LokerBlog.com (Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK D3 S1 Terbaru Juli 2023) - Memiliki talenta dan bakat yang lebih merupakan sebuah kebanggaan bagi setiap orang ketika mencari sebuah pekerjaan. Mereka yang memiliki bakat sudah tentu lebih mudah dapat bersaing dan gampang mendapatkan pekerjaan dalam dunia kerja. Tetapi bagaimana bagi mereka yang belum juga memiliki kemampuan bahkan bakat tersendiri? Jangan takut ataupun menyerah karena semua keahlian dan skill yang anda miliki dapat diasah kalau memang benar - benar Anda memiliki kemauan dan keinginan yang kuat untuk belajar. Banyak orang - orang yang sukses walaupun tidak memiliki bakat tersendiri tetapi dengan keinginan serta tekad yang kuat yang membuat dia mampu untuk berhasil. Dalam dunia kerja orang - orang yang seperti inilah yang memiliki pengorbanan dan keinginan yang kuat untuk dapat menjadi yang terbaik. Pernahkah anda merasakan bahwa kegagalan membuat kecewa membuat anda putus asa dalam mendapatkan pekerjaan. Padahal dengan anda mengalami kegagalan dalam mencari pekerjaan bukan berarti akhir dari segalanya tetapi awal dari pembelajaran anda untuk dapat menjadi lebih baik lagi. Jika anda ingin tumbuh dan menjadi seorang calon pelamar yang memiliki kualitas dan kompetensi yang baik, segera keluar dari rasa kecewa anda dan lakukan apa yang perlu Anda lakukan seperti mempelajari semua Di mana letak kekurangan anda. Jika anda terus berlarut - larut dengan kekecewaan karena tidak mendapatkan pekerjaan, maka anda sampai kapanpun tidak akan memperoleh keberhasilan itu. Tetapi jika anda menganggap kegagalan itu sebagai pembelajaran awal anda untuk terus berjuang dan mendapatkan yang lebih baik. Memiliki kompetensi dan Sumber Daya Manusia yang baik dapat menjadi modal dasar anda untuk dapat mencari sebuah pekerjaan. Ketika melakukan beberapa percobaan dalam mencari pekerjaan walaupun Anda ditolak, yang paling penting adalah sabar dan tetap terus berpegang teguh bahwa anda sedang berkompetensi untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan. Carilah pekerjaan yang betul - betul membuat anda lebih senang dan tanpa adanya tekanan. Karena semua yang anda Dapatkan termasuk pekerjaan harus membuat anda merasa lebih bahagia. Sudah tentu pekerjaan yang baik tersebut sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan kriteria yang anda miliki.

Lowongan Kerja PT Adaro Energy Tbk - PT Adaro Energy Tbk dan anak-anak perusahaannya dibidang pertambangan dan perdagangan batu bara, usaha logistik dan infrastruktur batubara, jasa kontraktor pertambangan, dan konstruksi & pengelolaan pembangkit listrik. Melalui anak perusahaan Adaro Indonesia, perusahaan ini mengoperasikan sebuah konsesi di Kalimantan Selatan (lokasi pertambangan utama Adaro Energy) melibatkan tiga tambang: Tutupan, Wara dan Paringin. Batu bara yang diproduksi di tambang-tambang ini sebagian besar disuplai ke pembangkit-pembangkit tenaga listrik kelas tinggi baik di Indonesia maupun di seluruh dunia. Adaro Energy juga memiliki aset-aset pertambangan di Sumatra Selatan, Kalimantan Tengah dan Kalimantan Timur.
Perusahaan ini, yang memulai kegiatan komersilnya di Indonesia pada tahun 1992, adalah salah satu dari lima eksportir tebesar untuk pengiriman batu bara termal dunia via laut dan suplier terbesar untuk pasar domestik Indonesia. Adaro Energy menghasilkan batu bara tipe sub-bituminous yang dikenal dengan nama Envirocoal.
Karena industri pertambangan batubara telah diterpa harga batubara rendah sejak akhir tahun 2000-an, Adaro Energy semakin terfokus pada sektor pembangkit listrik melalui pembangunan pembangkit listrik tenaga batu bara. Mengingat perusahaan ini mempunyai akses ke cadangan batu bara yang besar dan permintaan Indonesia untuk listrik makin naik, segmen bisnis pembangkit listrik diharapkan menjadi aset berharga bagi Adaro Energy karena menyediakan pendapatan dan arus kas yang stabil, mengimbangi dampak negatif dari harga batu bara yang volatil.
Saat ini PT Adaro Energy Tbk kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan Juli 2023 untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan ditempatkan.
Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang tersedia beserta dengan kualifikasinya saat ini bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir.
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Adaro Energy Tbk Tahun 2023
1. Tax Compliance Officer
- Assist in checking the compliance, correctness and accuracy in tax calculation/payment/reporting
- Assist in preparing tax payments and ensure timely tax reporting
- Assist to provide data for tax audit purpose
- Assist to prepare data and forms for annual corporate income tax
- Bachelor Degree majoring in Accounting / Taxation with minimum GPA 3.00
- Min 4 years experience as Tax Staff, preferably from Tax Consulting Firm
- Competencies: Tax Regulation and Procedures, e-SPT, Tax Calculation, and Tax Compliance
- Detail oriented, discipline, responsible, able to work individually or as part of the team.
2. Tax Project Officer
- To analyze the impact of the regulation development in taxation and industry, so the update information can be used to update about provision, and to give input also advice about tax area for Adaro subsidiaries.
