk mengikuti tahapan wawancara kerja sebaiknya Anda mempersiapkan diri secara matang apa saja yang nantinya akan ditanyakan ketika di dalam interview kerja. Anda harus mengetahui pertanyaan umum yang biasanya keluar di dalam tes wawancara kerja. Oleh karena itu, Anda harus mengetahui profil mengenai perusahaan yang akan anda lamar serta job deskripsi dari pekerjaan yang anda inginkan tersebut. Karena semuanya itu akan ditanyakan di dalam seleksi wawancara kerja. Bila anda memiliki jawaban yang baik tentu anda akan memiliki peluang yang besar untuk dapat diterima di sebuah perusahaan tersebut. Setiap pekerjaan memiliki tujuan akhir yang ingin dicapai dan perencanaan memegang peran penting untuk menghasilkan tujuan akhir yang maksimal. Namun, ada kalanya situasi tidak selalu berjalan sesuai mengikuti rencana. Berikut adalah tips untuk menjaga tujuan akhir agar tetap maksimal saat situasi yang sedang tidak pasti. Saat berada di dalam kondisi yang tidak pernah anda hadapi sebelumnya, maka anda harus selalu siaga, jeli dalam setiap kondisi dan temukan peluang untuk memastikan agar anda dan tim tetap menjadi yang terdepan.

Lowongan Kerja PT Darma Henwa Tbk - PT Darma Henwa Tbk (Perseroan) didirikan sebagai perusahaan berstatus Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri (PMDN) dengan nama PT Darma Henwa berdasarkan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia dengan Akta No. 54, tanggal 8 Oktober 1991. Pada bulan Juli 1996, Perusahaan mengubah statusnya dari PMDN menjadi perusahaan Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA) dengan masuknya Henry Walker Group Limited sebagai pemegang saham terbesar Perseroan. Pada bulan Januari 2005, Perseroan mengubah namanya menjadi PT HWE Indonesia dan pada bulan September 2006 berubah lagi namanya menjadi PT Darma Henwa Tbk. Di tahun 2007, Perseroan menjadi perusahaan public dengan nama PT Darma Henwa Tbk dengan mencatatkan (tiga miliar seratus lima puluh juta) saham biasa di Bursa Efek Indonesia dengan kode saham DEWA.

Saat ini PT Darma Henwa Tbk kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan Januari 2022 untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan ditempatkan.

Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang tersedia beserta dengan kualifikasinya saat ini bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir.

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Darma Henwa Tbk Tahun 2022

1. Internal Auditor (Code : IADR_NAME)

  • Bachelor degree in Accounting / Management
  • Master degree in Management is preferred
  • Having experience in 5 years in same position / Having experience in internal audit
  • Having to Experience in internal audit in the mining industry is preferred
  • Male, Minimum age 38 year old
  • Internal Audit Certified
  • Having good analytical and managing improvement based on IPPF
  • Only qualified candidates will be processed
  • Willing to be Placed in Balikpapan

2. Plant & Maintenance Contract Management (Code : PLMCM_NAME)

  • Bachelor degree, Mechanical Engineering or Mining Engineering Preferred
  • Have min work experience 4 years in similar position
  • Have extensive experience in handling contracts for heavy equipment and OEM parts
  • Minimum 26 years old
  • Have competence in the field of Business Process, HSE Procedure, Legal process, Basic Finance Knowledge
  • Good Work & Social Attitude
  • Willing to be placed on job site PT Darma Henwa Tbk

3. Excavator – Team Leader (Code : EXTL_NAME )

  • Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering / Industrial Engineering / Diploma Heavy Equipment Mechanical
  • Engineering / SMA/STM
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 3 years
  • Having excellence analytical plant & maintenance process, improvement maintenance, HSE procedures, HRD Policy
  • Male, Maximum 45 years old
  • Have Certificate POP is preferred
  • Willing to be placed on job site PT Darma Henwa Tbk

4. Medium Dump Truck – Team Leader (Code : MDTTL_NAME )

  • Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering / Industrial Engineering / Diploma Heavy Equipment Mechanical Engineering / SMA/STM
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 3 years
  • Having excellence analytical plant & maintenance process, improvement maintenance, HSE procedures, HRD Policy
  • Male, Maximum 45 years old
  • Have Certificate POP is preferred
  • Willing to be placed on job site PT Darma Henwa Tbk

