Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK D3 D4 S1 Terbaru PT Lotte Chemical Indonesia April 2023

Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK D3 D4 S1 Terbaru PT Lotte Chemical Indonesia April 2023

LokerBlog.com (Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK D3 S1 Terbaru April 2023) - Banyak orang yang tidak bisa untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan karena Mereka menginginkan pendapatan yang besar. Padahal untuk mencari suatu pekerjaan apalagi bagi lulusan baru yang sama sekali belum memiliki pengalaman kerja sebaiknya memilih pekerjaan yang membuat anda lebih baik dan membuat anda semakin berkembang. Disini anda akan mencari sebuah pengalaman kerja bukan sebagai sebuah ajang persaingan karena Anda sama sekali belum memiliki pengalaman di dalam dunia kerja. Mau bagaimana pun pekerjaan dengan level yang terendah, Anda harus bersedia untuk menerimanya Karena ini adalah permulaan anda untuk terjun ke dalam dunia kerja di suatu perusahaan. Masa - masa di mana anda sedang mencari pekerjaan adalah ketika anda baru saja lulus dari perkuliahan. Jika anda ingin maju dan mendapatkan jenjang karir yang tinggi di dalam dunia kerja sebaiknya anda pertama - tama mencari pekerjaan terlebih dahulu dengan cara mengirimkan lamaran ke berbagai perusahaan yang sedang membuka seleksi rekrutmen karyawan. Sebaiknya sebelum terjun ke dalam dunia kerja, anda terlebih dahulu mempelajari Bagaimana cara - cara anda agar bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan dengan baik. Jangan hanya memasukkan lamaran asal - asalan ke perusahaan tanpa terlebih dahulu untuk melihat profil dan bagaimana posisi pekerjaan yang anda butuhkan. Sebaiknya lakukan riset terlebih dahulu terhadap perusahaan yang anda lamar dan juga pekerjaan yang anda butuhkan Apakah sudah sesuai dengan kriteria anda. Menjadi seseorang yang tangguh dalam mendapatkan pekerjaan adalah kesiapan anda untuk dapat bersaing dalam menggapai cita - cita. Bagaimanapun Anda harus lebih siap dan berjuang keras untuk mendapatkan sesuatu yang anda harapkan termasuk pekerjaan yang idaman. Pekerjaan idaman dapat membuat anda lebih memiliki tekad yang kuat untuk mau berusaha semaksimal mungkin. Bila anda sudah bekerja dalam pekerjaan idaman, hati anda sangat senang tanpa harus memikirkan tekanan sebab tanggung jawab yang besar akan terasa ringan Apabila dibarengi dengan rasa bahagia.

Lowongan Kerja PT Lotte Chemical Indonesia - PT Lotte Chemical Titan Nusantara (IDX: FPNI) adalah perusahaan yang memproduksi polythylene pertama dan terbesar di Indonesia. Didirikan pada tahun 1990 oleh empat perusahaan besar, BP Chemicals Investmen Limited, Mitsui Co Ltd, Sumitomo Corporation dan PT Arseto Petrokimia. Pada awalnya perusahaan ini dinamakan PT Petrokimia Nusantara Interindo atau PT PENI.

Polythylene (PE) adalah bahan polimer yang paling banyak digunakan di dunia dan sangat mudah dijumpai di kehidupan sehari-hari. Produksi PE pertama kali dilakukan pada tahun 1993 dengan kapasitas produksi 200.000 ton per tahun. Pada tahun berikutnya, perusahaan melakukan ekspansi pertama sehingga kapasitas produksi bertambah 50.000 ton per tahun. Program ekspansi kedua dilakukan pada tahun 1998 dengan tambahan kapasitas produksi 200.000 ton per tahun. Pada tahun 2003, Indika Group mengakuisisi BP, Mitsui dan Sumitomo. Kemudian Indika Group menjual kepemilikan sahamnya pada Titan Petchem (M) SDN Bhd, salah satu anak perusahaan dari Titan Chemicals Corp Sdn. Bhd.

Saat ini PT Lotte Chemical Indonesia kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan April 2023 untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan ditempatkan.

Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang tersedia beserta dengan kualifikasinya saat ini bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir.

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Lotte Chemical Indonesia Tahun 2023


1. Field Operator Utility – Fresh Graduate
Job Responsibilities:
  • Abides by all safety procedures and practices applicable to location and position; participates in appropriate safety training to prevent product contamination, spills and avoid product loss.
  • Follows the instructions of Foreman and Boardman, so that the production process runs smoothly and in accordance with specified standards.
  • Conducts regular sampling according to established procedures and schedules.
  • Patrols the plant area and monitoring all equipment utilities as per work scope (such as RWT, Desalination, Mix bed Polisher, WWT, Compressor Cooling Tower and Flare System).
  • Develops and manages energy and water and utilities usage optimization action plans.
  • Functions as a First Responder for emergency situations inside and outside of facility as assigned.
  • Identifies equipment needs and ensures employees have proper equipment
  • Maintains operations facilities’ appearance; performs inspections; reviews and updates standard operating procedures as assigned; ensures product specifications are met; oversees environmental waste disposal operations as required.
  • Handle process shutdown and start up, and equipment inspection during turn around maintenance.
  • Checks and records in the logsheet plant various local readings all parameters equipment Utilities such as flowrate, pressure, temperature, level, etc and record unusual events after reporting them to Foreman.
  • Assist maintenance work for smooth process operation (Change over Schedule, Filter & STR Cleaning, Lubrication of pump Grease and Oil, Line Unplugging, etc) as per instruction from Boardman
  • TPM Activity (Total Productive Management) including Autonomous Maintenance Coordinator / Administration Office Auditor / Focus Improvement
  • Join other projects related with plant operational such as conduct plant re-HAZOP, implement system for Process Safety Management application, Plant expansion, etc.
  • Troubleshoots processes; proposes improvements, and improvements

  • Min. D3 degree (Chemical Engineering or equivalent) required from reputable University.
  • Max. 2 years’ operation experience in Petrochemicals industries.
  • Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply.
  • Good computer skills (Spread sheet, Process modeling, Word, Excel, Power Point, etc), maintenance various email and internet programs and applications, and other software and databases generally seen in a plant environment.
  • Good integrity, initiatives and team work ability.
  • Have motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure.
  • Have experience about the Project.
  • Willing to work shifts and overtime.
  • Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon).

