LokerBlog.com (Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK D3 S1 Terbaru Januari 2025) - Kecocokan setiap orang di dalam memilih pekerjaan harus telah disesuaikan dengan apa yang anda miliki. Contohnya anda harus mencari pekerjaan yang betul - betul sesuai dengan pendidikan dan jurusan yang anda kuasai. Bagaimana mungkin Anda memilih pekerjaan di bidang akuntansi sedangkan anda memiliki pendidikan Teknik Mesin. Sudah tentu anda lebih mempunyai bakat dan keahlian dalam teknik mesin dibandingkan di bidang akuntansi dan anda pun lebih memiliki peluang yang lebih besar untuk dapat diterima pada perusahaan di bidang teknik dibandingkan pada posisi akuntansi. Hal inilah yang perlu Anda persiapkan secara matang ketika memilih sebuah pekerjaan. Pastinya Anda harus lebih mempersiapkan diri dan selalu berpikir bahwa pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan diri anda haruslah sesuai dengan bakat yang anda kuasai juga. Semua pernah kecewa di dalam mencari pekerjaan apalagi ketika sebuah lamaran anda ditolak oleh perusahaan ataupun surat lamaran anda tidak memiliki panggilan jawaban sama sekali. Memang kecewa ini membuat anda sakit ataupun menyerah begitu saja dan membuat anda mengalami putus asa untuk mencari pekerjaan lainnya. Apabila anda memiliki pemikiran seperti ini, maka anda tidak akan pernah mendapatkan pekerjaan. Tetapi jika anda menganggap kegagalan ini menjadi suatau acuan anda untuk dapat kembali bersemangat lagi di dalam mencari pekerjaan dan membuat kegagalan ini menjadi pelajaran untuk memperbaiki Di mana letak kekurangan dan kesalahan yang anda miliki. Sebaiknya anda lebih banyak berintropeksi diri daripada menyalahkan diri anda mengapa anda mengalami kegagalan di dalam dunia kerja. Hal ini lebih profesional dibandingkan anda langsung putus asa tanpa memikirkan hal - hal yang membuat anda mengalami kegagalan. Disaat anda memiliki pekerjaan yang baik maka anda bisa secara leluasa untuk meningkatkan jenjang karir karena dengan mempunyai pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan keinginan dapat memicu dan lebih besar peluang untuk mendapatkan jenjang karir yang lebih tinggi. Bayangkan saja apabila anda memiliki pekerjaan yang tidak Anda senangi dan mempunyai banyak tekanan, barangkali anda akan lebihi mudah untuk mengalami kegagalan ataupun resign dari pekerjaan tersebut karena kurang ketidakcocokan. Jadi pekerjaan yang serasi sangat berpengaruh dengan kepribadian anda sendiri. Cobalah mencari pekerjaan yang betul - betul memberikan Anda lebih nyaman dan membuat anda lebih tertarik untuk melakukan hal - hal yang lebih menantang.

Lowongan Kerja PT United Tractors Tbk - PT United Tractors Tbk berdiri pada 13 Oktober 1972 adalah distributor alat berat terkemuka di Indonesia yang menyediakan produk dari merek terkenal dunia seperti Komatsu, UD Trucks, Scania, Bomag, Tadano, dan Komatsu Forest. Pada 19 September 1989 mencatatkan sahamnya di Jakarta dan Bursa Efek Surabaya sebagai PT United Tractors Tbk (UNTR) dengan PT Astra International Tbk sebagai pemegang saham mayoritas. Penawaran umum saham perdana ini menandai komitmen United Tractors menjadi perusahaan kelas dunia berbasis solusi di bidang alat berat, pertambangan dan energi guna memberi manfaat bagi pemangku kepentingan.
Jaringan distribusi PT United Tractors Tbk mencakup 19 kantor cabang, 22 kantor pendukung, dan 11 kantor perwakilan di seluruh penjuru negeri. Tidak hanya menjadi distributor peralatan berat, juga di bidang kontraktor penambangan dan telah memulai usaha pertambangan batu bara. UT menjalankan berbagai bisnisnya melalui tiga unit usaha yaitu Mesin Konstruksi, Kontraktor Penambangan dan Pertambangan.
