LokerBlog.com (Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK D3 S1 Terbaru Maret 2024) - Keinginan anda untuk dapat bergabung di dalam sebuah perusahaan adalah tekad yang harus anda lakukan agar anda mempunyai semangat kerja yang tinggi. Ketika anda memiliki sebuah tekad untuk dapat menjadi calon karyawan yang baik, seharusnya anda mempunyai kemampuan dan keinginan agar bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan kemampuan anda. Disamping itu Anda juga memiliki kualitas dan kemampuan Sumber Daya Manusia yang memadai juga sehingga lebih mudah untuk bersaing dengan para pelamar lainnya. Bagaimana Anda dapat diterima sebagai salah satu calon karyawan yang diperoleh tetapi tidak mempunyai kualitas dan pengalaman kerja yang kompetitif. Diharuskan anda untuk terus bisa menjadi yang terbaik dan mempunyai sebuah kualitas sumber daya manusia yang menunjang potensi untuk dapat diterima. Untuk mengikuti tahapan wawancara kerja sebaiknya Anda mempersiapkan diri secara matang apa saja yang nantinya akan ditanyakan ketika di dalam interview kerja. Anda harus mengetahui pertanyaan umum yang biasanya keluar di dalam tes wawancara kerja. Oleh karena itu, Anda harus mengetahui profil mengenai perusahaan yang akan anda lamar serta job deskripsi dari pekerjaan yang anda inginkan tersebut. Karena semuanya itu akan ditanyakan di dalam seleksi wawancara kerja. Bila anda memiliki jawaban yang baik tentu anda akan memiliki peluang yang besar untuk dapat diterima di sebuah perusahaan tersebut. Setiap pekerjaan memiliki tujuan akhir yang ingin dicapai dan perencanaan memegang peran penting untuk menghasilkan tujuan akhir yang maksimal. Namun, ada kalanya situasi tidak selalu berjalan sesuai mengikuti rencana. Berikut adalah tips untuk menjaga tujuan akhir agar tetap maksimal saat situasi yang sedang tidak pasti. Saat berada di dalam kondisi yang tidak pernah anda hadapi sebelumnya, maka anda harus selalu siaga, jeli dalam setiap kondisi dan temukan peluang untuk memastikan agar anda dan tim tetap menjadi yang terdepan.
Lowongan Kerja Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat Indonesia - Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat untuk Republik Indonesia terletak di Jakarta tepat di sebelah selatan Monas di Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan. Bangunan aslinya dirancang oleh arsitek Ceko Antonin Raymond dan Ladislav Rado. Mereka mulai mengerjakan desain pada tahun 1953. Desain awal kedutaan dikritik oleh Sukarno.
Desain awal kedutaan dikritik oleh Sukarno. Dia merasa bahwa desain dua lantai kecil yang mereka buat menunjukkan bahwa tempat tugas tersebut tidak penting bagi Amerika Serikat. Dia ingin memiliki gedung yang lebih besar dan lebih menonjol dibangun.Namun, Sukarno akhirnya menerima desain itu setelah perubahan kecil dilakukan, sebagian karena tekanan yang ditujukan kepadanya oleh Departemen Luar Negeri AS.
Saat ini Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat Indonesia kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan Maret 2024 untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan ditempatkan.
Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang tersedia beserta dengan kualifikasinya saat ini bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir.
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat Indonesia Tahun 2024
1. Digital Production Coordinator
- Open Period: 02/23/2024 – 03/08/2024
- Vacancy Time Zone: GMT+7
- Series/Grade: LE – 6520 8
- Salary: IDR Rp198.398.941 /Per Year
- Work Schedule: Full-time – 40 hours/week
Duties :
- The Digital Production Coordinator is responsible for the production of visual and multimedia elements of Mission public engagement, including design, creation, and/or acquisition of customized visual and multimedia content, which is disseminated online, in person, or via traditional broadcast. Creates compelling visual content for all Mission outreach materials by assessing visual aspects of the Indonesian media environment, public preferences for visual content formats and dissemination channels, and the impact of Mission visual materials.
- This Mission is a large Mission located in a country of major importance to the United States. Indonesia has the highest level of global influence of the vast majority of other countries around the world and its government is a principal player with which the United States interacts in all aspects of pressing multilateral issues.