2. Operator Jetty – Fresh Graduate
Job Responsibilities:
  • Responsible for ensuring, that all activities carried out in the terminal, and tanker jetty areas are undertaken in a safe and environmentally correct manner and striving for zero accidents and near miss
  • Follows the instructions of Foreman and Boardman, so that the process Loading/unloading runs smoothly and in accordance with specified standards.
  • Implement Foreman’s instructions on the following:
  • Monitor Ship to shore and vice versa for interface during loading / unloading vessel operation whilst alongside the jetty.
  • Maintenance jetty logs and ensuring a concise jetty handover is undertaken on shift change to ensure continuity of service and minimize the possibility of errors.
  • Maintain good communication interface between jetty and tank farm during product loading/unloading.
  • Line up procedure, process berthing/un-berthing, and activities prior ship arrival.
  • Handle process shutdown and start-up, and equipment inspection during turnaround maintenance.
  • Follow the operation procedure to deliver safe, reliable jetty operations and comply with company regulations.

  • Min. D3 degree (Chemical or equivalent) required from reputable University.
  • At least 2 years’ operation experience in Petrochemicals industries.
  • Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply.
  • Good computer skills in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point etc),
  • Good integrity, initiatives, and team work ability.
  • Have motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure.
  • Have experience about the Project.
  • Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon).

3. Operator OS Tank – Fresh Graduate
Job Responsibilities:
  • Execute proper and safe operation of equipment used in loading and unloading process, inter tank transfer, feed and receive product from/to other plant using DCS. Interfacing with quality control on problem products and samples.
  • Loading and unloading Vessels and truck.
  • Preparation and inspect piping/valves,pump for proper line up and Preparation of chemicals and injection to the product.
  • Gauge’s petroleum products transferred to and from tanks, trucks, rail cars.
  • Opening and closing valve, Turn on and off the pump, compressor, blower.
  • Assists drivers, performs vessel, truck and rail rack operations duties as assigned.
  • Works diligently and follows all safety requirements to prevent product contamination, spills and avoid product loss.

  • Min. D3 degree (Chemical or equivalent) required from reputable University.
  • Max. 2 years’ operation experience in Petrochemicals industries
  • Fresh Graduates are also welcome to apply.
  • Good computer skills in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point etc).
  • Good integrity, initiatives, and team work ability.
  • Have motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure.
  • Have experience about the Project.
  • Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon).

4. Field Operator OS Tank – Fresh Graduate
Job Responsibilities:
  • Conducts plant troubleshooting and manage day to day production activities.
  • Field patrol & monitoring of maintenance work.
  • Confirms work and entry permits for general, hazardous, and confined space working conditions.
  • Coordinates with maintenance operator follow the operation procedure.
  • Works diligently and follows all safety requirements to prevent product contamination, spills and avoid product loss.
  • Opening and closing valve, Turn on and off the pump, compressor, blower, etc.
  • Daily operational duties include (but are not limited to) loading and unloading of truck and ship, , tank-to-tank transfers, and blending operations, inter plant transfer receive and delivery product.
  • Executing internal transfer for maintain Tank storage level,quality and other purpose related assignment form work order.
  • Preparation and inspect piping/valves,pump for proper line up and Preparation of chemicals and injection to the product.
  • Join other projects related with plant operational such as conduct plant re-HAZOP, implement system for Process Safety Management application, Plant expansion, etc.
  • Reports incidents, safety violations, operational errors, and performance of operators to Foreman.
  • Maintains operations facilities’ appearance; performs inspections; reviews and updates standard operating procedures as assigned; ensures product specifications are met; oversees environmental waste disposal operations as required.
  • Handle process shutdown and start up, and equipment inspection during turn around maintenance.
  • Checks and records in the logsheet plant twice a day various readings such as oil and gas flow temperature and pressure, oil fluid level, electricity, hydraulic system, and record unusual events after reporting them to Foreman.
  • Performs maintenance work for smooth process operation (Filter & STR Cleaning, Lubrication of pump Grease and Oil, Line Unplugging, etc).
  • Conducts regular sampling according to established procedures and schedules.
  • Patrols the plant area and make sure the equipment is operating normally so that there are no unusual conditions.
  • Ensures that all Turnaround/Major Shutdown activities and work orders are carried out effectively in accordance with safety procedures and practices.
  • Performs other duties assigned by management that fall within the generally expected scope of this position.
  • Loading and unloading trucks and ships.
  • Gauge’s petroleum producs transferred to and from tanks, trucks and ship, and sample storage tanks to determine inventory and custody received and/or delivered amount.

  • Min. D3 degree (Chemical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering or equivalent) required from reputable University.
  • Max. 2 years’ operation experience in Petrochemicals industries.
  • Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
  • Good computer skills (Spread sheet, Process modelling, Word, Excel, Power Point, etc),
  • Knowing on Tank operation. Basic ideas about the parts and machineries used in petrochemical/Refinery plant, associated maintenance and inspection activities.
  • Good integrity, initiatives and team work ability.
  • Have motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure.
  • Have experience about the Project.
  • Willing to work shifts and overtime.
  • Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon).