- To analyze Contracts and document transactions so the data can be used to determine the risk of taxation and tax treatment in accordance with the applicable provisions.
- To conduct a review all fiscal and taxation reports from Adaro subsidiaries, so the report can be used to prepare recommendations.
- To gather information related to regulations in the areas of taxation and / or relating to the areas of taxation so it can be used to identify tax issues for the company.
- To collect and prepare material for all project implementation plan in Adaro subsidiaries.
- To do the documentation and filing tax documents pertaining to the analysis, a review, updates, input, advice, and recommendations of taxation.
- Minimum Bachelor Degree majoring Accounting / Taxation from reputable university, with minimum GPA 3.00
- Minimum 1 years experience in the tax area, preferably from public tax firm.
- Having excellent knowledge about Tax Regulation.
- Having good knowledge about Tax Policy & Procedures.
- Having good analytical thinking.
- Fluent in English.
3. Budgeting Officer
- Supporting the development, formulation, monitoring and reporting budget companies by providing budget data and coordinate with the necessary resources to support the smooth operation of the company.
- Gather the annual budget of income and expenditure of all work units for the purposes of the preparation of the annual budget of the company.
- Supporting activity budget compilation of the entire department for the purposes of the budget estimates of the overall company.
- Entering data compilation of the entire department budget to the Finance & Accounting database system to estimate the overall company budget.
- Provide supporting data for analysis company budget assumptions based on data and / or facts.
- Ensuring the availability of data to support the preparation of the company budget so that reporting is accurate and timely.
- Bachelor degree from Economic majoring Accounting, min GPA 3.00
- Min. 3 years experience, preferably from Public Accountant background
- Having knowledge about Financial Planning & Budgeting
- Having knowledge about Financial Analyst
- Having knowledge about Accounting Control
- Fluent in English is a must
4. Management Reporting Officer
- Prepare reports required by management and reports required for government agencies (which are determined in accordance with existing regulations – as well as new reports requested with new regulations in the future) accurately and in accordance with standards and policies that apply internally and externally to Adaro and can reported on time according to the specified schedule.
- Collect assist CFO Reports from all subsidiaries of the Adaro Group and conduct a brief analysis for CFOs of these subsidiaries whether the records are in accordance with the policies determined by the Group.
- perform reconciliations and special relationships between subsidiaries so that journal elimination can be carried out precisely and accurately (either manually through the SAP BPC system).
- CFO report Consolidated report every month in accordance with the policies determined by the Group.
- Involved in the implementation of the SAP BPC budget consolidation and planning system to ensure that the system can accommodate the consolidation needs of the Adaro Group and the reports produced are in accordance with applicable standards and policies.
- Coordinate with other divisions of the Adaro Group in preparing report data such as LKTP, LKPM, LLD and other relevant government agencies related to data prepared in accordance with applicable regulations.
- Bachelor Degree in Accounting
- Minimum 4 years of experience in Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A), Financial Reporting and Financial Management, or have work experience in accounting firm
- Strong competencies in Financial Statement Analysis and Accounting Control
- Strong analytical thinking
- Good communication skill
5. ESG Manager
- Assist the Division Head in drafting the ESG roadmap.
- Assist in coordinating with related Divisions within the Group regarding ESG initiatives and disclosures.
- Together with the Division Head, prepare a narrative related to ESG which can be submitted to externals/stakeholders.
- Assisting the Corporate Finance Division and IR Division in one on one meetings or conferences with investors/analysts/bankers to convey the Company’s ESG initiatives.
- Able to make presentations and tell stories regarding the Company’s ESG.
- Conduct analysis on Assessments conducted by ESG rating agencies (MSCI ESG, Sustainalytics, etc.), identify things that must be done for improvement and package this information in a presentation material.
- Conduct analysis to improve the quality of the Sustainability Report and learn more about the TCFD approach so that it can be applied to the Company in the future.
- Assist Division Head in preparing materials and scheduling for quarterly meetings with the Sustainability Committee.
- Always research and learn about developments and demands regarding ESG.
- Bachelor degree, preferably Master’s degree in Commerce/Business/Law/Economics/Communication
- Min 3-5 years of working experience as/in Sustainability or ESG Superintendent, preferably from mining/energy industries
- Comprehensive understanding in the National and Global ESG policies
- Good understanding on green funds/investment
- Strong communication and analytical thinking skill
6. Compensation & Benefit Superintendent
- Analyze compensation and benefits surveys to ensure competitive levels of company compensation and benefits.
- Develop a remuneration system in accordance with the company’s business strategy, taking into account Internal Fairness, External Competitiveness and Governance/Regulation Compliance.
- Conducting internal and external analysis of market conditions, especially regarding employee compensation and benefits to determine the company’s position in the market and to determine employee compensation and benefits adjustments.
- Carry out calculations and formulas regarding compensation and benefits adjustments that will be received by employees in the next fiscal year to suit external market conditions.
- Supervise the implementation of the remuneration system at the holding and subsidiary companies to ensure that the remuneration system runs in accordance with corporate policies and government regulations.
- Bachelor Degree in Accounting, Management, Engineering, or related background
- Min 5 years of working experience in Compensation & Benefit function
- Strong compentencies in Remuneration Management, Human Resources Information System: preferably SunFish or SAP, salary survey, and job analysis & job evaluation
- Good analytical thinking, high work standard, and detail oriented
7. Tax Audit Section Head
- Ensuring the fulfillment of obligations in the tax examination process well, accurately, and carefully, in accordance with applicable regulations, so that the tax examination can run smoothly and achieve optimal results.
