LokerBlog.com (Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK D3 S1 Terbaru Januari 2025) - Mencari kerja terkadang bisa sangat lama dari yang sudah diperkirakan. Jeda waktu antara lulus kuliah atau sekolah hingga diterima kerja memang tidak bisa ditentukan. Bahkan Tidak jarang ada juga yang sampai sangat lama menunggu kesempatan untuk wawancara. Tidak jarang bila saat menunggu, Anda merasa jenuh, bosan, bahkan frustasi. Belum lagi ditambah teman-teman yang sudah mulai mendapatkan pekerjaan, sedangkan Anda masih sibuk mengirim CV dari satu perusahaan ke yang lain. Ketika semangat sudah mulai meredup, berikut ini adalah hal-hal yang dapat menjadi motivasi Anda untuk bangkit lagi mencari kerja. Jangan biarkan keadaan menguasai Anda. Mood atau suasana hati yang sedang tidak baik memang dapat membuat Anda kehilangan semangat untuk melakukan suatu kegiatan. Anda sering merasa kewalahan dan tidak mampu lagi untuk melanjutkan perjalanan mencari pekerjaan. Meskipun Anda sedang dilanda kegalauan luar biasa, tetapi satu-satunya yang memegang kendali atas diri Anda adalah Anda sendiri. Anda yang dapat membuat keadaan yang menyedihkan menjadi kembali ceria. Usahakan untuk mengontrol mood Anda dan tersenyum kembali. Jangan biarkan keadaan yang kurang baik mempengaruhi Anda dan kembali bersemangat dalam mencari pekerjaan. Jangan memperbesar masalah. Tetap aktif, Mencari pekerjaan memang melelahkan. Anda harus mengirim CV dan melakukan wawancara dari satu perusahaan ke perusahaan yang lain. Belum lagi pameran pekerjaan dan acara networking pekerjaan yang harus diikuti. Beberapa orang bahkan merasa bila mencari pekerjaan sudah terasa seperti memiliki pekerjaan tetap karena sama-sama menguras energi dan emosi. Dengan rutinitas yang sama dan berulang, sudah tentu membuat Anda bosan dengan hidup. Cara terbaik untuk menghilangkan rasa kebosanan dan kelelahan karena mencari kerja adalah dengan tetap aktif. Manfaatkan waktu disela-sela menunggu wawancara atau mengirim lamaran untuk melakukan proyek lain seperti menulis blog, mengikuti kursus, bekerja sukarela, ataupun berolahraga. Jangan hanya makan, tidur, dan menonton TV saja di rumah. Tetapi manfaatkan waktu sebaik-baiknya untuk menjadi aktif sehingga Anda selalu merasa sebagai manusia yang berguna bagi sesama. Meminta dukungan dari keluarga dan teman - teman, Sebelum mendapatkan pekerjaan tetap, Anda pasti merasa tersisihkan atau kurang berguna untuk orang lain. Tidak sedikit yang malu untuk bertemu dengan keluarga dan teman karena status yang masih menganggur. Namun jika Anda terus menerus berpikiran negatif seperti ini Anda akan cepat merasa down.

Lowongan Kerja PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company Tbk - Ultrajaya Milk berdiri pada 1958 oleh Ahmad Prawirawidjaja ini, seorang pengusaha Tionghoa merupakan perusahaan multinasional memproduksi minuman yang bermarkas di Padalarang, Kab. Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat. Beralamat di Jl. Raya Cimareme 131, Padalarang, Kab. Bandung. Perusahaan ini awalnya merupakan industri rumah tangga, kemudian menjadi entitas perseroan terbatas pada 1971. Perusahaan ini merupakan pionir industri minuman dalam kemasan di Indonesia, dan sekarang memiliki mesin pemroses minuman tercanggih se-Asia Tenggara.
Pada awalnya perusahaan yang berawal dari sebuah rumah di Jl. Tamblong Dalam, Bandung ini hanya memproduksi susu. Seiring perkembangannya, Ultrajaya juga memproduksi jus dalam kemasan bermerek Buavita serta memproduksi Teh Kotak, Sari Asem Asli dan Sari Kacang Ijo. Sejak 2008 merek Buavita dan Gogo dibeli Unilever Indonesia sehingga Ultrajaya bisa kembali ke bisnis utamanya, yaitu produksi susu. Perusahaan yang sekarang dikomandani oleh generasi kedua, yaitu Sabana Prawirawidjaja, dan siap diteruskan kepada generasi ketiga, Samudera Prawirawidjaja.