5. Field Operator Jetty – Fresh Graduate
Job Responsibilities:
  • Follows the instructions of Foreman and Boardman, so that the process Loading/unloading runs smoothly and in accordance with specified standards.
  • Implement Foreman’s instructions on the following:
  • Responsible for ensuring, that all activities carried out in the terminal, and tanker jetty areas are undertaken in a safe and environmentally correct manner and striving for zero accidents and near misses.
  • Monitor Ship to shore and vice versa for interface during loading / unloading vessel operation whilst alongside the jetty.
  • Maintenance jetty logs and ensuring a concise jetty handover is undertaken on shift change to ensure continuity of service and minimize the possibility of errors.
  • Maintain good communication interface between jetty and tank farm during product loading/unloading.
  • Line up procedure, process berthing/un-berthing and activities prior ship arrival.
  • Handle process shutdown and start-up, and equipment inspection during turnaround maintenance.
  • Follow the operation procedure to deliver safe, reliable jetty operations and comply with company regulations

  • Min. D3 (Chemical Engineering or equivalent) required from reputable University.
  • Max. 2 years operation experience as a Fieldman related to Petrochemicals industries. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply.
  • Good computer skills in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc),
  • Good integrity, initiative, and teamwork ability.
  • Have motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure.
  • Have experience about the Project.
  • Willing to work shifts and overtime.
  • Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon)

6. Engineer NC – Fresh Graduate
Job Responsibilities:
  • Writes standard operating procedures; ensures adherence to procedures; reviews procedures for improvement opportunities.
  • Operates Plant to produce various products and Impact according to Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).
  • Conduct plant troubleshoots processes; proposes improvements; documents repairs and improvements Submit a report of troubleshoot / optimization to management
  • Issues work and entry permits for general, hazardous, and confined space working conditions; provides lock out, tag out documentation, reports incidents, safety violations, operational errors, and performance of operators to management.
  • Develops and manages energy and water and utilities usage optimization action plans.
  • Troubleshoots processes; proposes improvements; documents repairs and improvements.
  • Joins other projects related with plant operational such as conduct plant re-HAZOP, implement system for Process Safety Management application, Plant expansion, etc.
  • Ensures equipment needs; reports findings to management; coordinates equipment repairs with maintenance team; plans equipment installation.
  • Maintains operations facilities’ appearance; performs inspections; reviews and updates standard operating procedures as assigned; ensures product specifications are met; oversees environmental waste disposal operations as required.
  • Handle process shutdown and start up, and equipment inspection during turn around maintenance.
  • Performs maintenance work for smooth process operation (Filter & STR Cleaning, Lubrication of pump Grease and Oil, Line Unplugging, etc).
  • TPM Activity (Total Productive Management); Autonomous Maintenance Coordinator / Administration Office Auditor / Focus Improvement.
  • Conducts regular sampling according to established procedures and schedules.
  • Ensures that all Turnaround/Major Shutdown activities and work orders are carried out effectively in accordance with safety procedures and practices.
  • Performs other duties assigned by management that fall within the generally expected scope of this position.

  • Min. D4 / Bachelor Degree (Chemical Engineering or equivalent) required from reputable University (Essential).
  • Max. 2 years’ operation experience as a Boardman related to Petrochemicals industries. (Preferential Treatment).
  • Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply.
  • Good computer skills in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc), maintenance various email and internet programs and applications, and other software and databases generally seen in a plant environment.
  • Good integrity, initiatives, and team work ability.
  • Have motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure.
  • Have experience about the Project.
  • Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon).

7. Foreman NC
Job Responsibilities:
  • Enforces plant safety policies; maintains safe work environment; ensures all safety regulations, laws, Company practices, etc. are followed; ensures permit compliance, and reports incidents, safety violations, operational errors to management.
  • Assumes delegated responsibilities of Manager in his or her absence
  • Conduct plant troubleshoots processes; proposes improvements; documents repairs and improvements Submit a report of toubleshoot / optimization to management
  • Manage day to day production activities including responsible for plant shut down and Start up activities
  • Writes standard operating procedures; ensures adherence to procedures; reviews procedures for improvement opportunities, verifies all shifts follow standard operating procedures
  • Supports work improvement activities for site; identifies opportunities for improvement of processes and procedures; plans and implements
  • Develop and manage energy and water and utilities usage optimization action plans
  • Join other projects related with plant operational such as conduct plant re-HAZOP, implement system for Process Safety Management application, Plant expansion, etc.
  • Perform Maintenance work for smooth process operation (Filter & STR Clearing, Lubrication of pump Grease and Oil, Line Unplugging, etc)
  • TPM Activity (Total Productive Management), Autonomous Maintenance Coordinator / Administration Office Auditor / Focus Improvement.
  • Functions as a First Responder for emergency situations inside and outside of facility as assigned.
  • Identifies and ensures equipment needs; reports findings to management; coordinates equipment repairs with maintenance team; plans equipment installation, equipments and tools maintenance schedule.
  • Maintains operations facilities’ appearance; performs inspections; reviews and updates standard operating procedures as assigned; ensures product specifications are met; oversees environmental waste disposal operations as required.
  • Handle process shutdown and start up, and equipment inspection during turn around maintenance.
  • Supervises shift operations staff; coaches, motivates, develops, trains, and evaluates employees
  • Documents employee time records, absenteeism and overtime; sets improvement goals and follows up as required for employee progressions; performs quality checks on all operators; adjusts time in Portal as appropriate
  • Maintains employee training records; ensures all training is current; conducts safety meetings and periodic operational training sessions; collaborates with trainers
  • Keeps plant in a clean and orderly manner; assigns personnel to clean and organize as required
  • Performs other duties assigned by management that fall within the generally expected scope of this position

  • Min. D3 (Chemical Engineering or equivalent) required from reputable University.
  • Min. of 10 years’ operation experience as a boardman related to Petrochemicals industries.
  • Good Computer Skill (Spread sheet, Process modelling, Word, Excel, Power Point etc).
  • Computer skills in Microsoft Office, maintenance various email and internet programs and applications, and other software and databases generally seen in a plant environment.
  • Fluent in English (both written & spoken).
  • Good integrity, initiatives and team work ability.
  • Having motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure.
  • Has experience about the Project.
  • Willing to work shifts and overtime.
  • Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon).

8. Engineer Monomer Lab – Fresh Graduate
Job Responsibilities:
  • Responsible in handling chemical and physical analysis the product.
  • Analyze and recommend improvements to all materials to increase efficiency of all monomer processes.

  • Min. D4 / Bachelor Degree in Chemical Analysis, Chemistry or equivalent.
  • Max. 2 years capacity as a Monomer Lab.
  • Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply.
  • Experience in Laboratory.
  • Strong personal & interpersonal skills.
  • Experience in petrochemical or refinery company.
  • Willing to be placed at Merak Plant (Cilegon).