- It includes conducting a tax diagnostic review, collecting necessary data and documents, verifying and analyzing documents, reviewing working papers, identifying regulations, preparing recommendations, coordinating with internal and external parties, monitoring filing completeness and accuracy, and staying up-to-date with new tax regulations. These tasks are essential for achieving optimal tax compliance and ensuring that companies are meeting their obligations in accordance with regulations.
- Bachelor’s degree in Accounting/Tax
- Minimum 7 years of working experience in a Tax Consulting Firm
- Advanced skills in handling and/or reviewing VAT and Income Tax
- Possess Tax Brevet certification
- Have good analytical skills and be detail-oriented.
8. Management Reporting Officer
- Prepare reports required by management and reports required for government agencies (which are determined in accordance with existing regulations – as well as new reports requested with new regulations in the future) accurately and in accordance with standards and policies that apply internally and externally to Adaro and can reported on time according to the specified schedule.
- Collect assist CFO Reports from all subsidiaries of the Adaro Group and conduct a brief analysis for CFOs of these subsidiaries whether the records are in accordance with the policies determined by the Group.
- Perform reconciliations and special relationships between subsidiaries so that journal elimination can be carried out precisely and accurately (either manually through the SAP BPC system).
- CFO report Consolidated report every month in accordance with the policies determined by the Group.
- Involved in the implementation of the SAP BPC budget consolidation and planning system to ensure that the system can accommodate the consolidation needs of the Adaro Group and the reports produced are in accordance with applicable standards and policies.
- Coordinate with other divisions of the Adaro Group in preparing report data such as LKTP, LKPM, LLD and other relevant government agencies related to data prepared in accordance with applicable regulations.
- Bachelor Degree in Accounting
- Minimum 4 years of experience in Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A), Financial Reporting and Financial Management, or have work experience in accounting firm
- Strong competencies in Financial Statement Analysis and Accounting Control
- Strong analytical thinking
- Good communication skill
9. Finance & Accounting Staff – Site
- Support on Reviewing the feasibility of collected invoice data to ensure all invoices have complete and accurate data.
- Support the preparation of financial reports, both periodic and non-periodic for the delivery of financial information to management and related parties
- Prepare data and check the completeness and validity of cash/bank disbursement evidence needed for company financial payment activities.
- Manage payment activities, distribution of funds with accurate data and according to the Cash Flow Plan through cooperation with the Bank in a timely manner in order to support the smooth operation of operations and projects in the company.
- Manage Cash Management (Time Deposit, Current Account, etc) optimally to ensure fund activity is controlled and as it should be.
- Carry out daily reports and cash flow reports biweekly as material for the preparation of company financial reports.
- Ensure that payment vouchers are made according to the deadline for the AP aging schedule so that the company’s financial related obligations can be carried out in accordance with the specified time.
- Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) in Accounting or equivalent
- Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply
- Have at least 2 years of experience as Accounting/Finance Staff
- Understand the work process in the Finance & Accounting department along with an understanding of related regulations
- Understand Account Receivable Management, Account Payable Management, Accounting Control, etc
- Willing to be placed in Kalimantan Selatan or any Adaro Land Job sites
10. Procurement Officer
- Supervise and carry out the procurement of goods/work tools/spare parts/services in accordance with the applicable plans, specifications, policies and procedures to ensure that goods and services are available on time, in accordance with the quality and quantity that have been determined in order to support the company’s operational activities.
- Minimum bachelor’s degree (S1) of civil/industrial/mechanical engineering.
- Minimum 2 years of experience in the same or related position.
- Able to supervise and conduct vendor selection by evaluating price offers.
- Familiar with marine work tools and spare parts.
- Have an excellent negotiation, communication, and leadership skill.
- Willing to be placed in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan.
11. Purchasing Staff – Kelanis
- Carry out the procurement of goods/work tools/spare parts/services in accordance with the applicable plans, specifications, policies and procedures in order to support the company’s operational activities
Ensuring the production of Pre Order (goods and services) in accordance with the agreed lead time.
- Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1/D4) majoring in Management, Engineering, Logistics, or related
- At least have 1 years of experience in the same or related positions in Coal & Fuel Industry or other similar industries
- Familiar with Procurement System and Ship Spare Parts
- Excellent communication and negotiation skills
- Willing to be placed in Kelanis, Central Kalimantan.
12. Head Of Water Treatment Plant
- To control and coordinate the activities of production Water Treatment Plant to ensure compliance with Standard Operational Procedure and establish cooperation with stakeholders in order to support the company operational activities.
- To ensure the result of jar test are used as a reference for production, in order to control the effectiveness of the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) in accordance with production standards.
- To prepare operational and maintenance of tools/asset budget to ensure all costs are well planned and efficient.
- To ensure the sufficiency of water discharge for production so that the production capacity can be achieved in accordance with predetermined target.
- To make efficient budget planning for production and maintenance of tools in order to support the company operational activities.
- To prepare reports related to overall production of WTP to ensure that all activities are well documented.
- To control and ensure that production support tools are used and maintain properly, so that not to interfere with the company operational activities.
- To establish good cooperation and communication with stakeholders (PDAM and PJT I) in the framework of coordination related to water discharge, raw quality of water, and bulk water.
- Minimum Bachelors’ Degree of Chemical or Mechanical Engineering.
- Minimum 5 years experience as Head of Water Treatment Plant or Plant Manager of Water Treatment.
