Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Semua Jurusan PT Jawa Satu Power (Pertamina Power Group) November 2023

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Semua Jurusan PT Jawa Satu Power (Pertamina Power Group) November 2023

LokerBlog.com (Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK D3 S1 Terbaru November 2023) - Teknologi saat ini membuat orang yang mencari pekerjaan secara online melalui media internet. Mencari pekerjaan melalui internet sudah sangat populer pada saat ini karena banyak sekali situs - situs yang menawarkan dan membuka beberapa informasi lowongan pekerjaan secara online dengan gratis. Di samping itu mencari pekerjaan secara online merupakan salah satu cara yang tepat dan lebih efisien dalam mencari pekerjaan sebab anda tidak perlu lagi susah - susah untuk mengunjungi beberapa perusahaan secara langsung karena sudah banyak perusahaan yang menawarkan penerimaan calon karyawan secar online. Bahkan ada banyak perusahaan yang membuka penerimaan seleksi karyawannya melalui website perusahaan mereka sendiri. Untuk itu kamu harus rajin - rajin mengecek website perusahaan - perusahaan yang anda ketahui dan perusahaan baru sekalipun untuk mengetahui apakah perusahaan tersebut sudah membuka lowongan pekerjaan atau tidak. Tingkat Sumber Daya Manusia seseorang dapat untuk menentukan apakah dapat layak diterima atau ditolak pada sebuah perusahaan. Apabila Sumber Daya Manusia seseorang pelamar lebih baik maka akan mempunyai peluang yang lebih besar untuk dapat diterima sebagai calon karyawan. Namun apabila sebaliknya maka anda akan lebih mudah gagal, Anda akan kalah bersaing dengan pelamar yang lain. Hal ini sangat jelas bahwa semua pekerjaan membutuhkan keahlian dan kemampuan dari para pekerjanya. Seorang calon kandidat tentunya harus mempunyai skill yang baik dan tentunya bisa melakukan yang terbaik sesuai dengan apa yang dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan. Oleh karena itu Carilah pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan kemampuan anda dan Jangan memaksakan diri anda untuk melamar pekerjaan yang tidak sesuai dengan keahlian anda sebab anda sendiri nantinya tidak akan nyaman ketika sedang melakukan pekerjaan tersebut. Pengalaman kerja di perusahaan yang sebelumnya dapat membuat anda lebih cukup percaya diri ketika mencari pekerjaan baru. Dengan memiliki pengalaman pekerjaan membuat anda lebih mudah beradaptasi dengan pekerjaan yang baru. Tetapi yang perlu anda perhatikan adalah pengalaman pekerjaan yang ada harus sesuai dengan pekerjaan yang dilamar. Hal ini agar anda lebih memiliki peluang besar untuk dapat diterima menjadi calon karyawan. Di samping itu Anda harus lebih mencoba pekerjaan yang berhubungan erat dengan pengalaman kerja anda agar perusahaan lebih memprioritaskan anda sebagai calon karyawan.

Lowongan Kerja PT Jawa Satu Power (Pertamina Power Group) - PT Jawa Satu Power adalah Badan Usaha Patungan antara PT Pertamina Power Indonesia, Garuda Power Holdings BV, dan Sojitz Global Investment BV yang didirikan pada 05 Desember 2016 sebagai Perusahaan Tujuan Khusus dalam menjalankan, mengendalikan, dan mengelola aset Jawa-1 Power Kegiatan bisnis pabrik, yang berfungsi sebagai pembangkit listrik tenaga gas terbesar dengan teknologi CCGT di Asia Tenggara. Perusahaan menjalankan bisnisnya secara profesional dengan menjunjung tinggi Prinsip Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang efektif dan efisien untuk memberikan nilai tambah yang berkelanjutan bagi Indonesia melalui pasokan listrik yang stabil.

Saat ini PT Jawa Satu Power (Pertamina Power Group) kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan November 2023 untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan ditempatkan.

Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang tersedia beserta dengan kualifikasinya saat ini bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir.

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Jawa Satu Power (Pertamina Power Group) Tahun 2023


1. Electrical Technician Supervisor
Job Requirements:
  • Has an Electrical Engineering degree (S1) from a reputable University
  • Has at least 10 years experience in power plant maintenance and at least 5 years in supervisory level.
  • A good understanding of the computerized maintenance management system (Maximo is preferrable) including procurement, inventory control.
  • Substantial knowledge of practices, functions and processes involved in the engineering, construction, operations and maintenance of Power Plants.
  • Good leadership skills proven in a multicultural environment.
  • Thorough understanding of Health, Safety, Environmental and Quality program.
  • The ability to communicate effectively in English (written and oral)
  • Has a mature personality and able to work with a minimum supervision.
  • Willing to work in Cilamaya, Karawang and be ready to support 24/7 maintenance activity.
  • Reporting directly to Maintenance Manager.