9. Field Operator Utility
Job Responsibilities:
  • Abides by all safety procedures and practices applicable to location and position; participates in appropriate safety training to prevent product contamination, spills and avoid product loss.
  • Follows the instructions of Foreman and Boardman, so that the production process runs smoothly and in accordance with specified standards.
  • Conducts regular sampling according to established procedures and schedules.
  • Patrols the plant area and monitoring all equipment utilities as per work scope (such as RWT, Desalination, Mix bed Polisher, WWT, Compressor Cooling Tower and Flare System).
  • Develops and manages energy and water and utilities usage optimization action plans.
  • Functions as a First Responder for emergency situations inside and outside of facility as assigned.
  • Identifies equipment needs and ensures employees have proper equipment
  • Maintains operations facilities’ appearance; performs inspections; reviews and updates standard operating procedures as assigned; ensures product specifications are met; oversees environmental waste disposal operations as required.
  • Handle process shutdown and start up, and equipment inspection during turn around maintenance.
  • Checks and records in the logsheet plant various local readings all parameters equipment Utilities such as flowrate, pressure, temperature, level, etc and record unusual events after reporting them to Foreman.
  • Assist maintenance work for smooth process operation (Change over Schedule, Filter & STR Cleaning, Lubrication of pump Grease and Oil, Line Unplugging, etc) as per instruction from Boardman
  • TPM Activity (Total Productive Management) including Autonomous Maintenance Coordinator / Administration Office Auditor / Focus Improvement
  • Join other projects related with plant operational such as conduct plant re-HAZOP, implement system for Process Safety Management application, Plant expansion, etc.
  • Troubleshoots processes; proposes improvements, and improvements

  • Min. D3 degree (Chemical Engineering or equivalent) required from reputable University.
  • At least 4 years’ operation experience in Petrochemicals industries.
  • Good computer skills (Spread sheet, Process modeling, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc), maintenance various email and internet programs and applications, and other software and databases generally seen in a plant environment.
  • Good integrity, initiative, and teamwork ability.
  • Have motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure.
  • Have experience about the Project.
  • Willing to work shifts and overtime.
  • Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon).

10. Field Operator NC
Job Responsibilities:
  • Conducts plant troubleshooting and manage day to day production activities.
  • Follows the instructions of Foreman and Boardman, so that the production process runs smoothly and in accordance with specified standards.
  • Coordinates with maintenance operator follow the operation procedure.
  • Works diligently and follows all safety requirements to prevent product contamination, spills and avoid product loss.
  • Troubleshoots processes; proposes improvements; documents repairs and improvements
  • Join other projects related with plant operational such as conduct plant re-HAZOP, implement system for Process Safety Management application, Plant expansion, etc.
  • Functions as a First Responder for emergency situations inside and outside of facility as assigned.
  • Reports incidents, safety violations, operational errors, and performance of operators to management.
  • Identifies equipment needs; reports findings to management; coordinates equipment repairs with maintenance team; plans equipment installation.
  • Handle process shutdown and start up, and equipment inspection during turn around maintenance.
  • Checks and records in the log sheet plant twice a day various readings such as oil and gas flow temperature and pressure, oil fluid level, electricity, hydraulic system, and record unusual events after reporting them to Foreman
  • Performs maintenance work for smooth process operation (Filter & STR Cleaning, Lubrication of pump Grease and Oil, Line Unplugging, etc).
  • Conducts regular sampling according to established procedures and schedules.
  • Patrols the plant area and make sure the equipment is operating normally so that there are no unusual conditions.
  • Ensures that all Turnaround/Major Shutdown activities and work orders are carried out effectively in accordance with safety procedures and practices.

  • Min. D3 (Chemical Engineering or equivalent) required from reputable University.
  • Min. of 4 years’ operation experience as a Fieldman related to Petrochemicals industries.
  • Good computer skills in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc), maintenance various email and internet programs and applications, and other software and databases generally seen in a plant environment.
  • Good integrity, initiatives and team work ability.
  • Have motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure.
  • Have experience about the Project.
  • Willing to work shifts and overtime.
  • Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon).

11. Foreman Monomer Lab
Job Responsibilities:
  • Works closely with operations personnel for routine analysis and other needs.
  • Make shift base Analysis report
  • Perform basic calibration and maintenance of analytical systems.
  • Implements and maintains G/A, G/C, Polymer test and Water analysis methods and set up; updates methods as required.
  • Maintain all equipment, parts inventory and purchase request in Laboratory.
  • Trains Lab. Technicians.

  • Min. Diploma 3, Bachelor in Chemical Analysis, Chemistry or equivalent.
  • At least 10 years capacity as a petrochemical Lab.
  • Experience in Laboratory.
  • Strong personal & interpersonal skills.
  • Experience in petrochemical or refinery company.
  • Ability to keep track of and report on activity.
  • Willing to work in shift and willing to be placed at Merak Plant (Cilegon).

12. Foreman Utility
Job Responsibilities:
  • Abides by all safety regulations, laws, and company practices applicable to location and position; participates in appropriate safety training.
  • Writes and reviews standard operating procedures; operates plant to produce various products and impact according to Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).
  • Identifies equipment needs; reports findings to management; coordinates equipment repairs with maintenance team; plans equipment installation.
  • Functions as a First Responder for emergency situations inside and outside of the facility as assigned.
  • Lead the Utility shift team, have knowledge and understanding of the process and equipment Utility (such as RWT, Desalination, Mix bed Polisher, WWT, Boiler Feed Water System, Compressor, IA/PA, Cooling Tower and Flare System) ensures that the necessary immediate corrective action is taken to prevent production loss.
  • Writing and approval of work permit, Environmental pollution and safety management work, Identifying and reporting on-site waste generation status.
  • Develops and manages energy and water and utility usage optimization action plans.
  • Handle process shutdown and start-up, and equipment inspection during turnaround maintenance.
  • Maintains operations facilities’ appearance; performs inspections; reviews and updates standard operating procedures as assigned; ensures product specifications are met; oversees environmental waste disposal operations as required, maintains and control Utility Logsheet and assist in maintaining shift log all process parameter.
  • Performs and informs maintenance schedule work to for smooth process operation (Change over schedule, Filter & STR Cleaning, Lubrication of pump Grease and Oil, Line Unplugging, etc).
  • Joins other projects related to plant operations such as conducting plant re-HAZOP, implementing system for Process Safety Management application, Plant expansion, etc.
  • Troubleshoots processes; proposes improvements; documents repairs and improvements.