Qualifications and Evaluations :
- Requirements :
- EXPERIENCE: This position requires a total of at least five years of progressively responsible experience in design, creation, and packaging of visual and multimedia content for digital marketing, advertising, or mass communications purposes, including extensive experience as an advanced end user of industry standard desktop and mobile software applications, internet and related communications technologies, and integration of visual content into web content management systems. [Note: candidates considered for this position must provide a portfolio of original work demonstrating visual and multimedia design competence.]
- (Please note that one credited year of working experience is equal to 40 hours/week x 52 weeks or 2080 hours.)
- JOB KNOWLEDGE: Must have strong creative skills and detailed knowledge of audio and video production, graphic design, and other visual content creation. Must understand how online digital properties and communities function. Must have detailed knowledge of the attitudes of target audience groups and their preferences for specific content, format, and delivery of visual communication. Knowledge of trends in regional and international communications patterns and how they affect the Indonesia communications landscape is required. General knowledge of digital promotion techniques, audience analysis and analytics, and customer service standards is required. Must have general knowledge of project management, including defining project objectives, outcomes, and assessment methods.
- Education Requirements:
- At least at 2 years of full-time study at college or university in any field is required.
- Evaluations:
- LANGUAGE: Fluent Speaking/Reading/Writing in English and Bahasa Indonesia are required. This may be tested.
- Analytic Skills: Must be able to perceive the emergence of new audience preferences and trends in information consumption and visual and multimedia norms in order to produce targeted digital and traditional visual content in support of Mission external engagement.
- Communication and Interpersonal Skills: Must have excellent, documented visual storytelling, written, and oral communication skills to create and adapt visual, audio, and printed material for dissemination in English and Indonesian. Must have strong interpersonal skills to maintain Mission-wide collaboration on the creation of visual and multimedia content in support of Mission public engagement. Must have excellent customer relations, interpersonal, and cross-cultural communication skills. Must be able to tailor communications to fit formal and
- informal situations and different ethnic, religious, and linguistic cultures. Must be able to speak publicly and interpret between English and Indonesian for discussions of content production.
- Management Skills: Must be able to identify and resolve, or seek help in resolving, problems with use of visual and multimedia content in online or traditional public engagement. Must be able to plan, prioritize, and manage multiple projects, such as marketing, information, or advocacy campaigns, and oversee associated project budgets, schedules, and daily operations to produce, adapt, and disseminate time-sensitive content in collaboration with the SCC team.
- Technical Skills: Must have detailed knowledge of multiple formats, digital tools, and platforms for visual content creation, editing (audio, visual, multimedia, and graphic), and distribution through traditional and digital channels. Must be able to create and use photo and video sharing sites, podcast creation tools, and video and other digital products; must be familiar with webinars, gaming, gamification theories, contests, and other interactive immersive platforms. Must be highly skilled in the use of digital software and editing tools, content databases, and reporting tools. Must be familiar with audience analysis and analytic tools (e.g., Hootsuite, Google Analytics). Good keyboarding and data entry skills and excellent familiarity with electronic discovery tools, in particular the internet, and standard information retrieval practices and procedures are required. Must have good numerical skills to be able to use statistical analyses of audience segments and track the impact of Mission digital products.
- EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY (EEO): The U.S. Mission provides equal opportunity and fair and equitable treatment in employment to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation, marital status, or sexual orientation.
- Qualifications:
- All applicants under consideration will be required to pass medical and security certifications.
2. Community Management Coordinator
- Open Period: 02/23/2024 – 03/08/2024
- Vacancy Time Zone: GMT+7
- Series/Grade: LE – 6520 8
- Salary: IDR Rp198.398.941 /Per Year
- Work Schedule: Full-time – 40 hours/week
Duties :
- The Community Management Coordinator is responsible for building and maintaining Mission flagship digital properties (social media, website content); for developing a year-long editorial calendar designed to promote Mission priorities with online communities; for researching and analyzing evolving markets for Mission digital properties; and for customizing content and online engagement to promote Mission objectives. Organizes and hosts online conversations; designs and develops innovative engagement opportunities and tools. Provides guidance to Public Diplomacy (PD) Public Engagement staff and other Mission personnel who engage with online communities on standards, regulations, and policies for the use of digital properties.
- This Mission is a large Mission located in a country of major importance to the United States. Indonesia has the highest level of global influence of the vast majority of other countries around the world and its government is a principal player with which the United States interacts in all aspects of pressing multilateral issues.