Saat ini PT United Tractors Tbk kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan Januari 2025 untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan ditempatkan.
Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang tersedia beserta dengan kualifikasinya saat ini bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir.
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT United Tractors Tbk Tahun 2025
1. Management Trainee Service Department
Job Description:
- Manage and oversee the day-to-day operations of the service department
- Develop and implement policies and procedures to ensure the efficient and effective functioning of the department
- Plan and coordinate service activities, including scheduling, staffing, and quality control
- Ensure high customer satisfaction through the delivery of quality services
- Evaluate department performance and implement necessary improvements
- Foster and maintain positive relationships with customers and internal stakeholders
- Fresh graduate or maximum of 2 years of experience in service management or any related field
- Minimum Bachelor’s degree in engineering or any related major
- Minimum GPA of 3.25
- Knowledge of service management software and hardware
- Strong leadership and decision-making skills
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
- Ability to manage multiple priorities and work under pressure
- Willing to be located throughout Indonesia
2. After Sales Consultant
Job Description:
- Maintain strong customer relationships and ensure customer satisfaction
- Develop strategies to meet customer targets
- Lead the After Sales Service team in implementing both short-term and long-term strategies.
- Analysis, coordinate, and manage activities related to the sale of spare parts.
- Conduct sales activities for spare parts product and contract maintenance: sales planning establishing and maintaining good relationships with customers collecting sales results.
- Fresh graduate or maximum 2 years of experience in a sales or any related field.
- Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in any major.
- Minimum GPA of 3.00.
- Ability to effectively persuade and convince customers.
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills.
- Willing to be located throughout Indonesia.
3. Business Consultant
Job Description:
- Promote United Tractors products especially heavy equipment.
- Provide solutions through product offerings for business problems experienced by the company.
- Assist in fulfilling the administrative needs of customers.
- Stay updated on market dynamics to identify opportunities for selling company products.
- Conduct sales mapping to facilitate new market opportunities.
- Maintain the company’s reputation by consistently providing up-to-date information about products.
- Maintain good relationships with customers.
- Fresh graduate or maximum 2 years of experience in the field of Sales consultant, sales engineer, business development or a related field.
- Bachelor’s degree in any major.
- Minimum GPA of 3.00.
- Fluent in English, able to use it in daily conversation and correspondence.
- Capable of speaking Mandarin, it can be considered a plus point.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills, strong negotiation skills and problem-solving skills.
- Willing to be placed throughout Indonesia.
4. Instructor Operator
Job Description:
- Conduct training on the operation of heavy equipment provided by United Tractors
- Observe the operation of heavy equipment
- Create and generate reports based on training and observation outcomes
- Develop instructional materials related to heavy equipment operation training
- Minimum 3 years experience as Instructor or Trainer in Heavy Equipment Machinery
- Minimum Diploma Degree in Mechanical Engineering or other relevant major
- Minimum GPA of 3.00
- Able to speak English is advantageous
- Having Training of Trainers (TOT) certifications or training
- Skilled in using heavy machinery provided by UT machine, such as an excavator, a bulldozer, and a dump truck
5. Environment Associate
Job Description:
- Monitor and ensure compliance with environmental regulations.
- Provides the necessary support to staff to resolve environmental matters
- Conduct environmental impact assessments and audits.
- Provide training on environmental practices for employees.
- Manage, monitor and manage budgets
- Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering or related fields.
- Minimum GPA of 3.25
- Strong understanding of environmental engineering principles, waste management, and pollution control.
- Analytical and problem-solving abilities.
- Proficiency in environmental data analysis and reporting tools.
6. Human Capital Associate
Job Description:
- Monitor and oversee activities of Human Resource Officers to ensure smooth operations.
- Develop and refine the Company’s Organizational Structure.
- Ensure alignment and monitor implementation of Company Policies.
- Manage and monitor the development of Job Descriptions across departments.
- Track and evaluate Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to drive organizational
- Help organize training sessions and professional development initiatives.