- Has experience in water treatment plan management, maintenance management, chemical management, and writing & reporting.
- Good communication and leadership skills.
- Willing to be located at North Kalimantan
13. Health & Safety Section Head
- Ensuring the implementation of government regulations is well implemented in the company’s operational activities, including: HSE management system, SMKP and mining operational safety as well as other standards (ISO, OHSAS, etc.).
- Carry out environmental operations in accordance with established procedures and applicable regulations.
- Ensuring the company complies with government regulations related to the environment.
- Ensure that the management of liquid waste & B3 is carried out in accordance with the regulations set by the government.
- Ensure the availability of data and reports related to HSE as material for corporate accountability to the government and stakeholders
- Bachelor Degree in Environmental Engineering
- Min 5 years experience in the same position
- Understand the implementation and audit of SMKP, SMK3
- Have competence in the field of reclamation, liquid waste management & B3
- Understanding Health & Safety in the coal operational process business
- Having POM will be a plus
- Willing to be placed in Lahat, South Sumatra
14. Health & Safety Section Head
- Ensuring the implementation of government regulations is well implemented in the company’s operational activities, including: HSE management system, SMKP and mining operational safety as well as other standards (ISO, OHSAS, etc.).
- Carry out environmental operations in accordance with established procedures and applicable regulations.
- Ensuring the company complies with government regulations related to the environment.
- Ensure that the management of liquid waste & B3 is carried out in accordance with the regulations set by the government.
- Ensure the availability of data and reports related to HSE as material for corporate accountability to the government and stakeholders
- Bachelor Degree in Environmental Engineering
- Min 5 years experience in the same position
- Understand the implementation and audit of SMKP, SMK3
- Have competence in the field of reclamation, liquid waste management & B3
- Understanding Health & Safety in the coal operational process business
- Having POM will be a plus
- Willing to be placed in Lahat, South Sumatra
15. Shipping Administration Staff
- To prepare all documents and invoices that required for the sales process, so the activity can be run with Adaro standards.
- To follow up recent developments in the field of commercial law and to ensure that the procedures and standards prescribed by the company law.
- To coordinate with site level regarding the availability of coal to be delivered to the customers and to ensure delivery of the goods on schedule.
- To coordinate with external surveyors to do the survey for make sure the coal quality that deliver to the customer, and to ensure the delivery according to quality and quantity that stated in the sales contract.
- To coordinate with external agents in preparing the ship completeness of documentation in the process of shipping coal to customers.
- To coordinate with external banks in negotiating appropriate documentation completeness in coal shipments to the customer if the payment agreement in the contract using the method of payment letter of credit.
- To coordinate with site-level in terms of transportation and logistics of shipping coal to customers so that goods can be in accordance with the sales contract which has been agreed by both parties.
- To prepare and send invoices and shipping documentation completeness of coal to the buyer on time and according to contract.
- To coordinate with marketing team in and monitors the status of the sales contract to ensure that the sales process, delivery, invoicing, and payment can be completed properly in accordance with the agreed contract.
- Bachelor or Diploma Degree majoring Transportation Management, with min GPA 2.75
- Having minimum 1 year experience as shipping staff, more advantage from shipping company.
- Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
- Good coordination skill with internal and external user.
- Good communication skill.
- Fluent in English is a must
16. General Affair Supervisor
- Ensure office & mess management are well-maintained
- Responsible to ensure General Affair day-to-day activities such as building-construction planning, office management, mess management, facility & transport management are running well.
- Assist end-to-end General Affair activities in purpose to support company’s operational activities.
- Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) from any major preferably from Industrial Engineering
- Have minimum 3 years of work experience with proven track record in the similar position
- Have good understanding on building-construction planning, office management, mess management, facility & transport management
- Willing to be placed in Lahat, Sumatera Selatan.
17. Operation Supervisor
- Supervise operational activities in Mining Water Operation and provide direction to the team to ensure Mining Water Operation activities can meet production targets effectively and efficiently while still paying attention to work safety rules.
- Supervise operational activities in Mining Water Operation so that its application always prioritizes and implements best practices in quality management, occupational health and safety and the environment.
- Supervise work safety and environmental sustainability programs in accordance with Mining Water Operation operational policies and work safety and environmental sustainability rules.
- Make work reports and submit documentation of all operational activities in Mining Water Operation in accordance with valid data and information.
- Prepare a draft operational policy for Mining Water Operation and its socialization so that its implementation runs effectively and efficiently.
- Enrich themselves with up-to-date working knowledge of company policies, work procedures, environmental regulations and permit requirements as well as other applicable regulations and standards.
- Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Enginering or any related engineering backgrounds.
- Have min 3-5 years of experience as Operation Supervisor in Mining company. Experiences in Mining Water will be an advantage.
- Have at least POP (Pengawas Operasioan Pertama) certification, but having POM (Pengawas Operasional Madya) certification will be an advantage.
- Have strong communication and interpersonal skills.
- Having the ability in Writing & Reporting.