Saat ini PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company Tbk kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan Januari 2025 untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan ditempatkan.
Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang tersedia beserta dengan kualifikasinya saat ini bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir.
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company Tbk Tahun 2025
Responsibilities :
- Develop and implement comprehensive organizational development strategies.
- Design and facilitate engaging training programs to enhance employee skills and performance.
- Conduct needs assessments and performance evaluations to identify development opportunities.
- Foster a positive and inclusive work culture.
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams to drive organizational change.
Qualifications :
- Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, Industrial Engineering or any related field.
- Minimum of 2 years of experience in organizational development or HR field.
- Proven ability to design and deliver effective training programs.
- Strong project management and facilitation skills.
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
- Data-driven mindset with the ability to analyze and interpret data.
Responsibilities :
- Develop and implement strategies to maintain positive labor relations.
- Serve as a liaison between management, employees and LKS Bipartit.
- Ensure compliance with all applicable labor laws and regulations.
- Manage the acquisition, renewal, and maintenance of necessary permits and licenses.
- Conduct investigations and resolve labor disputes.
- Provide guidance on employee relations matters.
Qualifications :
- Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, Law, Engineering or any related field.
- Minimum of 2 years of experience in industrial relations or HR field.
- Strong knowledge of labor laws and regulations.
- Excellent negotiation and conflict resolution skills.
- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
Responsibilities :
- Verify all incoming raw material documents, such as certificates of analysis, delivery notes, halal certificates, and other relevant documents to ensure compliance with established specifications.
- Collect random or procedural raw material samples for testing
- Conduct various physical and chemical tests on raw material samples, including moisture content, fat content, protein content. microbiological tests, and other contaminant tests
- Analyze test results and compare them to established specifications.
- Reject non-compliant raw materials and inform relevant parties.
Qualifications :
- Bachelor Degree in Food Technology. Chemical Engineering or related field.
- Min. 1 year of experience in food & beverage industry, preferably in the dairy industry
- Experience working in a physical chemistry laboratory, especially in raw material testing for food products
- Proficiency in basic chemical analysis techniques such as titration, gravimetry, and the use of instruments like UHPLC. ICP-OS, spectrophotometry, and Kjeldahl
Responsibilities :
- Continuously monitor critical production process parameters such as temperature. pressure, time, and product flow rate.
- Collect product samples at critical control points throughout the production process for subsequent testing.
- Conduct rapid tests on product quality parameters including pH, temperature, protein content, and fat content.
- Analyze test results and compare them against established specifications.
- Adjust production process parameters as needed to maintain compliance with specifications.
- Generate daily or periodic reports summarizing monitoring and testing results.
Qualifications :
- Bachelor Degree in Food Technology, Chemical Engineering or related field.
- Min. 1 year of experience in food & beverage industry. preferably in the dairy industry-
- Proven work experience in the food industry, specifically in production processes from preparation to mixing and finished goods.
- Good Knowledge of basic cleaning principles, both CIP and COP.
- Strong understanding of food safety and quality assurance principles.
Responsibilities :
- Work in compliance with the Health & Safety Policy (Personnel Hygiene) to ensure hazards are identified and risk assessed and controlled.
- Responsible for ensuring all work conforms to the processes and procedures of the Quality Management System
- Conduct Hygiene. GMP. CIP and Food Safety inspection in daily basis and monthly both plant and project and escalate the issue to Management Team.
- Responsible for the pest control in plant/factory and project.
- To ensure that plant is maintained at high standard and ready for audit at all times under scope of hygiene and GMP.
Qualifications :
- Bachelor Degree in Food Technology. Chemical Engineering or related field
- Min. 1 year of experience in food & beverage industry. preferably in the dairy industry
- Proven work experience in the food industry, specifically in GMP. Hygiene Inspection, Microbiology, Integrated Pest Monitoring. HACCP, Cleaning. CIP & Sanitation
- Good Knowledge of basic cleaning principles. both CIP and COP
- Good inspection/audit skill for GMP, CIP Audit
Responsibilities :
- Oversee the maintenance and operation of building utility systems and equipment, ensuring optimal performance and adherence to established SOPs and safety protocols.
- Monitor and evaluate building electrical systems to maximize efficiency and minimize downtime.
- Actively participate in building inspections, report generation, and other facility-related activities.
- Contribute to the overall building management function by supporting reporting, budgeting employee development, and operational evaluation.