  • Min. D3 degree (Chemical Engineering or equivalent) required from reputable University.
  • At least 10 years’ operation experience as a Foreman related to Petrochemicals industries.
  • Good computer skills in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc), maintenance various email and internet programs and applications, and other software and databases generally seen in a plant environment.
  • Good integrity, initiatives, and team work ability.
  • Have motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure.
  • Have experience about the Project.
  • Willing to work shifts and overtime.
  • Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon).

13. Field Operator OS Tank
Job Responsibilities:
  • Abides by all safety procedures and practices applicable to location and position;
  • Conducts plant troubleshooting and manage day to day production activities.
  • Follows the instructions of Foreman and Boardman, so that the production process runs smoothly and in accordance with specified standards.
  • Field patrol & monitoring of maintenance work.
  • Works diligently and follows all safety requirements to prevent product contamination, spills and avoid product loss.
  • Perform preventative and general maintenance on meters, valves, tanks, pumps, compresor.
  • Responsible for day to day Operation Tank activities (Raw material/Product movement, loading/unloading, Preventive maintenance).
  • Identifies equipment needs; reports findings to management; coordinates equipment repairs with maintenance team; plans equipment installation.
  • Handle process shutdown and start up, and equipment inspection during turn around maintenance.
  • Checks and records in the logsheet plant twice a day various readings such as oil and gas flow temperature and pressure, oil fluid level, electricity, hydraulic system, and record unusual events after reporting them to Foreman.
  • Performs maintenance work for Filter & STR Cleaning, Lubrication of pump Grease and Oil, Line Unplugging, etc.
  • Creates, verifies, and analyses, approves job Permits to work and daily sample.
  • Conducts regular sampling according to established procedures and schedules.
  • Ensures that all Turnaround/Major Shutdown activities and work orders are carried out effectively in accordance with safety procedures and practices.
  • Loading and unloading trucks and ships.

  • Min. D3 (Chemical Engineering or equivalent) required from reputable University.
  • Min. of 4 years’ operation experience as a Fieldman related to Petrochemicals industries.
  • Good computer skills in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc), maintenance various email and internet programs and applications, and other software and databases
  • Good integrity, initiatives and team work ability.
  • Should have clear idea on tank operation. Basic ideas about the parts and machineries used in petrochemical/Refinery plant, associated maintenance and inspection activities.
  • Have motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure.
  • Have experience about the Project.
  • Willing to work shifts and overtime.
  • Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon).

14. Field Operator Jetty
Job Responsibilities:
  • Follows the instructions of Foreman and Boardman, so that the process Loading/unloading runs smoothly and in accordance with specified standards.
  • Implement Foreman’s instructions on the following:
  • Responsible for ensuring, that all activities carried out in the terminal, and tanker jetty areas are undertaken in a safe and environmentally correct manner and striving for zero accidents and near misses.
  • Monitor Ship to shore and vice versa for interface during loading / unloading vessel operation whilst alongside the jetty.
  • Maintenance jetty logs and ensuring a concise jetty handover is undertaken on shift change to ensure continuity of service and minimize the possibility of errors.
  • Maintain good communication interface between jetty and tank farm during product loading/unloading.
  • Line up procedure, process berthing/un-berthing, and activities prior ship arrival.
  • Handle process shutdown and start-up, and equipment inspection during turnaround maintenance.
  • Follow the operation procedure to deliver safe, reliable jetty operations and comply with company regulations

  • Min. D3 (Chemical Engineering or equivalent) required from reputable University.
  • Min. of 4 years operation experience as a Fieldman related to Petrochemicals industries.
  • Good computer skills in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc),
  • Good integrity, initiative, and teamwork ability.
  • Have motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure.
  • Have experience about the Project.
  • Willing to work shifts and overtime.
  • Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon)

15. Asst. Foreman Polymer Lab
Job Responsibilities:
  • Responsible in handling chemical and physical analysis the product.
  • Make shift base Analysis report
  • Analyze and recommend improvements to all materials to increase efficiency of all monomer processes.
  • Checks equipment; Conducts and records calibrations & checks of various laboratory equipment as necessary
  • Sets up and conducts chemical experiments, tests, and analyses using techniques such as chromatography, spectroscopy, physical and chemical separation techniques, microscopy and water analysis and Polymer tests.
  • Collect sample according to Sample Plan.

  • Min Diploma 3, Bachelor in Chemical Analysis, Chemistry or equivalent.
  • At least 8 years capacity as a Polymer Lab.
  • Experience in Laboratory.
  • Strong personal & interpersonal skills.
  • Experience in petrochemical or polymer company.
  • Willing to work in shift and willing to be placed at Merak Plant (Cilegon).

16. Foreman Jetty
Job Responsibilities:
  • Supervise Loading & Unloading activity while the vessel is berthed at the jetty.
  • Monitor Loading & Unloading operation of vessels and ensure they comply with HSE standard, along with all appropriate International standard such as the International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminal (ISGOTT).
  • Identify potential damage/hazards during operational process and carry out handling in accordance with established procedures, including coordinating with maintenance parties for handling equipment problems.
  • Monitor Ship to shore and vice versa for interface during loading / unloading vessel operation whilst alongside the jetty.
  • Maintain good communication interface between jetty and tank farm during product loading/unloading.
  • Familiar with operating (Unloading), (Loading), Fire Fighting system, Engine pumps, Foam system, Foam generators, and HAZOP for the terminal Petroleum.