- Willing to be located in all sites (Kalimantan Area)
18. ERP Section Head
- Responsible to lead ERP Supporting team ( Desktop, Functional Consultant and Technical ) to Achieve committed SLA with Functional team
- Plan, Monitor and Improve ERP Development Performance with Technical Consultant, Partners & Principal (SAP)
- Ensure ERP Functional Alignment with Holding Company on some of area
- Risk Oversee for new functionality in ERP and communicate between stakeholders
- Coordinate with IT System development for data integration between ERP dan Native Application(s) using PO/PI
- Bachelor Degree majoring in IT Education with 5 Years Experience in ERP Field
- Proficient in Project Management (Certified)
- SAP-HANA / ABAP / BASIS / MDMD Certified of acknowledge
- Proficiency in English is a must
- Has numerous experience in IT Project Manager, with Couple of cycle Project as PMO for SAP Project Manager
- Has Broad Knowledge for SAP-HANA Modules ( FICOPSFM, PPQM, HCM & PM ) and Process Orchestrator, preferred as functional or Technical Analyst
- Has Experience and Knowledge with SAP-BW
- Decent knowledge in MDM (Master data management)
19. Software System Developer
- Collaborate with stakeholders to gather and analyze software requirements.
- Design and develop software systems and applications based on the defined requirements.
- Write clean, efficient, and maintainable code using appropriate programming languages and frameworks.
- Conduct unit testing and debugging of software components to ensure high-quality deliverables.
- Participate in code reviews to ensure compliance with coding standards and best practices.
- Collaborate with the quality assurance team to identify and fix software defects.
- Integrate software components with existing systems and third-party applications.
- Troubleshoot and resolve software issues and provide technical support as needed.
- Keep abreast of emerging technologies and industry trends to propose innovative solutions.
- Document software designs, processes, and implementation details.
- Assist in the deployment and configuration of software systems.
- Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or a related field (or equivalent experience).
- Proven experience as a Software System Developer or a similar role.
- Strong programming skills in languages such as Java, C++, Python, or others.
- Experience with software development methodologies and practices (Agile, Scrum, etc.).
- Proficiency in software development tools and technologies (IDEs, version control systems, etc.).
- Solid understanding of database concepts and experience with SQL.
- Familiarity with web development frameworks, APIs, and protocols as well as DevOps practices and tools.
- Knowledge of software testing and debugging techniques.
- Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills.
- Strong communication and collaboration abilities.
- Ability to work effectively in a team environment and independently.
- Attention to detail and a commitment to delivering high-quality software solutions.
- Profound Experience with full-stack development, mobile app development.
- Knowledge of cloud computing platforms and services.
- Understanding of cybersecurity principles and best practices.
20. Project Finance Superintendent
- Analyzing data and financial transactions related to the implementation of the projects carried out by Adaro Power including the company’s involvement in project consortium (bidding, financial close and post financial close) to facilitate management decisions
- Review and analyze all financial aspects from a bankability perspective, including the preparation of financial models and financing activities for ongoing projects and/or development projects undertaken by Adaro Power
- Collaborate with various advisers as well as various internal company divisions in the entire financing spectrum, starting from the due diligence feasibility study process, the analysis process, the due diligence process, as well as the loan agreement documentation stage
- Analyzing and assisting in preparation for meetings with the BOD to discuss and recommend actions related to the project under consideration
- Coordinating the due diligence process with prospective lenders, including preparing data rooms, coordinating the flow of information from various internal divisions of the company to prospective lenders, and working with advisers, if any
- Coordinate with superiors to support structuring project agreements and consulting agreements with third party advisors (e.g. legal advisors, lenders, technical advisers, etc.), in order to facilitate business decisions
- Manage and monitor the loan withdrawal process, compliance with debt repayment schedules and agreements and reporting requirements specified in the financing documentation to facilitate the financial close stage
- Providing solutions to superiors and recommending improvements to support the company’s and its subsidiaries’ projects
- Minimum Bachelors’ Degree majoring in Finance, Management or Accounting
- Minimum 5 years experience in project financing or credit analyst or related area
- Good knowledge in financial modelling, preferably in Infrastructure Project, Power Plant Projects
- Good knowledge of Loan Management, Risk Analysis, Structuring and Sourcing of Financing will be advantage
- Good command in English both verbal and written
21. Industrial Hygiene & Occupational Health Superintendent
- To make a plan, implementation and evaluation of Industrial Hygiene & occupational health programs based on 4 pillars; preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative in the framework of efforts to improve employee health status in work environment.
- Establish, implement and evaluate health risk management and control programs in the workplace through preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative efforts to prevent occupational disease.
- Facilitate business units in planning, running and evaluating occupational health surveillance programs.
- Plan and implement health promotion programs (provide health-related education and information such as health talks, brochures, lifestyle) in order to increase employee awareness of health.
- Provide recommendations on rehabilitation programs including job placements in accordance with the health capacity of employees to ensure the protection of employee health status.
- Establish a schedule and carry out hygiene inspection to recommend improvement recommendations on findings and ensure that they are carried out in accordance with priorities.
- Evaluate medical emergency & response plan (MERP) in the business unit dynamically so that the handling of emergency cases can run effectively and efficiently.
- Minimum Bachelor Degree in Nurse, Occupational Health with active STR
- Minimum 5 years of experience as Paramedic, and/or working in IHOH management in mining /logistics/energy companies/any other similar industry.
- Advance exposure in K3 Management System, technical knowledge related to 4 pillars of workplace health program, data analysis and evaluation of HRA and risk management.
- Preferably have HIPERKES and TOT certification.
- Willing to be placed in Tanjung, South Kalimantan
22. QHSE Officer
- Responsible for assessment, supervision and continuous improvement for implementation of the quality management system, occupational safety and health and environmental protection (MK3LH) in the work area, so that the work process can run well and in accordance with applicable regulations.
