Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Amman Mineral Internasional Tbk November 2023

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Amman Mineral Internasional Tbk November 2023

LokerBlog.com (Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK D3 S1 Terbaru November 2023) - Melamar pekerjaan bukanlah perkara yang bisa dilalui dengan mudah. Anda harus mempersiapkan banyak hal agar kemungkinan diterimanya besar. Dalam melamar pekerjaan, ijazah saja tidak akan cukup. Nilai-nilai yang terdapat dalam transkrip pun tidak akan membantu banyak. Karena pada dasarnya ijazah hanya sebagai persyaratan minimum saja. Selebihnya Anda harus memiliki kemampuan yang mumpuni dan membuat perusahaan sulit untuk menolak. Banyak cara untuk mempersiapkan diri sehingga anda dapat menjadi kandidat utama apabila melamar pekerjaan. Sebelum melamar pekerjaan di sebuah perusahaan,  Ada baiknya Anda memerhatikan hal di bawah ini. Dengan memerhatikan hal-hal tersebut, jaminan Anda diterima akan semakin besar. Bahkan sekali menyebar lamaran, banyak perusahaan akan meminta Anda bergabung dan menjadi bagian dari lingkungan kerja mereka. Sebelum lamaran Anda kirimkan ke sebuah perusahaan, Ada baiknya Anda mempelajari tentang perusahaan tersebut. Coba untuk melakukan riset yang mendalam mengenai apa saja yang ada di sana. Bagaimana lingkungan kerja dan jenjang karirnya. Anda dapat bertanya kepada seseorang yang mungkin pernah atau masih bekerja di sana, dan mencari informasi yang Anda butuhkan. Atau Anda juga dapat membuka situs web perusahaan dan membacanya. Jika perusahaan tersebut memang bagus, tidak ada salahnya untuk mencoba melamar. Tingkatkan Kemampuan Anda. Pastikan Anda memiliki kemampuan yang sangat baik. Bila perlu, ambillah kursus terlebih dahulu agar saat wawancara atau tes Anda dapat melaluinya dengan mudah. Jika hal ini Anda lakukan, maka kesempatan Anda diterima akan lebih besar. Bila kemampuan Anda sangat baik dan diminati oleh perusahaan, mereka akan langsung meminta Anda untuk bergabung. Perbanyak Pengalaman Kerja. Saat masih mahasiswa atau masih fresh graduate, lebih baik Anda mengambil pekerjaan freelancer. Usahakan yang berhubungan dengan jurusan Anda. Pekerjaan itu akan secara langsung meningkatkan kemampuan Anda dalam bekerja. Dan lagi, biasanya banyak sekali perekrut tenaga kerja yang mencari pegawai dari para freelancer yang sudah terbukti mampu melakukan tugas dengan baik.

Lowongan Kerja PT Amman Mineral Internasional Tbk - Amman Mineral Internasional (AMMAN) adalah perusahaan tambang tembaga dan emas terbesar kedua di Indonesia, yang mengoperasikan tambang Batu Hijau di Pulau Sumbawa. AMMAN senantiasa menjalankan bisnis dan operasinya dengan berpedoman pada standar internasional terkait tata kelola perusahaan, prinsip keberlanjutan, dan tanggung jawab lingkungan.

Visi AMMAN adalah untuk menjadi organisasi transformatif yang menciptakan warisan terbaik. Visi tersebut merupakan komitmen perusahaan untuk mencapai keunggulan dalam seluruh aspek operasional. Dengan menerapkan efisiensi operasional secara optimal dan memastikan pengelolaan keuangan yang baik, AMMAN dapat menekan biaya produksi secara optimal, hingga siap menghadapi tantangan saat siklus rendah.

AMMAN terus mendorong “pemikiran berani” dari seluruh karyawan agar perusahaan dapat selalu unggul dan berdaya saing. Nilai ini juga diterapkan dalam upaya meningkatkan kesejahteraan jangka panjang masyarakat setempat serta menjadi teladan bagi entitas bisnis lain dalam keunggulan operasional dan pengelolaan lingkungan.

Saat ini PT Amman Mineral Internasional Tbk kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan November 2023 untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan ditempatkan.

Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang tersedia beserta dengan kualifikasinya saat ini bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir.

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Amman Mineral Internasional Tbk Tahun 2023


1. Superintendent Project Revitalitation

Some of your duties will include :
  • Responsible to Lead and supervise Engineering team and Field team: to coordinate the projects & work together with other Project engineering team to Supervise the projects or Revitalization works: to coordinate with SCM Team to ensure materials schedule and specification and also involved of technical review during bidding process: to coordinate and suggest to other departments of any construction work reguired due to additional organization caused additional facilities Infrastructure: to ensure all project activities meet with company safety policy and regulation.
  • Coordinate the Project or Revitalization works.
  • Lead engineering team to review & approve material take off and cost estimation of projects.
  • Comply with P2K2, PTOand regular safety inspection (weekly or monthly)
  • Lead Engineering team to prepare conceptual design
  • Lead Engineering team to review structural engineering calculation design
  • Load engineering team to review & approve material take off and Cost estimation of projects
  • Load engineering team to review and approve schedule of the projects
  • Budget & Cost : during the design process, preparethe cost estimation: Prepare AFEto get approval from BOD.
  • During Construction phaseto check and review invoicefrom business partner.