Qualifications and Evaluations :
- Requirements :
- Option 1
- EXPERIENCE: A minimum of three years of progressively responsible experience in a multilingual, multicultural or multinational organization is required. Market research and audience analysis, and design and execution of online campaigns must have been significant components of the job. Must have experience managing digital properties, including direct online interaction with the public, and content creation in multimedia and traditional formats is required.
- (Please note that one credited year of working experience is equal to 40 hours/week x 52 weeks or 2080 hours.)
- EDUCATION: At least a bachelor’s degree in Communications, Business, Marketing, English, Journalism is required.
- Option 2
- EXPERIENCE: A minimum of five years of progressively responsible experience in a multilingual, multicultural or multinational organization is required. Market research and audience analysis, and design and execution of online campaigns must have been significant components of the job. Must have experience managing digital properties, including direct online interaction with the public, and content creation in multimedia and traditional formats is required.
- (Please note that one credited year of working experience is equal to 40 hours/week x 52 weeks or 2080 hours.)
- EDUCATION: At least a 2 years of full-time study at college or university in any field is required.
- JOB KNOWLEDGE: Must have comprehensive knowledge of the attitudes and communication preferences of target audience groups. Must understand the regional, demographic, ethnic, socioeconomic, cultural, and linguistic factors and the influence of religious, cultural, and educational institutions in shaping Indonesian opinions and preferences. Must have strong online communications and analysis skills to identify and exploit engagement opportunities. Must understand the management of digital properties and online communities, including marketing and/or advocacy campaigns. Knowledge of trends in regional and international communications patterns and how they affect the Indonesian communications landscape is required.
- Education Requirements:
- See the requirement section above for the education requirements.
- Evaluations:
- LANGUAGE: Fluent Speaking/Reading/Writing in English and Bahasa Indonesia are required. This may be tested.
- Analytic Skills: Must be able to perceive the emergence of new influencers and information consumption preferences to analyze the impact of evolving content formats and delivery channels and lead cross-section Mission analysis to modify approaches for enhanced outcomes.
- Communication and Interpersonal Skills: Must have strong interpersonal skills to maintain Mission-wide collaboration and coordination on the use of digital tools and platforms to strengthen Mission diplomacy in the public sphere. Must have excellent customer relations, interpersonal, and cross-cultural communication skills and be able to engage the full range of Indonesian priority audience groups through online engagement and Mission flagship digital properties. Must have excellent written and oral communication skills, including the ability to develop, write, and edit materials for digital dissemination in both English and Indonesian. Must be able to tailor communications to fit formal and informal situations and different ethnic, religious, and linguistic cultures. Must be able to interpret between English and Indonesian.
- Management Skills: Strong organizational skills are required, including the ability to manage multiple engagement platforms at the same time and actively engage with the public simultaneously on those platforms; incorporate strategic content from all Mission offices and agencies; and identify and resolve, or seek assistance in resolving, problems associated with online content and engagement. Must be able to manage projects such as marketing, information, or advocacy campaigns, including associated project budgets, schedules, and daily operations to produce, adapt, and disseminate time-sensitive content.
- Technical Skills: Detailed knowledge of and the ability to build out and manage Mission flagship digital properties, including social media and mobile platforms, and develop digital tools such as games and contests are required. Must be able to use photo and video sharing sites and editing software, podcast creation tools, and other digital products. Must be fully adept at using audience analysis and analytic tools (e.g., Hootsuite, Google). Good keyboarding and data entry skills and excellent familiarity with electronic discovery tools, in particular the internet, and standard information retrieval practices and procedures are required. Must have good numerical skills to be able to use and develop statistical analyses of audience segments and report on the impact of Mission digital outreach. Thorough, detailed knowledge of various computer software programs, specifically Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and graphic design, is required.
- EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY (EEO): The U.S. Mission provides equal opportunity and fair and equitable treatment in employment to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation, marital status, or sexual orientation.
- Qualifications:
- All applicants under consideration will be required to pass medical and security certifications.
Bagi Anda yang berminat, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran secara online:
Paling lambat 8 Maret 2024
Diharapkan untuk membaca secara keseluruhan informasi dengan teliti
Hanya pelamar terbaik sesuai klasifikasi yang akan diproses untuk mengikuti seleksi selanjutnya
Selama proses rekrutmen tidak ada dikenakan biaya apapun
Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi Anda para pencari kerja dan jangan lupa untuk membagikannya kepada teman atau kerabat yang membutuhkan.
Informasi seputar lowongan kerja BUMN, CPNS & Swasta lainnya kunjungi
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