5. Auxiliary – Team Leader (Code : AUXTL_NAME )

  • Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering / Industrial Engineering / Diploma Heavy Equipment Mechanical Engineering / SMA/STM
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 3 years
  • Having excellence analytical plant & maintenance process, improvement maintenance, HSE procedures, HRD Policy
  • Male, Maximum 45 years old
  • Have Certificate POP is preferred
  • Willing to be placed on job site PT Darma Henwa Tbk

6. Big Dump Truck – Team Leader (Code : BDTTL_NAME )

  • Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering / Industrial Engineering / Diploma Heavy Equipment Mechanical Engineering / SMA/STM
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 3 years
  • Having excellence analytical plant & maintenance process, improvement maintenance, HSE procedures, HRD Policy
  • Male, Maximum 45 years old
  • Have Certificate POP is preferred
  • Willing to be placed on job site PT Darma Henwa Tbk

7. Maintenance Trainer (Code : MT_NAME)

  • Minimal Education: Vocational High School with a major in Electrical / Mechanical.
  • Has to work experience min 3 years in the same field.
  • Has experience minimum 2 years as maintenance supervisor is preferred.
  • Understand mining procedures, product knowledge, failure analysis, and heavy equipment.
  • Having a TOT certificate is a must.
  • Having good communication

8. Engineer Drill & Blast (Code : EDB_NAME)

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Mining / Geology Engineering.
  • Have experience with a minimum of 3 years as a mining engineer.
  • Knowing about Mining Process, Blasting with efficient and safe, and HSE Procedure.
  • Familiar with Mining Software used in a mining company.
  • Having POP and KJL certificates is a must.
  • Willing to be Placed on-site PT Darma Henwa Tbk

9. Auto Electrician & Air Conditioner – Team Leader (Code : AEADTL_NAME)

  • Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering or SMA / STM Electrical
  • Having at least 5-7 years experience in the same position
  • Male, maximum 40 years
  • Having excellent experience in electrical heavy equipment, mining procedure, HSE procedure, HRD Procedure.
  • Able to work with a deadline
  • Have good communication & Attention to detail
  • Willing to be Placed on-site PT Darma Henwa Tbk


  • Vocational High School with a major in Mechanical
  • Bachelor degree/Diploma in Mechanical Engineering / Industrial Engineering
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 3 years ( Bachelor degree )
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 7 years ( Diploma )
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 12 years ( SMA/STM )
  • Having excellent analytical plant & maintenance process, improvement maintenance, HSE procedures, HRD Policy
  • Male, Maximum 40 years old
  • Have Certificate POP is preferred
  • Willing to be placed on job site PT Darma Henwa Tbk


  • Vocational High School with a major in Mechanical
  • Bachelor degree/ Diploma in Mechanical Engineering / Industrial
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 3 years ( Bachelor degree )
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 7 years ( Diploma )
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 12 years ( SMA/STM )
  • Having excellent analytical plant & maintenance process, improvement maintenance, HSE procedures, HRD Policy
  • Male, Maximum 40 years old
  • Have Certificate POP is preferred
  • Willing to be placed on job site PT Darma Henwa Tbk


  • Vocational High School with a major in Mechanical
  • Bachelor degree/Diploma in Mechanical Engineering / Industrial Engineering
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 3 years ( Bachelor degree )
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 7 years ( Diploma )
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 12 years ( SMA/STM )
  • Having excellent analytical plant & maintenance process, improvement maintenance, HSE procedures, HRD Policy
  • Male, Maximum 40 years old
  • Have Certificate POP is preferred
  • Willing to be placed on job site PT Darma Henwa Tbk


  • Vocational High School/Diploma/Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering / Industrial Engineering
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 3 years ( Bachelor degree )
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 7 years ( Diploma )
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 12 years ( SMA/STM )
  • Having excellent analytical plant & maintenance process, improvement maintenance, HSE procedures, HRD Policy
  • Having Certificate POP
  • Only qualified candidates will be processed
  • Willing to be Placed in All site Darma Henwa


