Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Merdeka Battery Materials Tbk Oktober 2023

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Merdeka Battery Materials Tbk Oktober 2023

LokerBlog.com (Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK D3 S1 Terbaru Oktober 2023) - Melamar pekerjaan bukanlah perkara yang bisa dilalui dengan mudah. Anda harus mempersiapkan banyak hal agar kemungkinan diterimanya besar. Dalam melamar pekerjaan, ijazah saja tidak akan cukup. Nilai-nilai yang terdapat dalam transkrip pun tidak akan membantu banyak. Karena pada dasarnya ijazah hanya sebagai persyaratan minimum saja. Selebihnya Anda harus memiliki kemampuan yang mumpuni dan membuat perusahaan sulit untuk menolak. Banyak cara untuk mempersiapkan diri sehingga anda dapat menjadi kandidat utama apabila melamar pekerjaan. Sebelum melamar pekerjaan di sebuah perusahaan,  Ada baiknya Anda memerhatikan hal di bawah ini. Dengan memerhatikan hal-hal tersebut, jaminan Anda diterima akan semakin besar. Bahkan sekali menyebar lamaran, banyak perusahaan akan meminta Anda bergabung dan menjadi bagian dari lingkungan kerja mereka. Sebelum lamaran Anda kirimkan ke sebuah perusahaan, Ada baiknya Anda mempelajari tentang perusahaan tersebut. Coba untuk melakukan riset yang mendalam mengenai apa saja yang ada di sana. Bagaimana lingkungan kerja dan jenjang karirnya. Anda dapat bertanya kepada seseorang yang mungkin pernah atau masih bekerja di sana, dan mencari informasi yang Anda butuhkan. Atau Anda juga dapat membuka situs web perusahaan dan membacanya. Jika perusahaan tersebut memang bagus, tidak ada salahnya untuk mencoba melamar. Tingkatkan Kemampuan Anda. Pastikan Anda memiliki kemampuan yang sangat baik. Bila perlu, ambillah kursus terlebih dahulu agar saat wawancara atau tes Anda dapat melaluinya dengan mudah. Jika hal ini Anda lakukan, maka kesempatan Anda diterima akan lebih besar. Bila kemampuan Anda sangat baik dan diminati oleh perusahaan, mereka akan langsung meminta Anda untuk bergabung. Perbanyak Pengalaman Kerja. Saat masih mahasiswa atau masih fresh graduate, lebih baik Anda mengambil pekerjaan freelancer. Usahakan yang berhubungan dengan jurusan Anda. Pekerjaan itu akan secara langsung meningkatkan kemampuan Anda dalam bekerja. Dan lagi, biasanya banyak sekali perekrut tenaga kerja yang mencari pegawai dari para freelancer yang sudah terbukti mampu melakukan tugas dengan baik.

Lowongan Kerja PT Merdeka Battery Materials Tbk - PT Merdeka Battery Materials Tbk memiliki sejumlah portofolio aset bisnis yang berkualitas tinggi dalam rantai nilai mineral strategis dan bahan baku baterai kendaraan bermotor listrik (electric vehicle/”EV”) yang terletak di Sulawesi Tengah dan Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia.

Salah satu anak perusahaan kami adalah PT Sulawesi Cahaya Mineral (SCM). SCM adalah salah satu sumberdaya dengan kandungan nikel terbesar di dunia yang mengandung sekitar 13,8 juta ton nikel (kadar 1,22% Ni) dan 1,0 juta ton kobalt (kadar 0,08% Co). Tambang SCM pada awalnya dimiliki oleh Rio Tinto dan merupakan tambang terbuka yang besar, dekat dengan permukaan, dan berbiaya rendah, dalam konsesi seluas 21.100 hektar. Tambang SCM memiliki sumberdaya nikel limonit yang kaya, dengan komposisi campuran antara nikel limonit (77%) dan nikel saprolit (23%). Bijih nikel limonit adalah bahan baku yang digunakan dalam produksi Mixed Hydroxide Precipitate (“MHP”) melalui teknologi pemrosesan High Pressure Acid Leach (“HPAL”) yang kemudian dapat diiubah menjadi nikel sulfat untuk digunakan dalam produksi baterai kendaraan bermotor listrik;

Saat ini PT Merdeka Battery Materials Tbk kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan Oktober 2023 untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan ditempatkan.

Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang tersedia beserta dengan kualifikasinya saat ini bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir.