What skills and experience do you need ?
  • Bachelor degreein Civil engineering with minimum 12 years” experience in Design and supervisory capacity on Infrastructure projects: Has working experionco in the mining industry as additional consideration
  • Must have had 5 years’ experience in Managerial roles relatedto Project Infrastructure & Revitalization in similar role.
  • Have middle level operational Inspector certificate (POM) or qualifications certificate recognized by KalT (Chief Mines Inspector) in accordance with level of position.
  • Strong loadership and organizational, scheduling & time management skills: Demonstrate strong conceptual skills, and capable of developing lateral and practical solutions: High level of intogrity and commitment: Good analytical, conflict resolution, sound decision making skills.
  • SKA Construction Certified
  • Familiar with Mining Standard Design of facilities and infrastructure: Engineering Design all disciplinefor buildings and public facilities (Civil, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Piping / Plumbing): Abilityto read & analyze Architectural/MEP/Structural drawings is reguired: Experience working at engineering design consultant: Expert on supervision projects: Familiar with engineering standard: Expert on AutoCAD: Familiar with structural application design (sap2000, Etabs, StadPro, etc): Expert on Microsoft office: Expert on
  • Material take off and cost estimation: Expert on Ms Project or Primavera.
  • Excellent communication skills in English both verbal and written and computer literate

2. Material Control Facility & Services

Some of your duties will include :
  • Resolves a variaty of issues involving the planning, scheduline, and monitoring of the movement of materials through the production cycle.
  • Coordinates the availability of materials with Purchasing, Production and Engineering.
  • Reviews daily reports to monitor stock levels and demand patterns and compares this against the original forecast.
  • Recommends changes in purchase leveis to moet chenging requirements.
  • Performs cycle counts of the shop floor inventory.
  • Conduct investigations of suspected out-of-balance items and makes corrections to inventory.
  • Manages inventory and all processes therein.
  • Requlariy conducts audits and verifies Integrity and accuracy of reported inventory.
  • Maintains, develops, and implements procedures to ensurethe \highest levels of inventory accuracy are achieved.
  • Assists in material planning and scheduling based on sales forecasts and actual demand.
  • Helps maintain an accurate log sheet of daily moves, scanning inventory, and counting.
  • Organize and catalogue large batches of similar items and document any necessary updates to process and aid in inventory management.

What skills and experience do you need ?
  • Bachelor degreein in Engineering, Purchasing, or any related disciplinets) with minimum 7 years” experience in same roles: Has working experience in the mining industry as additional consideration.
  • Must have had Syears’ experiencein in Material Controller roles related to Project Fadlity & Services, Infrastructure & Revitalization in similar role.
  • Have middle level operational inspector certificate (POM) or qualifications certificate recognized by KalT (Chief Mines Inspector) In accordance with level of position.
  • Knowledge of procurement polides, procedures, and qovernment bylaws
  • Good communication skill and Time management skill.
  • A domonstrated willingness to ongage in professional development activities in orderto develop and improve new and current skills, and to adaptto the evolving needs of the organization.
  • Must boableto work within tight timelines while maintaining accuracy and efficiency of assigned tasks.
  • Excellent communication skills in English both verbal and written and computer literate.

3. QC Preventive Maintenance Works

Some of your duties will include :
  • Responsible for ensuring the job activities are meet with guality standard and compliance with the regulation, This indudes but is not limited to inspection of preventive maintenance works, genaralinspection of tool and eguipment.
  • Understand & enforces work rules, policies & procedure consistentiy & fairly.
  • Good knowledge about industryproducts and processes
  • Inspect job work doneto ensurethat they meet guality standard
  • Ensuroe all the job work done meet customer axpectations based\ on company objectives.
  • Communicate the results of inspections and put forward corrective suggestions.
  • Maintain and administer disciplinaryprocedurefairly, consistently, correctly and when nocessary per maintenance rules and policies.
  • Maintains consistent standardsafety, guality, condud and productivity.
  • Effectively communicates complete and correct safety interaction to crew.
  • Ensures safotyrulos and regulation arefollowod at all times.
  • Organizes and plans work efficientiy and completes work within or ahead of schedule with minimal re work.