  • Diploma / High School or equivalent
  • Bachelor degree in Mining Engineering is preferred
  • Having experience in mining operations minimum 3 years ( Bachelor degree )
  • Having experience in mining operations minimum 7 years ( Diploma )
  • Having experience in mining operations minimum of 12 years ( SMA/STM )
  • Having excellent experience in Mine Planning Implementation, Excavator Operations, Haul Road Design &
  • Maintenance, Truck Operations, Auxiliary Task, Mine Road Maintenance, Pit Service Management, Water
  • Management, HSE Procedure and Regulation, HRD Procedure and Regulation
  • Having the skill to operate tools (KIMPER)
  • Having POP certification is preferred
  • Willing to be placed on job site PT Darma Henwa Tbk


  • Vocational High School/Diploma/Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering / Industrial Engineering
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 3 years ( Bachelor degree )
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 7 years ( Diploma )
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 12 years ( SMA/STM )
  • Having excellent analytical plant & maintenance process, improvement maintenance, HSE procedures, HRD Policy
  • Male, Maximum 40 years old
  • Having Certificate POP is preferred
  • Willing to be placed on job site PT Darma Henwa Tbk


  • Vocational High School/Diploma/Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering / Industrial Engineering
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 3 years ( Bachelor degree )
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 7 years ( Diploma )
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 12 years ( SMA/STM )
  • Having excellent analytical plant & maintenance process, improvement maintenance, HSE procedures, HRD Policy
  • Have Certificate POP is preferred
  • Willing to be placed on job site PT Darma Henwa Tbk


  • Vocational high school / Diploma / Bachelor degree in Electrical / Mechanical Engineering
  • Has a minimum of 3 years of experience as Maintenance Mechanic of Heavy Equipment
  • Understand mining procedure, HSE procedure, HRD procedure, and regulation.
  • Having skill in electrical maintenance & repair of mining heavy equipment.
  • Understand Heavy Equipment Management System.
  • Has a POP certificate.
  • Has a Welding certificate.
  • Willing to be placed on All Site Darma Henwa


  • Vocational high school / Diploma / Bachelor degree in Electrical / Mechanical Engineering
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 3 years ( Bachelor degree )
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 7 years ( Diploma )
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 12 years ( SMA/STM )
  • Having excellent analytical plant & maintenance process, improvement maintenance, HSE procedures, HRD Policy
  • Male, Minimum age 30-year-old maximum 45 year
  • Having Certificate POP
  • Only qualified candidates will be processed
  • Willing to be placed on job site PT Darma Henwa Tbk


  • Vocational High School / Diploma / Bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering / Mechanical Engineering
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 3 years ( Bachelor degree )
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 7 years ( Diploma )
  • Having experience in plant & maintenance mining minimum 12 years ( High School )
  • Having excellent analytical plant & maintenance process, improvement maintenance, HSE procedures, HRD Policy
  • Male, Minimum age 30 years old maximum 45 year
  • Knowing about Computerized Mechanical Management Systems (CMMS)
  • Have an Applied Failure Analysis certificate is preferred
  • Willing to be Placed in All site PT Darma Henwa Tbk

20. Specialist- Learning Center (Code : SLC_NAME)

  • Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering/Psychology/Management
  • Male/Female
  • Working Experience minimum 3 years
  • Must have knowledge of Training Need Analysis and Training Evaluation/Adult Learning Principles (Andragogy)
  • Having good technical skill TOT/TFT
  • Have good communication & attention with detail
  • Only qualified candidates will be processed
  • Willing to be placed in Balikpapan

21. Specialist- Learning Center (Technical) (Code : SLCT_NAME)

  • Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering/Mine Engineering
  • Male/Female
  • Working Experience minimum 3 years
  • Must have knowledge of Mining Backgroud/Experienced in managing operator and mechanic traning/Adult
  • Learning Principles (Andragogy)/Training Need Analysis and Training Evaluation/Preferably Tech Savy, and familiar with Mining Digitization
  • Having good technical skill TOT/TFT
  • Have good communication & attention with detail
  • Only qualified candidates will be processed
  • Willing to be placed in Balikpapan