  • Min. D3 (Chemical engineering or equivalent) from reputable University.
  • Minimum of 10 years’ experience related to Petrochemicals industries.
  • Good Computer Skill (Spread sheet, Process modelling, Word, Excel, Power Point, etc).
  • Computer skills in Microsoft Office, maintenance various email and internet programs and applications, and other software and databases generally seen in a plant environment.
  • Fluent in English (both written & spoken).
  • Good integrity, initiatives and team work ability.
  • Having motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure.
  • Has experience about the Project.
  • Willing to work in shifts and overtime.
  • Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon).

17. Engineer Polymer Lab – Fresh Graduate
Job Responsibilities:
  • Responsible in handling chemical and physical analysis the product.
  • Analyze and recommend improvements to all materials to increase efficiency of all monomer processes.

  • Min. Bachelor Degree in Chemical Analysis, Chemistry or equivalent.
  • Max. 2 years capacity as a Polymer Lab.
  • Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply.
  • Experience in Laboratory.
  • Strong personal & interpersonal skills.
  • Experience in petrochemical or refinery company.
  • Willing to be placed at Merak Plant (Cilegon).

18. Asst. Foreman Utility
Job Responsibilities:
  • Abides by all safety regulations, laws, company practices applicable to location and position
  • Writes and reviews SOP, and operates plant to produce various products and impact according to Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).
  • Identifies equipment needs.
  • Functions as a First Responder for emergency situations inside and outside of facility as assigned.
  • Back up Foreman for Implementation of environment training and process for members.
  • Back up for Lead the Utility shift team, have knowledge of Utility (such as RWT, Desalination, Mix bed Polisher, WWT, Boiler Feed Water System, Compressor, IA/PA, Cooling Tower and Flare System)
  • Back up Foreman for comprehensive and reporting of daily work status
  • Develops and manages energy and water and utilities usage optimization action plans.
  • Handle process shutdown and start-up, and equipment inspection during turnaround maintenance.
  • Maintains operations facilities’ appearance; ensures product specifications are met; oversees environmental waste disposal operations as required, maintains and controls Utility Logsheet and assist in maintaining shift log all process parameter.
  • Performs and informs maintenance schedule work for process operation (Change over schedule, Filter & STR Cleaning, Lubrication of pump Grease and Oil, Line Unplugging, etc).
  • Joins other projects related to plant operations such as conducting plant re-HAZOP, Plant expansion, etc.
  • Troubleshoots processes; proposes improvements; documents repairs and improvements.

  • Min. D3 degree (Chemical Engineering or equivalent) required from reputable University.
  • At least 8 years’ operation experience in Petrochemicals industries.
  • Good computer skills (Spread sheet, Process modeling, Word, Excel, Power Point, etc), maintenance various email and internet programs and applications, and other software and databases generally seen in a plant environment.
  • Good integrity, initiative, and teamwork ability.
  • Have motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure.
  • Have experience about the Project.
  • Willing to work shifts and overtime.
  • Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon).

19. Sr. Operator OS Tank
Job Responsibilities:
  • Abides by all safety procedures and practices applicable to location and position; participates in appropriate safety training.
  • Performs other duties assigned by management that fall within the generally expected scope of this position.
  • Conducts plant troubleshooting and manage day to day production activities.
  • Follows the instructions of Foreman and Boardman, so that the production process runs smoothly and in accordance with specified standards.
  • Field patrol & monitoring of maintenance work.
  • Confirms work and entry permits for general, hazardous, and confined space working conditions.
  • Coordinates with maintenance operator follow the operation procedure.
  • Monitors pumps and other equipment operations, initiates maintenance work orders when necessary, and prepares equipment for maintenance works and re-commissions equipment after maintenance.
  • Issues work and entry permits for general, hazardous, and confined space working conditions; provides lock out, tag out documentation.
  • Writes standard operating procedures; ensures adherence to procedures; reviews procedures for improvement opportunities.
  • Develops and manages energy and water and utilities usage optimization action plans.
  • Troubleshoots processes; proposes improvements; documents repairs and improvements
  • Join other projects related with plant operational such as conduct plant re-HAZOP, implement system for Process Safety Management application, Plant expansion, etc.
  • Functions as a First Responder for emergency situations inside and outside of facility as assigned.
  • Maintains operations facilities’ appearance; performs inspections; reviews and updates standard operating procedures as assigned; ensures product specifications are met; oversees environmental waste disposal operations as required.
  • Ensures employees have proper equipment; keeps complete inventory and maintenance schedule of all equipment including vehicles, tools, portable radios, and dedicated hoses.
  • Handle process shutdown and start up, and equipment inspection during turn around maintenance.
  • Checks and records in the logsheet plant twice a day various readings such as oil and gas flow temperature and pressure, oil fluid level, electricity, hydraulic system, and record unusual events after reporting them to Forman.
  • Conducts regular sampling according to established procedures and schedules.
  • Ensures that all Turnaround/Major Shutdown activities and work orders are carried out effectively in accordance with safety procedures and practices.

  • Min. D3 (Chemical or equivalent) required from reputable University.
  • SMK / Vocational High School (Chemical) graduated with minimum 4 years working experience are allowed to apply.
  • Should have clear idea on tank operation. Basic ideas about the parts and machineries used in petrochemical/Refinery plant, associated maintenance and inspection activities.
  • Skilled in Permit to Work system and HSE requirements for issuing permits for field maintenance work
  • Knowledge of field operations problem identification and analysis, troubleshooting and problem solving in tank operation and Loading operation or equivalent.
  • Good computer skills in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point etc)
  • Good integrity, initiatives, and team work ability.
  • Have motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure.
  • Have experience about the Project.
  • Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon).