What skills and experience do you need?
  • Tertiary degree gualification in Civil / Electrical / Industrial / Process Engineering.
  • Have minimum 5 years experiences as AC Preventive and Corrective Maintenance
  • Proficiencywith Prevontive and Corrective Maintenance software.
  • Have knowledge in Computerized Maintenance Management Systom, PC and Software applications.
  • Have good organizational skills: Excellent attention to detail.
  • Have strong analytical skills: Safety first mindset.
  • Good contractor management skills: Team player: Good interpersonal skills: High level Communication skills.
  • Probiem detection and resolution skills are essential.
  • Good in communication skills in English both verbaland written: computer literato.

4. Supervisor Water Treatment Plant (WTP) & Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)

Some of your duties will include :
  • Supavise tho daily operation of Water Treatment Plant (WTP) / Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)’s and process control wastewater treatment and related maintenance activity.
  • Supervise the practice of process control of Sewage Treatment Plant and coordinate with laboratory crew.
  • The duties and responsibility Iisted above are representative of the nature and level of work assigned and are not necessarily all inclusive.
  • Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engagedin operating and maintaining eguipment in water treatment plant.
  • Maintains records on chemical usage and storage, equipment operation, and personnel attendance.
  • Responsibleto supervisein the day-to-day activities assodated with WTP/STP oper ation and maintenance

What skills and experience do you need?
  • Tertiary dogreoin in Environmental or chemical engineering, Chemistry.
  • Minimum 5 years of experience in similar role as Supervisor Water Treatrnent Plant (WTP) and Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) and has extensive experiences in facilities and services area in mining
  • Have Frontlino level operational Inspector certificate (POP) or qualifications certificate recognized by KalT (Chief Mines Inspector) in accordancewith level of position.
  • Good knowledge of Waste Water Chemistry.
  • Possess loadership traits and organizational, schoduling & time managemaont skills.
  • Ability to work bothindependentlyand as atoeam player and thrivoin afast paced, high pressure environment dependent on managing multiple project timelines and schedules simultaneously.
  • Ability to communicate well, and work productivelywith internal and external individuals
  • A commitment to safety and a desirete maintain our Indonesian mining operations to world class International safety standards.
  • High level of integrity and commitment: Good analytical, conflict resolution, sound decision making skills.
  • Good in communication skills in English both verbal and written: computer literate.

5. Senior Preventive Fire System

Some of your duties will include:
  • To supervise and direct the activities of Company and Sub- contractor electrical systems technical personnel and to ensure that adequate resources are available to meet production and maintenance needs.
  • To analyze all fire preventive eguipment are complisd with applied standard.
  • To ensure maintenance procedures are done according to applied standard.
  • To conduct coordination Fire Preventive Maintenance work with related stakeholder.
  • Supervise employees of the unit/ work group to ensure thet all jobs are completed to the required standard.
  • Design fire detection eguipment, alarm systems, and fire extinguishing devices.
  • Plan the daily work schedule and order materials and parts required to enable client needs to bemet and resources used efficiontly.
  • Maintain aworkshopfor troubleshooting andtesting
  • Ensureto install, maintain and monitor security access, tsunami sirens, electrical and electronic devices system are work property
  • Ensureto instali, maintain, and monitor fire protection (fire alarm, firefighting, High-Sensitivity smoke detection system, Foam Suppression, and Gas Suppression) system are work property and tagged on regular basis as roguired.
  • Analyzo Fire Protection reguiroment & compliance based on required standards on Building & Workshop Facilities.

What skills and experience do you need?
  • Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering or relevant engineering discipline.
  • Have 10 years of related experience with electronic security systems installation, commissioning, and maintenance, and related experience as Senior role Fire Preventive & Corrective Fire System in the mining
  • Industry, has an eguivalont combination of training and experience are necessary.
  • Hold an operational inspector certificate or gualifications certificate recognized by KalT (Chief Mines Inspector) in accordancewith level of positions: poses relevant technical Inspector certificate.
  • Proven experionceto Supervises and Inspeds all mining facilities, infrastructure, installations.
  • Good knowledge in Fire Protection and Building & Plant Management System and Building & Plant Automation System.
  • Have a skill in Fire Protection Maintenance, PLC and instrumentation and Electronics.
  • Excellent communication skills in English both verbal and written and computer literate.

6. Fire System Engineer

Some of your duties will include:
  • To analyze all fire System eguipment are complied with applied standard.
  • To ensure maintenance procedures are done according to applied standard.
  • To conduct coordination Fire System Maintenance work with related stakeholder.
  • Plan the daily work schedule and order materials and parts required to enable client needs to be met and resources used efficiently.
  • Maintain a workshopfor troubleshooting andtesting.
  • Ensure to install, maintain and monitor security access, tsunami sirens, electrical and electronic devices system are work proper.
  • Ensure to install, maintain, and monitor fire protection (fire alarm, firefighting, High-Sensitivity smoke detection system, Foam Suppression, and Gas Suppression) system are work property and taggedon regular basis as required.
  • Instalis, configures, and tests operating systems, application software, and system management tools.
  • Ensures the highest level of systems and infrastructure availability. Imploments warranty and support activities.
  • Evaluates tho existing systems and provides thetechnical directionto IT support staff
  • Coordinatewith safety department & related areausaer department to comply fire protection with applied standard.