22. EDP Officer – Critical Breakdown (Code :OCB _NAME)

  • Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering/ Diploma Mechanical Engineering
  • Male (Minimum age 24 years old)
  • Working Experience minimum 3 years
  • Must have knowledge on the basic maintenance of the HEMM Equipment
  • Having good technical skill and have previous experience on maintenance related ERP packages like SAP MM & PM
  • Should have previous experience in vendor management.
  • Demonstrable deadline/time management and task management skill
  • Have good communication & attention with detail
  • Excellent in English
  • Only qualified candidates will be processed
  • Willing to be placed in Balikpapan

23. EDP Officer – Procurement Coordination & Inventory Control (Code : OPCIC_NAME)

  • Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering
  • Male (Minimum age 24 years old)
  • Working Experience minimum 3 years
  • Must have knowledge on spares management and inventory management
  • Having good technical skill and have previous experience on maintenance related ERP packages like SAP MM & PM
  • Should have previous experience in vendor management.
  • Should possess skill in component/ parts overhauling
  • Demonstrable deadline/time management and task management skill
  • Have good communication & attention with detail
  • Excellent in English
  • Only qualified candidates will be processed
  • Willing to be placed in Balikpapan

24. Engineer – Backlog Management and Audit (Code : EBMA_NAME)

  • Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering
  • Male (Minimum age 26 years old)
  • Working Experience minimum 4 years
  • Must have knowledge on reviewing the Backlog Management for all HEMM Equipments
  • Must have knowledge on auditing the HEMM Equipment as per the technical specification and SOPs
  • Having good technical skill and have previous experience in conducting audits for the HEMM Equipment
  • Should have expertise in developing and suggesting corrective action on the basis of audit reports for the HEMM Equipment
  • Have good communication & attention with detail
  • Excellent in English
  • Only qualified candidates will be processed
  • Willing to be placed in Balikpapan

25. Engineer – Critical Breakdown (Code : ECB_NAME)

  • Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering/ Diploma Mechanical Engineering
  • Male (Minimum age 26 years old)
  • Working Experience minimum 4 years
  • Must have knowledge on spare parts management and inventory planning and control
  • Should have knowledge on the critical breakdown maintenance of the HEMM Equipment
  • Having good technical skill and have previous experience on maintenance related ERP packages like SAP MM & PM
  • Should have previous experience in vendor management.
  • Proven ability in storage, maintenance and use of plant and equipment on a loss-preventative basis
  • Demonstrable deadline/time management and task management skill
  • Only qualified candidates will be processed
  • Willing to be placed in Balikpapan

26. Engineer – Maintenance Monitoring (Code : EMM_NAME)

  • Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering
  • Male (Minimum age 26 years old)
  • Working Experience minimum 4 years
  • Must have knowledge on preventive and scheduled maintenance of HEMM Equipments
  • Should have knowledge on spare planning and inventory management
  • Having good technical skill and have previous experience in preparing Maintenance Record and History cards for all HEMM Equipments
  • Should have expertise in planning and implementing preventive, predictive and breakdown maintenance schedules of equipment to ensure minimum breakdown with an increased machine uptime and equipment reliability
  • Excellent in English
  • Only qualified candidates will be processed
  • Willing to be placed in Balikpapan

27. Engineer – Overall Equipment Efficiency (Code :EOEE _NAME)

  • Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering
  • Male (Minimum age 26 years old)
  • Working Experience minimum 4 years
  • Must have knowledge on preventive and scheduled maintenance of HEMM Equipments
  • Should have knowledge on spare planning and inventory management
  • Having good technical skill and have previous experience in Mining Operation with HEMM Maintenance knowledge or vice versa,
  • Should have previous experience in providing End to End Solution for productivity improvement through tools like FMEA, RCA, Condition Monitoring.
  • Excellent in English
  • Only qualified candidates will be processed
  • Willing to be placed in Balikpapan

28. Engineer-Procurement Coordination & Inventory Control (Code : EPCIC_NAME)

  • Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering
  • Male (Minimum age 26 years old)
  • Working Experience minimum 4 years
  • Must have knowledge on spares management and inventory management
  • Having good technical skill and have previous experience on maintenance related ERP packages like SAP MM & PM
  • Should have previous experience in vendor management.
  • Should possess skill in component/ parts overhauling.
  • Demonstrable deadline/time management and task management skill
  • Excellent in English
  • Only qualified candidates will be processed
  • Willing to be placed in Balikpapan