- Min. Bachelor Degree (S1) of Public Health/Environmental/Mechanical Engineering
- Min. 2 years of experience in the same or related position
- Understanding about Safety, Health & Environment management (can be supported by certificate)
- Familiar with Job Safety Analysis & Root Cause Analysis
- SMKP & CSMS implementation and Dredging operation
- Have a good leadership & communication skill
- Willing to be placed in Kelanis, Central Kalimantan.
23. Electrical Supervisor
- Assist maintenance activities related to the electrical system at the fuel terminal
- Supervise and coordinate the implementation of electrical maintenance and repairs, factory operational equipment and other supporting equipment to ensure that the equipment is available when it will be used.
- Candidates must possess a minimum bachelor’s degree from Electrical Engineering
- Min. 2 years experience as Electrical Supervisor
- Have competence in Operational Maintenance & Power Plant
- Have a good leadership, communication and problem-solving skills
- Willing to be placed in Pulau Laut, South Kalimantan.
24. Land Services Project Analyst
- To do Land Management System technical project included data collection and technical coordination with internal and external parties, to make sure the completeness and suitability of the document with land acquisition standard that has been set.
- To construct progress report on Land Management System project and to update Land Management System project master folder to monitored Land Management System project.
- To run manufacture administration function, development and distribution of supporting material of Land Management consultation such as guidance, procedure and standard form, training material, etc. so it can be used in corporation office, Adaro Group’s companies central offices, as well as operational fields.
- To do research in land regulations that related to operational needs and Adaro Group’s business energy and give recommendation related to Land Management System project.
- To maintain good relationship and communicate with external parties that related to operational publishing license and certification, so the submission registration (certification) process and licensing in central, region, as well as local government will be monitored systematically and run in time
- Bachelor degree in Law / Notary from reputable university.
- Minimum 3 year experience as liberation staff or land certification that related to Badan Pertanahan Negara.
- FRESH GRADUATE are welcome to apply
- Minimum 3 years total experience as staff (land assets, forestry, and farming industry are preferable).
- Have competencies in Writing and Reporting, Project Management. Internal Audit, Surface Rights Compliance & Registration
- Willing to travel to All Adaro Sites
25. Warehouse Supervisor
- Responsible for the supervision and direction of all daily activities in the warehouse carried out effectively and efficiently, in accordance with policies, procedures and company standards in the field of supply, work environment and environment to achieve production targets.
- Min Bachelor Degree from Engineering/Management Major
- Min 3 years experience in Warehouse / Inventory
- Strong competencies in inventory management and warehouse management
- Willing to be located in Lahat, Sumatera Selatan
26. Inbound Aggregate Staff
- Organizing, managing and carrying out activities for purchasing requests, receiving, compiling, managing and disbursing aggregates as well as administration in the stockpile for the needs of users within the scope of PT Adaro Indonesia so that they can meet the needs of the company and users.
- Bachelor Degree of Civil/Industrial.
- Minimum 2 year working experience in warehouse management and or aggregate stockpile.
- Familiar with SAP system.
- Have the ability to control, monitor and administer goods management.
- Have knowledge about K3LH.
27. Project Development Officer
- Responsible to support project activities from technical, financial and legal aspects undertaken by Adaro Power, including the interests in the project consortium through bidding, development and or implementation stages to facilitate Top Management decision in regards to a predetermined schedule and qualifications forms.
- Responsible to conduct an analysis of feasible proposal in the pre-feasibility study stage by conducting the financial model analysis required permits and operational structure and project schedule to comply with IPP terms and conditions.
- Responsible to obtain and analyze the conceptual projects by attending regular discussions and coordination with superiors in order to maintain certain projects undertaken by Adaro Power.
- Responsible to analyze the conceptual project and proposals to proceed to the next stage by supplying a schedule to the superior in order to the projects time specified.
- Responsible for having coordination with relevant stakeholders based on requirements on planned projects.
- Responsible to conduct projects analysis of business development activities to run in accordance with the provisions and regulations applicable in the Company.
- To perform other duties as appointed by his superiors related to Adaro Power’s interests in project management.
- Minimum Bachelor’s Degree majoring in Engineering or Law
- Minimum 1- 2 years experience in Business Development, preferably for power plant or renewable energy projects
- Good understanding of the IPP Bidding Process, Commercial Contract, and Financial Model will be an advantage.
- Multi-tasking ability and able to work independently as well as in team
- Good communication, influencing, negotiation, and interpersonal skill
- Good command in English both verbal and written
28. General Affair Staff
- Carry out the process of maintenance, usage and protection of office facilities and company assets as well as activities that support the company in general in order to support the company’s operational activities on site.
- Provide drivers/company cars and carry out vehicle rentals from outside if drivers/company cars are not available so that every employee’s needs regarding drivers/cars can be fulfilled in order to support the smooth running of employee work activities on site.
- Fulfilling the needs of official travel according to employee schedules (such as hotel/lodging bookings, availability of operational vehicles) so that employee official travel can be carried out regularly and in accordance with company policies.
- Coordinate catering services and operational car rentals on site to ensure the company works with the right partners in order to support the management of General Affairs in the company.
- Managing documents, both incoming documents (letters, invoices, etc.), recording them in computer systems and log books, as well as the process of sending documents and outgoing letters in accordance with company procedures and policies in order to support the company’s operational activities on site.
- Make a Purchase Requisition based on submission from each Department and coordinate with Head Office to ensure the availability of inventory and goods in order to ensure supplies are available from the appointed vendors.
- Conduct stock taking in accordance with asset data from accounting so that valid asset data/information is available.