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Merdeka Battery Materials Tbk Tahun 2023


1. Superintendent Community Relations
Key Roles:
  • Build and maintain relationships with local community & Government.
  • Deliveringthe company’s vision within the local community.
  • Develop a strategy to build and maintain programs and activitiesthat will have a positiveimpact on the community.
  • Organize community outreach & development programs.
  • Responds to inguiriesfrom community members and other interested parties.
  • Ensure employee development programs in their area of responsibility.

  • Minimum bachelor’s degree in any major
  • Minimum 7 years’ experience as community relation in mining industry
  • Experience in community development
  • Understand best practice in corporate social responsibility
  • Proficientin Ms Office
  • Good communication & interpersonal skill
  • Excellent persuasion skills
  • Placement: Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi

2. Superintendent Geodetic
Key Roles:
  • Analyze and evaluate survey activities and data processing results to obtain spatial dataand its attributes to support exploration and mining activities.
  • Analyze and evaluate daily survey work.
  • Reviewa nd evaluate problems that may affect survey activities.
  • Provide recommendations to exploration, mine plan and operation teams forimprovement opportunities related to work time efficiency, precision, and accuracy.

  • Minimum bachelor’s degree in Geodetic Engineering
  • Minimum 8 years’ experience in mining exploration with 2 years’ experience in Superintendent level
  • Understand the fundamentals of geodesy, land, water and air mapping
  • Experience in using & troubleshooting survey tools
  • Have good knowledge in survey software
  • Proficientin Ms Office
  • Proficientin English, both Oral & Writing
  • Good leadership & interpersonal skill
  • Placement: Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi

3. Supervisor General Affairs
Key Roles:
  • Maintain Office Facility and assets & liaise with building management.
  • Coordinate with Finance team & vendor related to invoice and payment.
  • Ensuring the office environment is neat, tidy, clean and can increase work productivity.
  • Supervise routine and non-routine office purchasing (stationary, etc.) & maintain stock availability.
  • Maintain good relation and identified employee needs related to general affairs

  • Minimum bachelor’s degree in any major
  • Minimum 5 years’ experience in related position
  • Experience as GA in remote area or mining industry is preferable
  • Good communication and interpersonal skill
  • Good Negotiation skill
  • Thorough and persistent
  • Placement: Jakarta

4. Legal Counsel
Key Roles:
  • Drafting and reviewing legal agreements, corporate approvals, and other legal documents.
  • Conducting legal research.
  • Maintaining administration of legal department including maintaining documentation and other documents.
  • Managing licenses and corporate documents of the group entities.
  • Liaising with governmental bodies.
  • Assisting on litigation

  • Minimum Bachelor’s degree majoring in Law
  • Minimum 1 year experiencein law firm is preferable
  • Fresh Graduate welcome to apply
  • Proficientin English
  • Placement:Jakarta

5. Liaison Officer
Key Roles:
  • Become a company representativein establishing relationships with foreign company partners.
  • Prepare alladministrativecorrespondence forcompany needs.
  • Ensure operational support processes run according to K3 principles.
  • Responsible for managing General Affairs.
  • Prepare periodicreports related to daily operations and expenses.
  • Ensure the implementation of EHS principlesin the area of responsibility.

  • Minimum Bachelor s degree majoring in all majors
  • Minimum 1-2 year experiencein related position
  • Fluentin Mandarin and English
  • Good communication skill, interpersonal skill and senseof responsibility
  • Proficiency in using Ms Office
  • Placement: Morowali

6. Enviromental Senior Engineer
Key Roles:
  • Compile, develop, and determine key factors (strategic factors)that must be met regarding environmental standards both short term and longterm reguired by government and company regulations.
  • Ensure that the company compiy with Indonesian and internationalstandards such as IFC for financial institutions and certificationssuch as ISO & IRMA.
  • Leading and implementing cross-departmental environmental improvements to ensure compliance with environmental standards when there is an increase in production both within SCM and contractors.
  • Conducting gapanalysisand compiling concrete steps in meeting PROPER standards.
  • Review the compliance of all environmental systems and procedures in accordance with the latest regulations.
  • Review compliancewith all lines of Environmental Management Standards to ensure that all risks are under control and Performance is as planned.
  • Working and maintaining itsothatthe environmental parameters set by the government and companies are achieved and do not exceed the guality standardsatthe pointof compliance.
  • Establishing an effective Manpower Planning and organizationalstructure to support the performance of the environmental division.