29. Head – Condition Based Monitoring (Code : HCBM_NAME)

  • Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering
  • Male (Minimum age 35 years old)
  • Working Experience minimum 10 years
  • Must have knowledge on the Lubricant selection and Lubrication practices, Lubricant handling and storage inventory management
  • Should have knowledge on selection of Lubrication Equipment and Contamination Control Products
  • Having good technical skill and have work experience on CBM activities and Lubrication preventive maintenance
  • Should have previous experience in Identification of opportunities for repair by monitoring trend of maintenance, Fault codes and analyzing inspection or the HEMM Equipment.
  • Should have previous experience on failure analysis of components as well as financial justification for a repair.
  • Demonstrable deadline/time management and task management skill
  • Excellent in English
  • Only qualified candidates will be processed
  • Willing to be placed in Balikpapan

30. Head – Critical Breakdown (Code : HCB_NAME)

  • Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering
  • Male (Minimum age 38 years old)
  • Working Experience minimum 10 years
  • Must have knowledge on resource planning, monitoring,tracking and maintenance of equipment in the mining companies
  • Should have knowledge on spare parts management and inventory planning and control
  • Should have knowledge on the critical breakdown maintenance of the HEMM Equipment
  • Having good technical skill and have previous experience on maintenance related ERP packages like SAP MM & PM
  • Should have previous experience in vendor management.
  • Proven ability in storage, maintenance and use of plant and equipment on a loss-preventative basis
  • Demonstrable deadline/time management and task management skill
  • Excellent in English
  • Only qualified candidates will be processed
  • Willing to be placed in Balikpapan

31. Head – Procurement Coordination & Inventory Control (Code : PCIC_NAME)

  • Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering
  • Male (Minimum age 35 years old)
  • Working Experience minimum 10 years
  • Must have knowledge on resource planning, monitoring,tracking and maintenance of equipment in the mining companies
  • Should possess knowledge on spares management and inventory management
  • Having good technical skill and have previous experience on maintenance related ERP packages like SAP MM & PM
  • Should have previous experience in vendor management.
  • Should possess skill in component/ parts overhauling
  • Demonstrable deadline/time management and task management skill
  • Excellent in English
  • Only qualified candidates will be processed
  • Willing to be placed in Balikpapan

32. Sr. Engineer – Sub Assembly Planning & Life Monitoring (Code : SAPLM_NAME)

  • Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering
  • Male (Minimum age 28 years old)
  • Working Experience minimum 6 years
  • Must have knowledge on on the OTR Tyre-, Failure Analysis, RCA, CAPA, Quality analysis, Spare part planning & inventory management.
  • Should have knowledge on maintenance of the sub – assemblies and the undercarriage components of the HEMM Equipments
  • Having good technical skill and have previous experience on performing quality maintenance, diagnosis, disassembly, inspections, rebuilds, and reassembly on any brand of sub-components for engines, power trains, hydraulics, fuel systems, power generation, electrical codes, etc.
  • Should have previous experience in analyzing root causes of equipment failures and propose corrective actions.
  • Demonstrable deadline/time management and task management skill
  • Excellent in English
  • Only qualified candidates will be processed
  • Willing to be placed in Balikpapan

33. Logistics leader- Import, Export and Domestic (Code : LLIED_NAME)

  • 10 years experience in import-export and complete logistics
  • Have experience in handling Freight forwarders, Custom clearing agencies, and local transporters
  • Have Knowledge in Contracts
  • Strong knowledge in Global logistics IS A MUST

34. Assessor (Code : ASR_NAME)

  • Minimal education master degree in psychology
  • Have an active SIPP
  • Experience min 2 years as assessor
  • Fresh Industrial & organization psychologists are welcome
  • Excellent in English
  • Willing to be placed in Balikpapan

Bagi Anda yang berminat, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran secara online:
Paling lambat: 19 Januari 2022



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Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi Anda para pencari kerja dan jangan lupa untuk membagikannya kepada teman atau kerabat yang membutuhkan.
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