20. Boardman Utility
Job Responsibilities:
  • Abides by all safety procedures and practices applicable to location and position.
  • Operates Plant to produce various products and Impact according to Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).
  • Function as a First Responder for related emergency situation inside and outside of facility as assigned.
  • Works flexibly in the field and panel rooms and direct supervise for radio instruction and coordination in Field Operations such as making manual adjustment of valves and other equipment.
  • Monitoring all operational and troubleshooting in Utility (such as RWT, Desalination, Mix bed Polisher, WWT, Compressor, IA/PA, Cooling Tower and Flare System).
  • Controlling and monitor Process through DCS, so that the production process run smoothly and safe in accordance with specified standards.
  • Issue work and entry permits for general, hazardous, and confined space working conditions; provides lock out, tag out documentation.
  • Develop and manage energy and water and utilities usage optimization action plans.
  • Troubleshoot process; proposed improvement; SOP repair and improvement.
  • Join other projects related with plant operational such as conduct plant re-HAZOP, implement system for Process Safety Management application, Plant expansion, etc.
  • Identifies equipment needs; reports findings; coordinate equipment repairs with maintenance team.
  • Maintain operation facilities appearance; perform process inspection; review and update standard operating procedures as assigned; ensures product specification are met; oversee environmental waste disposal operations as required.
  • Handle process shutdown and start-up, and equipment inspection during turn around maintenance.
  • Checks and records in the logsheet plant various readings ,all process parameter condition in DCS Utility such as flowrate, pressure, temperature, level, etc through displays, graphics and trend logs and record unusual events after reporting them to Foreman.
  • Performs and inform maintenance schedule work to for smooth process operation (Change over schedule, Filter & STR Cleaning, Lubrication of pump Grease and Oil, Line Unplugging, etc).
  • Ensures that all Turnaround/Major Shutdown activities and work orders are carried out effectively in accordance with safety procedures and practices.

  • Min. D3 degree (Chemical Engineering or equivalent) required from reputable University.
  • At least 5-8 years operation experience as a Boardman related to UT section Petrochemicals industries.
  • Good computer skills in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc), maintenance various email and internet programs and applications, and other software and databases generally seen in a plant environment.
  • Good integrity, initiatives, and team work ability.
  • Have motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure.
  • Have experience about the Project.
  • Willing to work shifts and overtime.
  • Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon).

21. Boardman NC
Job Responsibilities:
  • Abides by all safety procedures and practices applicable to location and position; participates in appropriate safety training; reports incidents, safety violations, operational errors, and performance of operators to management.
  • Creates, verifies, analyzes and approves job Permits to work and daily sample; issues work and entry permits for general, hazardous, and confined space working conditions; provides lock out, tag out documentation.
  • Writes standard operating procedures; ensures adherence to procedures; reviews procedures for improvement opportunities.
  • Works flexibly in the field and panel rooms with Control Room Operators and Direct Supervisors for radio instruction and coordination in Field Operations such as making manual adjustment of valves and other equipment.
  • Troubleshoots processes; proposes improvements; documents repairs and improvements.
  • Maintains operations facilities’ appearance; performs inspections; reviews and updates standard operating procedures as assigned; ensures product specifications are met; oversees environmental waste disposal operations as required.
  • Checks and records in the log sheet plant twice a day various readings such as oil and gas flow temperature and pressure, oil fluid level, electricity, hydraulic system, and record unusual events after reporting them to Foreman.
  • Performs maintenance work for smooth process operation (Filter & STR Cleaning, Lubrication of pump Grease and Oil, Line Unplugging, etc).
  • Identifies equipment needs; reports findings to management; coordinates equipment repairs with maintenance team; plans equipment installation.
  • Patrols the plant area and make sure the equipment is operating normally so that there are no unusual conditions.
  • Ensures that all Turnaround/Major Shutdown activities and work orders are carried out effectively in accordance with safety procedures and practices.
  • Performs other duties assigned by management that fall within the generally expected scope of this position.

  • Min. D3 (Chemical Engineering or equivalent) required from reputable University.
  • Min. of 5 – 8 years’ operation experience as a Boardman related to Petrochemicals industries.
  • Good computer skills in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc), maintenance various email and internet programs and applications, and other software and databases generally seen in a plant environment.
  • Good integrity, initiatives, and team work ability.
  • Have motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure.
  • Have experience about the Project.
  • Willing to work shifts and overtime.
  • Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon).

22. Boardman OS Tank
Job Responsibilities:
  • Abides by all safety procedures and practices applicable to location and position; participates in appropriate safety training; reports incidents, safety violations, operational errors, and performance of operators to management.
  • Creates, verifies, analyzes and approves job Permits to work and daily sample; issues work and entry permits for general, hazardous, and confined space working conditions; provides lock out, tag out documentation.
  • Writes standard operating procedures; ensures adherence to procedures; reviews procedures for improvement opportunities.
  • Works flexibly in the field and panel rooms with Control Room Operators and Direct Supervisors for radio instruction and coordination in Field Operations such as making manual adjustment of valves and other equipment.
  • Troubleshoots processes; proposes improvements; documents repairs and improvements.
  • Maintains operations facilities’ appearance; performs inspections; reviews and updates standard operating procedures as assigned; ensures product specifications are met; oversees environmental waste disposal operations as required.
  • Checks and records in the log sheet plant twice a day various readings such as oil and gas flow temperature and pressure, oil fluid level, electricity, hydraulic system, and record unusual events after reporting them to Foreman.
  • Performs maintenance work for smooth process operation (Filter & STR Cleaning, Lubrication of pump Grease and Oil, Line Unplugging, etc).
  • Identifies equipment needs; reports findings to management; coordinates equipment repairs with maintenance team; plans equipment installation.
  • Patrols the plant area and make sure the equipment is operating normally so that there are no unusual conditions.
  • Ensures that all Turnaround/Major Shutdown activities and work orders are carried out effectively in accordance with safety procedures and practices.
  • Performs other duties assigned by management that fall within the generally expected scope of this position.
  • Loading and Unloading trucks, and gauge petroleum products transfered to and from tanks and trucks.