What skills and experience do you need?
  • Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering or relevant engineering discipline.
  • Have 5years of related experience with electronicsecurity systems installation, commissioning, and maintenance, and related experience as Fire System Engineer in the mining Industry, has an eguivalent combination of training and experience are necessary.
  • Hold an operational inspector certificate or gualifications certificate recognized by KalT (Chief Mines Inspector) in accordance with level of positions: poses relevant technical Inspector certificate.
  • Proven experience to Supervises and In speds all mining facilities, infrastructure, installations.
  • Good knowled goin Fire Protection and Building & Plant Management System and Building & Plant Automation System.
  • Have a skill in Fire Protection Maintenance, PLC and instrumentation and Electronics.
  • Excellent communication skills in English bothverbal and written and computer literate.

7. Food Safety & Hygiene QC

Some of your duties will include:
  • Responsible in developing the guality of Food Production, Hygiene of Food Processing, Food Handling and make an
  • inspection to ensure all the procedure starting fram Food Receiving, storage and production include serving are in line with the Food Safety and Managemant System (FS MS).
  • To develop quality of Food Safety and Hygiene at Town Site.
  • To Implement the highStandard of Food safety and Management System.
  • Ensure the Process starting from Food Receiving, Storage, Pre Cooking/ Handling, Cooking process until serve are compiy with the HACCP Standard.
  • Conductingthesolf-inspection and self-verification of food safety and Hygiene.
  • Monitoring and mitigatethe process of foodproduction starting from Raw Material receked, Storage, preparation (thawing, Cutting) precooking, cooking, serving and after serving. (Preparation and Handling Procedure).
  • Make a designfor Food Campaign, Food Swab,food testing at lab food safety training.
  • Verificationfor nutrition’s for all menu planning.
  • May propose new procedureto ensure effective and efficient Facilities & Services Department especiallyto improvethe quality of Food safety and Hygiene

What skills and experience do you need?
  • Diploma or University dogree specific in Major “Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat” or K3.
  • Minimum 5 years as 2 Specialist Food safety and Hygiene
  • Has a Food Handling Certificate, Food safety Awareness, FOOD safety management system.
  • High level in mitigate and understand aboutthe process of Food Productions in safe and hygiene.
  • Problem detection and resolution skills essential
  • Full understanding and can implement the practicalof Food Safety and Hygiono
  • Excellent communication skills in English bothverbal and written and computer literate 
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office, especially Microsoft Excel.

8. Quality Control General Cleaning

Some of your duties will include:
  • Responsible for the guality of cieanliness of all areas in accordance with the contract and hygiene standards of company.
  • Ensure that Guantity Chemical is recorded validIy based on daily, weekly and monthiy usage.
  • Ensure manpower data (timesheet & OT approval) for each location is validated.
  • Controlling and monitoring the usage of tools and eguipment is valid and according to its designation.
  • Conduct daily, weekly and monthiy inspections for safety aspects (MSDS, working permit and JHA).
  • Make daily, weekly and monthiy report forsummary of the use of chemicals and eguipment/tools from partners who are their responsibility.
  • Ensuring guality of cleanliness of all areas in accordance with the contract and hyeiene standards of company.

What skills and experience do you need?
  • Tertiary degree Hospitality or related field is also reguired.
  • Have minimum 5 years experiences as quality Control.
  • Proficiency with Preventive and Corrective Maintenance software.
  • Have good organizational skills: Excellent attention to detail.
  • Have strong analytical skills
  • Safety first mindset
  • Good contractor management skills
  • Team player 
  • Good interpersonal skills
  • High level Communication
  • Excellent communication skills in English both verbal and written and computer literate
  • Profident in Microsoft Office, especially Microsoft Excel.

Bagi Anda yang berminat, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran ke alamat email berikut:
Subject email : Job Title_Name
Paling lambat : 17 November 2023

https://t.me/lokerblog (Channel Lowongan Kerja Terbaru)
https://t.me/infolokerblog (Channel Info Loker Terbaru Tahun 2023)


Diharapkan untuk membaca secara keseluruhan informasi dengan teliti
Hanya pelamar terbaik sesuai klasifikasi yang akan diproses untuk mengikuti seleksi selanjutnya
Selama proses rekrutmen tidak ada dikenakan biaya apapun

Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi Anda para pencari kerja dan jangan lupa untuk membagikannya kepada teman atau kerabat yang membutuhkan.
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