- Coordinate the supplies of employee uniforms and ID cards and other needs to support work on the site.
- Collect related data of outsource employees to ensure the compliance with company’s policies and applicable law or regulations.
- Ensure periodic maintenance of the company’s accommodation units in accordance to the plan so that the needs of employees and the company can be fulfilled.
- Minimum Diploma 3 from any major
- Minimum 1 year experience in General Affair area
- Required Competencies : Documentation Management, Office Administration, Office General Services
- Good communication and interpersonal skill
- Preferably good command in English both oral and written
- Willing to be located at Tanjung, Kalimantan Selatan
29. External Relation Section Head
- Ensure the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and External Relations (ER) programs in accordance with the established management system.
- Implement CSR & ER programs in a good and sustainable manner to support the smooth operation of the company.
- Ensure the creation of harmonious, good, and synergized relationships with stakeholders.
- Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) graduate majoring in Law / Social Science / Economic Management.
- Minimum 5 years of working experience in similar position.
- Have experience in liaising with various stakeholders.
- Have a good communication & negotiation skills.
- Have a good understanding about laws & regulations related to mining permits.
- Willing to be placed in Lahat, Sumatera Selatan.
30. Mine Engineering Department Head
- Make short and long term mine plans and ensure the plans are executed properly
- Evaluate between plan and execution
- Make detailed short term mine plans that are controlled daily
- Make sub contractor management (to ensure that the Plan, Do of the mining plan that is made can be implemented and an evaluation of the performance of the Sub Contractor is carried out)
- Minimum Bachelor (S1) of Mining Engineering/Civil Engineering
- Minimum 8 years of work experience in the same position
- Understand the mining process business
- Understand the Basic Rules of Mining
- Have good understanding Mine Planning
- Understand Project Management
- Willing to be placed in Lahat, South Sumatra
31. Radio Operator Staff
- Conducting communication activities via radio and recording for information that needs to be distributed to internal and external parties involved in the field in barge-to-barge coal transfer activities in port management aspects to ensure operational port activity running smoothly and safely
- Writing and compiling reports on operational activities and preparing other administrative documents
- Ensuring and informing the condition of the shipping lanes both for ships in B2B and ships crossing the shipping lanes
- Min. Diploma degree in any majors, mandatory have General Radio Operator Certificate (ORU)
- Min. 1 year experience in the same or related position
- Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply
- Understand about Radar & Radio Operations in Port
- Able to work shifts Good leadership and communication skills
- Willing to be placed in North Kelanis, Central Kalimantan.
32. Environment Staff
- Minimum bachelor’s degree (S1) graduate majoring in Environmental Engineering or related
- Minimum 2 years of experience as similar position.
- Fresh Graduates are welcome.
- Good knowledge in AMDAL, Plant Operational Management, Environmental Management.
- Good communication skills.
- Good command in English both oral and written.
- Willing to be placed at Tanjung, Kalimantan Selatan
33. Maintenance I&c Technician
- Minimum Senior High School graduate majoring in Electrical Engineering with minimum 2 years of experience in related position in Coal Fired Power plant or Manufacturing
- Fresh graduates with Diploma 3 majoring in electrical engineering with GPA min. 3.00 are welcome
- Good communication skill
- Broad experience and proven skills in coal fired power plant operations and maintenance will be advantage
- Having coal fired power plant technical competency certifications are preferable
- Good command in English both verbal and written are preferable
- Willing to be located at Tanjung – Tabalong, South Kalimantan
34. Reliability & Efficiency Technician
- Minimum Technical Senior High School graduate majoring in Mechanical Engineering
- Minimum 2 years of experience as similar position.
- Fresh Graduates are welcome.
- Good knowledge in Coal Fired Power Plant process especially Mechanical parts and have experience in using predictive maintenance and measurement tools.
- Certified of Vibration Analysis Level 1 is on advantage.
- Good communication skills.
- Good command in English both oral and written.
- Willing to be placed at Tanjung, Kalimantan Selatan.
35. Cmms Technician
- Minimum Technical Senior High School graduate majoring in Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering
- Minimum 1 years of experience as similar position.
- Fresh Graduates are welcome.
- Good knowledge in Coal Fired Power Plant process especially Mechanical parts and familiar with CMMS Program
- Good communication skills.
- Good command in English both oral and written.
- Willing to be placed at Tanjung, Kalimantan Selatan
36. Accounting Staff
- Bachelors’ Degree majoring in accounting from reputable university
- Minimum 1 year of working experience in Finance & Accounting area
- Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
- Proficient in English
- Detail oriented, discipline, responsible, able to work individually or as part of the team
- Good time management, honest, detail oriented, strong analytical skill, and sense of urgency
- Good interpersonal skills
- Good knowledge of accounting system and computer
37. Management System Department Head
- Minimum Bachelor Degree of any major (Master Degree is preferable)
- Minimum 8 years of experience as Management System Specialist, PDCA Specialist or similar position from industrial plant/ power plant project or operations
- Good knowledge of Quality Management System, Business Improvement
- Good command in English both verbal and written
- Willing to be placed in Tanjung – Tabalong, South Kalimantan (non-roster)
38. QAQC Technician
- Minimum Vocational High School (SMK)/ Diploma (D3) graduate majoring in Mechanical/Electrical Engineering or equivalent
- Minimum 2 years of experience in related position in the power plant or related industry
- Broad experience and proven skills in coal-fired power plant operation & maintenance will be an advantage.
- Have knowledge about Boiler, pressure vessel, Piping, Welding and Welding Inspection.