- Support expansion projects within the manufacturing industry, focusing on utility and facility aspects.
Qualifications :
- Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering or related field.
- Min. 5 years of experience in maintenance engineering. preferably in the dairy industry.
- Posses astong understanding octay and adm facility operations, particularly in ammonia/freon refrigeration systems and electrical distribution.
- Proficient in reading & interpreting technical drawings (mechanical, wiring diagrams & electrical installations.
Responsibilities :
- Design and implement innovative automation solutions tailored to the company’s evolving needs.
- Identify critical components within the automation system and develop proactive maintenance strategies to ensure optimal performance.
- Effectively communicate automation maintenance plans with key stakeholders. including maintenance planners, to ensure seamless integration.
- Leverage data analytics to identify opportunities for process optimization and productivity gains.
- Prepare comprehensive reports to track project progress, highlight key milestones, and communicate findings to relevant stakeholders.
Qualifications :
- Bachelor/Diploma Degree in Mechatronic, Electroning Engineering or related field.
- Min. 3 years experience in Planning, Project Control or Project Administration field.
- Good understanding in electrical and engineering settings, drive motion, linear motion and Robotic systems.
- Able to program PLC. HMI, SCADA, OPC and Visual Web base.
- Able to read drawing technique, mechanical and wiring diagram/electrical installation.
Responsibilities :
- Maintain detailed records of electrical, control and instrumentation maintenance activities.
- Analyze equipment health and generate reports.
- Oversee the execution of maintenance plans.
- Assign and manage work orders.
- Coordinate with the warehouse for spare parts.
- Work closely with vendors and contractors.
- Ensure compliance with audit recommendations.
- Work closely with the maintenance team.
- Update the spare-part purchase list
- Evaluates and oversee directly the execution of Maintenance Program Scheduling (Corrective Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance. Predictive Maintenance and Proactive Maintenance).
Qualifications :
- Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Mechatronics Engineering or related field.
- Min. 3 years experience in Planning, Project Control or Project Administration field.
- Good understanding in plant project scheduling.
- Good understanding in Material Management.
- Having strong knowledge on administration process on Combined Cycle.
- Having good interpersonal skill.
- Able to make reporting.
Responsibilities :
- Inspect workplaces, equipment, and processes to identify potential hazards and non- compliance with safety regulations.
- Document inspection findings and generate reports with detailed observations and recommendations.
- Assist in the development and implementation of SHE programs, including emergency response plans, hazard communication programs, and safety training initiatives.
- Conduct safety training sessions for employees on various topics.
- Maintain SHE records and documentation.
- Promote safety culture to all employee, vendor and contractor.
- Investigate accidents and incidents.
Qualifications :
- Bachelor Degree in Engineering, OHS, or related field.
- Min. 1 year of experience in SHE or Project field.
- Having strong knowledge on SHE, JSA, HAZOP.
- Excellent communication, interpersonal, and presentation skills.
- Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
Responsibilities :
- Executing production activities in strict adherence to Standard Operating Procedures.
- Ensuring all workplace activities comply with Standard Safety and Quality guidelines.
- Operating machinery and equipment used in UHT product manufacturing.
- Maintaining a clean and organized workspace.
- Monitoring production equipment and promptly reporting any deviations, product quality issues or other anomalies to the supervisor.
- Actively participating in routine maintenance and equipment cleaning.
- Completing all required production documentation accurately and comprehensively.
- Collaborating with team members to meet production targets and deadlines.
Qualifications :
- Bachelor or Diploma Degree any major.
- Min. 1 year experience in food or beverage manufacturing (prior experience as a production operator in UHT processing is a plus).
- Flexible to work rotating shifts.
- Team players with exceptional communication skills.
- Highly motivated and accountable individuals.
- Detail-oriented and technically inclined.
- Computer savvy (Oracle, HRIS. Ms. Excel, Ms. PowerPoint)
Bagi Anda yang berminat, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran ke alamat email berikut:
Subject Email : Posisi – Nama
Paling lambat 31 Januari 2025
Diharapkan untuk membaca secara keseluruhan informasi dengan teliti
Hanya pelamar terbaik sesuai klasifikasi yang akan diproses untuk mengikuti seleksi selanjutnya
Selama proses rekrutmen tidak ada dikenakan biaya apapun
Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi Anda para pencari kerja dan jangan lupa untuk membagikannya kepada teman atau kerabat yang membutuhkan.
Informasi seputar lowongan kerja BUMN, CPNS & Swasta lainnya kunjungi
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