  • Bachelor’s degree (S1) majoring in Environmental Engineering, Mining Engineering, Geological Engineering, Forestry, Industrial Engineering or Chemical Engineering
  • Minimum 8 years’ experience in mining industry at HSE Division, especially Environmental Department.
  • Certified POP
  • Familiar with waste management (hazardous waste, emission, wastewater etc)
  • Familiar with environment standard & certification (ISO 14001, PROPER, IRMA, IFC etc)
  • Familiar with allgovernment regulation related to ESG standard
  • Proficientin English
  • Placement in Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi

7. Electrical Senior Engineer
Key Roles:
  • Excellent knowledge andunderstanding of accepted Electrical and Instrumentation engineering practices, design codes and regulations.
  • Ability independentily delivers detail comprehensive electrical engineering design package (design reguirement, basis calculation, material specification and construction drawing) for support project deliverable.
  • Account able to resolvetechnical issues during project execution and complete commissioning, toensure the project deliverable meets with planned objectives.
  • Familiar with detailelectricaland instrument design for power generation system and distribution transmission, main utilities service, conveying system, crushing and screening system, electric motor for supporting mining and processing activities.
  • Well experience to lead main activities of project management, feasibility study, develop scopes of work, scheduling & costestimate, tender process, selection of design standards, construction assistance & supervision, OA/OC Tools, testing commissioning & project close out.
  • Provide review for other engineers output design and mentoring engineers to improve design method, guality and minimize design production time .
  • Provide electrical engineeringtechnical expertise in mining operating areas including engineering assessment, technical advice, design, costestimation and root cause failure analysis.
  • Ability for SCADA and PLC Programming and ETAP is a significant advantage.

  • Minimum bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering major
  • Minimum 8 years’ experience in electrical engineering design (high, medium and low voltage) in nickel mining and processing plant, and has leadership experience
  • Certified Ahli K3 (AK3) Listrik or eguivalent in electricity is a significant advantage
  • Passed POP certification/K3 Workshop
  • Proficientin English
  • Placement: Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi

8. Mechanical Senior Engineer
Key Roles:
  • Ensure ali design works are executed in compliance with all Engineering procedures, standards / Code and regulations.
  • Manage the safe and timely execution of approved capital and operational projects toensure the project meets the planned objectives.
  • Bridging Networking and collaborating with other engineers / maintenance / operations to develop comprehensive engineering design refer project reguirement.
  • Ability to fully manage detail phase of project life cycle (initiation, planning, execution, control & monitoring and project closing).
  • Well experience to lead main activities of project management, feasibility study, develop scopes of work, scheduling & costestimate, tender process, selection of design standards, construction assistance & supervision, OA/AC Tools, testing commissioning & project close out.
  • Good understanding to multi-disciplinary engineering design, comprehensive engineering report and ability independentiy to provide engineering recommendation on any deviations to solve the problem.
  • Provide review forengineers output design and mentoring engineers to improve design method, guality and minimize design production time.

  • Minimum bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering major
  • Experience minimum 8 years as Mechanical Engineering in nickel miningand processing plant, and has leadership Experience
  • Thorough knowledge of utilitiesservice, rotating & static eguipment, pipeline, HVAC, fire protection system, materials handling, crushing and screening system design and construction
  • Computer is literate with advance MS Excel, MS Project / Primavera, AutoCAD, WinEst- Cost estimating.
  • Passed POP certification/K3 Workshop
  • Proficientin English
  • Placement: Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi

9. Civil Structural Senior Engineer
Key Roles:
  • Make detailed civil, geotechnical, and structural designs referring to engineering standards and applicable regulations, to be implemented in all phases of project implementation.
  • Make detailed projectcost estimates, project schedules, risk assessments and project resourc management based on engineering design outputs, to ensure achievement of project KPI targets.
  • Responsible forensuring design implementation in the project execution phase and providing technical solutions regarding design issuesthatarise.
  • Provide input and recommendations as technical expertise regarding critical civil, structural, and geotechnical issues that occur in the operational mining area.
  • Building intense communication and collaboration with all project stakeholders (internal & external) in the process of reporting project development status and resolving existing issues.
  • Carry out the processof design reviewengineering design output from junior engineers and engineering consultants (external).

  • Minimal bachelor’s degree in civil engineering
  • Minimal of 7 years’ experience in civil structural or similar field
  • Experience in civil, structural, and geotechnical engineering analysis
  • Demonstrate success with maintenance training
  • Strong understanding in Project Management
  • Experience in strategic planning, cost, and risk analysis
  • Able to carry out project feasibility analysis
  • Placementin Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi

Bagi Anda yang berminat, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran ke alamat email berikut:
Subject email: Name_Position

https://t.me/lokerblog (Channel Lowongan Kerja Terbaru)
https://t.me/infolokerblog (Channel Info Loker Terbaru Tahun 2023)


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