- Have a certificate of NDE (RI/UT/MT/PT) will be an advantage
- Computer Literate (Microsoft Office)
- Good command in English both verbal and written
- Willing to be based in Tanjung – Tabalong, South Kalimantan
39. Field Operator
- Minimum Technical Senior High School graduate majoring in Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering
- Maximum 3 years of experience in related position from coal fired power plant
- Good communication skill
- Good command in English both verbal and written
- Willing to be located at Tanjung – Tabalong, South Kalimantan
40. Senior Auditor
- Bachelor Degree in Accounting, Engineering, or Information Technology
- Have min 6-7 years’ experience as Senior Auditor, preferably from Public Accounting Firm or Mining company
- Having knowledge of the auditor and mining activities
- Have strong communication and interpersonal skills
- Having the ability Writing & Reporting skill.
- Willing to be placed in our mining Site at Kalimantan Selatan
41. Electrical Foreman Conveyor
- D3 or S1 in Mechanical / Electrical / Industrial Engineering
- Min 2 years of working experience as Crusher Plant Staff in similar industry
- Willing to be placed in Lahat, Sumatera Selatan
42. Architect
- Min. S1 Architecture or Civil Engineering
- Min 10 years experience in Architecture field, experience in industrial park projects or mining facilities projects is preferred.
- Have a related SKA/SKK
- Preferably having Insinyur professional certificate
- Have experience in engineering design or cost estimation would be an advantage.
43. Engineering Analysis & Project Control Section Head
- Min. Bachelor Degree of Civil/Mechanical/Electrical Engineering.
- Min. 15 years experience in engineering design. Have exposure in marine engineering or hydrology/water management would be an advantage.
- Have related SKA certificate and PII certificate.
- Good strategic thinking, analytical skill, logical thinking and detail oriented.
- Good communication and presentation skills.
- Willing to travel to all sites if necessary.
44. Maintenance Mechanical Supervisor
- Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Mechanical Engineering
- Minimum 3 years of experience in related position of Power Generation in Steam Turbine Generator (STG) and BOP Area
- Good communication skill
- Good command in English both verbal and written
- Willing to be located at Tanjung – Tabalong, South Kalimantan (non-roster based)
45. Quality Management System Officer
- Minimum Diploma Degree from any major
- Minimum 3 years experience in Document Control / Management System / Operational Exellence
- Good understanding ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & ISO 45001
- Have exposure as Internal Auditor for ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & ISO 45001
- Good knowledge in Leader-Facilitator Program
- Good knowledge and exposure in Training for Trainer
- Good communication and interpersonal skill
- Multi-tasking ability and able to work independently as well as in a team
- Willing to be based in Tanjung, Kalimantan Selatan without roster system
46. HR Operations Section Head
- S1 Psychology (S2 Psychology Profession is preferred)
- Minimum 5 years experience in the same position, personnel and Organization Development function
- Good understanding of recruitment process
- Willing to be placed in Lahat, South Sumatra
47. Public Affairs Executive
- Minimum Bachelor’s degree preferably in communications, public relations, international relations, journalism, or related fields.
- Significant experience in developing and managing effective communications campaigns within a large and complex organisation with at least 6 years of relevant work experience in media, public relations, corporate communications or media agency.
- Exposure in energy industry and sustainability would be an advantage.
- Demonstrable experience in managing and mitigating internal and external communications risks and issues.
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills both in Bahasa & English are essential. The ability to convey messages clearly, concisely, and effectively is crucial in this role.
- Proficiency in writing and editing materials, including press releases, speeches, articles, reports, and other communication materials.
- Extensive media and CSO networks in Indonesia, as well as networking experience with international media and CSOs would be an advantage.
- Strong digital-literacy and profound knowledge of social media platforms, digital campaigns, and Key Opinion Leaders management.
- Have strong analytical skills to represent data-based results and execute upcoming programs.
- Willing to frequently travel to project’s site (Kalimantan Area).
48. Project Finance Executive
- Minimum Bachelors’ Degree from any major with strong exposure in financial modelling, preferably in Infrastructure Project, preferably from Hydro Electric Power / Power Plant Projects
- Minimum 5 years of solid experience in project financing or credit analyst or related area
- Good knowledge of Loan Management, Risk Analysis, Structuring and Sourcing of Financing would be an advantage
- Good command in English both verbal and written
49. ESG Senior Manager
- Bachelor degree, preferably Master’s degree in Environmental / Commerce / Business / Law / Economics / Communication
- Min 3-5 years of working experience as/in Sustainability or ESG Superintendent, preferably from energy industries
- Comprehensive understanding in the National and Global ESG policies
- Good understanding on green funds/investment
- Strong communication and analytical thinking skill
50. Senior IT Executive
- Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) graduate from Computer Science/System Information/Information Technology/Information Management & Analytics.
- Minimum 8 years experiences as IT Lead or relevant.
- Proven record in build IT systems in the company, handling network management, network administration and database administration.
- Having experience coordinating with network/IT provider would be an advantage.
- Excellent computer skills and knowledge of technical management, information analysis and computer hardware/software systems.
51. Senior Finance Executive
- Bachelor Degree in Accounting with minimum GPA 3.00.
- Minimum 5 years total experience with 2-3 years experience as Finance & Accounting Supervisor.
- Strong competencies in Accounting Control, Financial Planning & Budgeting, and Cash Flow Management.
- Strong analytical thinking and detail oriented.
- Have a multitasking ability and able to work independently as well as in a team.
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