  • Min. D3 (Chemical or equivalent) required from reputable University.
  • Min. 5-8 years of experience related to Petrochemicals industries
  • Good computer skills in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point etc), maintenance various email and internet programs and applications, and other software and databases
  • Ability to control equipment operation and systems.
  • Good knowledge and application of scientific process to resolve problems.
  • Should have clear idea on tank operation. Basic ideas about the parts and machineries used in petrochemical/Refinery plant, associated maintenance and inspection activities.
  • Good integrity, initiatives, and team work ability.
  • Have motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure.
  • Have experience about the Project.
  • Willing to work shifts and overtime
  • Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon)

23. Sr. Engineer Monomer Lab
Job Responsibilities
  • Responsible to supervise of testing implementation in Microbiology Laboratory are in accordance with Laboratory Quality Management System and other system implement by company.
  • Maintain all equipment, parts inventory and purchase request in Microbiology Laboratory.

  • Min. Bachelor Degree in Chemical Analysis, Chemistry or equivalent.
  • At least 10 years capacity as a Monomer Lab.
  • Experience in Laboratory.
  • Strong personal & interpersonal skills.
  • Experience in petrochemical or refinery company.

24. Boardman Jetty
Job Responsibilities:
  • Monitor all process Loading/Unloading parameter conditions such as flow rates, pressures, temperature, etc, through display, graphic, and trend logs.
  • Makes minor plant adjustments when necessary and reports any serious faults to the superior with appropriate remedial actions, implement immediately the approved actions, procedure, and standard emergency responses.
  • Assist in studying the problem and issues arising in the operation and process to identify suitable remedial measures.
  • Identify and investigate the fault and inform the concerned department, for remedial action.
  • Follows the instructions of Foreman, so that the process Loading/Unloading runs smoothly
  • Works diligently and follows all safety requirements to prevent product contamination, spills and avoid product loss.
  • Co-ordinate and Tank Farm team for troubleshooting of equipment breakdown
  • Familiar with operating (Unloading), (Loading), Fire Fighting system, Engine pumps, Foam system, Foam generators, and Hazop for the terminal Petroleum.

  • Min. D3 (Chemical or equivalent) required from reputable University.
  • Min. 5-8 years of experience related to Petrochemicals industries
  • Good computer skills in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point etc), maintenance various email and internet programs and applications, and other software and databases generally seen in a plant environment.
  • Good integrity, initiatives, and team work ability.
  • Have motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure.
  • Have experience about the Project.
  • Willing to work shifts and overtime
  • Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon).

25. Sr. Engineer OS Tank
Job Responsibilities:
  • Trains all environmental regulations, requirements and guidelines including ; follows and adheres to all guidelines, regulations, and requirements
  • Enforces plant safety policies; maintains safe work environment; ensures all safety regulations, laws, Company practices, etc. are followed; ensures permit compliance
  • Plant Safety Coordinator (capable to conduct HAZOP, and Safe Work Permit)
  • Coordinate with vendor/third party to conduct plant improvement
  • Develop new Education document and report, Process document (material balance, P&ID, alarm & set point list, etc)
  • Plan, organizes, leads, and controls of Commissioning, Start-up, operation and runability of operation.
  • Monitor operation of raw material to Process Plants, reception of rundown streams from Process Plants into designated tanks, and initiate corrective actions in case of any deviations from normal operation as per SOP.
  • Standardizes procedures; controls maintenance schedule; assigns work.
  • Conduct plant troubleshooting and manage day to day production activities.
  • Responsible for plant shut down and Start up activities.
  • Writes standard operating procedures; ensures adherence to procedures; reviews procedures for improvement opportunities
  • Verifies all shifts follow standard operating procedures
  • Develop and manage energy and water and utilities usage optimization action plans.
  • Join other projects related with plant operational such as conduct plant re-HAZOP, implement system for Process Safety Management application, Plant expansion, etc.
  • Handled are Product : Naphtha, Ethylene, Propylene, C4s, BTX and etc. and various tank type: External floating roof tank, Double wall tank, spherical tank, ATM Tank, Cone roof tank.

  • Bachelor’s degree (Chemical engineering or equivalent) from reputable University.
  • Minimum of 10 years’ experience related to Petrochemicals industries.
  • Good Computer Skill (Spread sheet, Process modelling, Word, Excel, Power point etc).
  • Computer skills in Microsoft Office, maintenance various email and internet programs and applications, and other software and databases.
  • Fluent in English (both written & spoken).
  • Practical hands-on approach to problem solving and experience in Project.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, time management skills.
  • Evaluate staff performance and provide training where necessary.
  • Should have clear idea on tank operation. Basic ideas about the parts and machineries used in petrochemical/Refinery plant, associated maintenance and inspection activities.
  • Skilled in Permit to Work system and HSE requirements for issuing permits for field maintenance work
  • Good integrity, initiatives and team work ability.
  • Having motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure.
  • Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon).

Bagi Anda yang berminat, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran secara online:
[PENDAFTARAN]Field Operator Utility - Fresh Graduate
[PENDAFTARAN] -  Operator Jetty - Fresh Graduate
[PENDAFTARAN] -  Operator OS Tank - Fresh Graduate
[PENDAFTARAN] -  Field Operator OS Tank - Fresh Graduate
[PENDAFTARAN] -  Field Operator Jetty - Fresh Graduate
[PENDAFTARAN] -  Engineer NC - Fresh Graduate
[PENDAFTARAN] -  Engineer Monomer Lab - Fresh Graduate
[PENDAFTARAN] -  Field Operator Utility
[PENDAFTARAN] -  Field Operator NC
[PENDAFTARAN] -  Foreman Monomer Lab
[PENDAFTARAN] -  Foreman Utility
[PENDAFTARAN] -  Field Operator OS Tank
[PENDAFTARAN] -  Field Operator Jetty
[PENDAFTARAN] -  Asst. Foreman Polymer Lab
[PENDAFTARAN] -  Foreman Jetty
[PENDAFTARAN] -  Engineer Polymer Lab - Fresh Graduate
[PENDAFTARAN] -  Asst. Foreman Utility
[PENDAFTARAN] -  Sr. Operator OS Tank
[PENDAFTARAN] -  Boardman Utility
[PENDAFTARAN] -  Boardman NC
[PENDAFTARAN] -  Boardman OS Tank
[PENDAFTARAN] -  Sr. Engineer Monomer Lab
[PENDAFTARAN] -  Boardman Jetty
[PENDAFTARAN] -  Sr. Engineer OS Tank



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