2. Mechanical Technician Supervisor
Requirements :
  • Posses at least D3/D4/Bachelor’s degree (S1) in Mechanical Engineering or a related field. A Master’s degree may be advantageous
  • A minimum of 10 years of hands-on experience in power plant maintenance, with a focus on mechanical systems
  • At least 5 years of experience in a Team Leader role, demonstrating leadership and supervisory capabilities
  • Strong understanding of operations and maintenance management concepts and best practices within the power generation industry
  • In-depth knowledge of power plant engineering, construction, operations, and maintenance processes
  • Proficiency in inspecting and repairing steam turbines, combustion turbines, generators, heat recovery steam generators, and associated equipment in a Combined Cycle Power Plant (CCP)
  • Expertise in inspecting, repairing, installing, and removing various mechanical equipment, including pumps, fans, valves, pipe work, heat exchangers, tanks, and mechanical structures within the CCP
  • Ability to understand power station processes, interpret mechanical drawings, and utilize P&IDs to solve operational challenges
  • Familiarity with contract administration, including budgeting systems
  • Proven leadership skills in multicultural environment, with the ability to lead and motivate teams effectively
  • Experience with computerized procurement, inventory control, and maintenance management systems
  • Thorough understanding and commitment to Health, Safety, Environmental, and Quality (HSEQ) programs and practices
  • Proficiency in using MS Office programs, including Project, for effective project and team management
  • The ability to communicate (written and spoken) effectively in English

3. Electrical Technician
Job Requirements:
  • Posses at least Electrical technical degree (Min. D3) or equivalent
  • At least 4 years’ experience in power plant electrical maintenance
  • Understanding of the basic operation of a Combined Cycle Plant (CCP) with good maintenance practices and concepts
  • Support the On-Call Rotation or the Emergency Response Organization (ERO) by being available to respond to a breakdown or an event outside of normal working hours
  • Having a mature personality, high level of commitment, good attitude, open-minded for working in a team, and self-motivated
  • Good communication in English both oral and written
  • Able to read Electrical drawings, measure & test electrical equipment, inspect, troubleshoot or corrective, and repair any type of faults in electrical equipment/system
  • Able to use computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) software as well as MS Office programs to record all completion of maintenance activities and any relevant maintenance finding
  • Qualified to Perform preventive maintenance of GIS system, Power transformers, HV & LV Switchgear & Electrical Motor Induction, DC Charger, AC UPS System, Protection Relay, Emergency Diesel Generator, maintain lighting system, Variable Frequency Drive VFD, Earthing & Lightning system, cable connection & termination and use of Electrical hand tools/special tools
  • Strong knowledge related to electrical system maintenance activity in the power plant as well as commissioning activity prior to commercial operation of the Power Plant

4. Mechanical Technician
Requirements :
  • Posses at least mechanical technical degree (D-3 minimum) or equivalent work experience
  • Has a maximum age of 35 years
  • Have a minimum of 5 years of working experience in power plant maintenance or similar
  • Have good communication in English, both oral and written
  • Understanding of operations and maintenance concepts and practices
  • Knowledge of practices, functions and processes involved in the engineering, construction, operations & maintenance of power plant, mechanical drawings and P&IDs
  • Experience with the use of computerized procurement, inventory control and maintenance management systems is beneficial
  • Strong knowledge both rotating and static equipment maintenance is a must
  • Experience handle and supervise contractor jobs is beneficial
  • Experience to operate workshop machine (Lathe, Milling, Drill, etc) is beneficial

5. Health, Safety, and Environmental (HSE) Manager
Job Requirements :
  • Possess at least Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or equivalent from a reputable university. A Master’s degree may be advantageous
  • A minimum of 10 years of proven HSE experience in power plant industry or petrochemical plant
  • At least 4 years of experience in a managerial role within in power plant industry or petrochemical plant
  • Thorough understanding and application of health, safety, environmental, and risk management principles
  • Expertise in developing and implementing HSE strategies, Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems, and Environmental and Social Management Systems
  • Proficiency in risk management techniques, with the ability to identify, assess, prioritize, and mitigate HSE risks systematically
  • Strong advisory skills, providing authoritative guidance on health, safety, and risk management issues
  • Comprehensive understanding of power plant operations, including hazards, potential consequences, and safeguards
  • In-depth knowledge of international safety standards and the ability to ensure their implementation across various facilities
  • Proficiency in emergency management, encompassing fire-fighting, medical response, spill handling, and search and rescue
  • Competence in developing and maintaining safeguards to prevent or mitigate incidents, including hardware and procedural elements
  • Prioritization skills to reinforce the hierarchy of controls and allocate resources based on risk profiles
  • Strong computer literacy, including fluency in Microsoft Office applications
  • Exceptional leadership abilities, emphasizing team building, accountability, and the cultivation of an HSE-focused organizational culture
  • Proficient in effective verbal and written communication, including precise language and the ability to argue based on standards and legislation
  • Strong interpersonal skills, adaptability, and English literacy for effective teamwork, presentations, official correspondence, and HSE policy execution

6. Warehouse Staff
Job Requirements:
  • Posses at D3/D4/S1 in industrial/mechanical/electrical engineering
  • Minimum of 3 years experience in the warehouse at power industry or similar industry with 24/7 operations
  • Required skills: Warehouse Management System, Inventory Management, Logistics, Receiving, Distribution and Planning Management, ERP (SAP and Maximo), ISO, 5R, Leadership, Communication, Analytical thinking
  • Able to create and develop an SOP for the Warehouse Operations and familiar with the relevant business process for the Power Plant’s Warehouse or similar industry
  • Knowledge of typical safety and environmental requirement for the storage of hazardous materials
  • Knowledge of Monitoring, reviewing, and reporting the overall activity of warehouse operations
  • Knowledge of commercial processes and budgeting system
  • Experience with the implementation of computerized Accounting systems & Maintenance Management Systems, inventory control, and warehouse management systems
  • Good communication in English both oral and written is mandatory
  • Possess excellent team-building skills

Placement: Cilamaya, Kab. Karawang

Bagi Anda yang berminat, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran ke alamat email berikut:
Subject email: Position – JSP (Ex. Electrical Technician – JSP)

https://t.me/lokerblog (Channel Lowongan Kerja Terbaru)
https://t.me/infolokerblog (Channel Info Loker Terbaru Tahun 2023)


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Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi Anda para pencari kerja dan jangan lupa untuk membagikannya kepada teman atau kerabat yang membutuhkan.
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