- Contribute to developing and reviewing HR policies and procedures.
- Ensure policies are communicated effectively and understood by all employees.
- Fresh graduate or maximum 2 years of experience in a sales or any related field.
- Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in Industry Psychology.
- Minimum GPA of 3.25
- Ability to effectively persuade and convince customers.
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills.
- Willing to be located throughout Indonesia.
- Familiarity with processes in HR, GA, and Procurement is an advantage.
7. Market Research Expert
Job Description:
- Conduct qualitative and quantitative research to gather market insights and trends.
- Analyze consumer behavior, competitor activities, and industry developments.
- Design and implement surveys, focus groups, and other research methodologies.
- Interpret data to provide actionable recommendations for business strategy.
- Prepare detailed reports and presentations for stakeholders.
- Monitor market conditions to identify opportunities and risks.
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams to align research findings with business goals.
- Minimum 3 years of experience in market research, data analysis, or related fields.
- Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in Economy, Management, Business, or related fields.
- Minimum GPA of 3.00.
- Fluent in English, with excellent verbal and written communication skills.
- Ability to work collaboratively with cross-functional teams, including marketing, product development, and business strategy.
- Experience in conducting end-to-end market research, including designing surveys, analyzing data, and presenting findings.
- Strong analytical skills, attention to detail, and a problem-solving mindset.
- Passionate about understanding market trends, consumer behavior, and competitive landscapes.
- Willing to travel or relocate as needed based on project requirements.
8. Recruitment and Assesment Associate
Job Description:
- Support recruitment and assessment processes through administrative tasks.
- Coordinate scheduling, interviews, and candidate management.
- Manage job postings and ensure alignment with employer branding.
- Maintain accurate data and generate recruitment reports
- Analyze recruitment metrics to track performance.
- Fresh graduate or max. 2 years experience in Recruitment and Assessment field
- Min. Bachelor Degree of Psychology
- Minimum GPA of 3.25
- Excellent in data management
- Understand end to end recruitment and assessment cycle
- Strong communication and analytical skill
9. Creative Renewable Engineer
Job Description:
- Assess potential locations for renewable energy projects by analyzing resource availability and evaluating the environmental impact.
- Research and develop creative solutions for generating energy from unconventional sources like waste or natural phenomena.
- Formulate strategies to enhance the company’s foothold in the energy sector, focusing on market expansion and client acquisition.
- Provide expert technical support in energy-related projects, including the assessment of energy resources and the optimization of processes.
- Minimum 3 years of experience in renewable energy, environmental engineer, or related field.
- Minimum Bachelor’s degree in any science or engineering major.
- Minimum GPA of 3.00.
- Fluent in English, able to use it in daily conversation and correspondence.
- Ability to work collaboratively across multidisciplinary teams, including engineers, biologists, and business analysts.
- Experience with handling end-to-end business expansion.
- Strong teamwork and communication skills, proactive thinking, a strong ability to learn and adapt.
- Demonstrated curiosity and enthusiasm for exploring and developing potential energy solutions across various resources (e.g., solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, etc.).
- Willing to be placed throughout Indonesia.
10. Assesor Freelance
Job Description:
- Able to conduct end-to-end process assessment projects.
- Make a comprehensive psychological report according to the deadline.
- Develop assessment tools
- Master of Industrial & Organizational Psychology/Adult Clinical Psychology Graduate or final semester are welcome
- Able to make psychological reports
- Able to conduct psychological assessments and interventions.
- Active and have good interpersonal skills
Bagi Anda yang berminat, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran secara online:
Diharapkan untuk membaca secara keseluruhan informasi dengan teliti
Hanya pelamar terbaik sesuai klasifikasi yang akan diproses untuk mengikuti seleksi selanjutnya
Selama proses rekrutmen tidak ada dikenakan biaya apapun
Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi Anda para pencari kerja dan jangan lupa untuk membagikannya kepada teman atau kerabat yang membutuhkan.
Informasi seputar lowongan kerja BUMN, CPNS & Swasta lainnya kunjungi
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