LokerBlog.com (Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK D3 S1 Terbaru November 2022) - Setiap orang menginginkan pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan pendidikan dan jurusan yang mereka dapatkan di dalam perkuliahan. Namun ada sebagian orang juga mencari pekerjaan yang bukan dari pendidikannya tetapi dengan bakat yang terpendam yang selalu diusahakan dan dipelajari seiring berjalannya waktu. Banyak juga bakat - bakat Anda yang terpendam yang semakin meningkat dan bisa menentukan anda untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan. Jadi jangan menyepelekan beberapa bakat yang tentunya bisa membuat anda lebih mendapatkan jenjang karir di dalam dunia kerja. Apapun hal - hal yang menantang yang dapat membuat anda semakin maju dan berkembang khususnya di dalam dunia kerja, segeralah melakukan terus peningkatan untuk diri anda sendiri. Kegagalan Ketika anda sedang mencari pekerjaan itu merupakan suatu hal yang biasa Karena setiap Anda mendapatkan kegagalan Berarti anda sudah mengetahui dimana letak kekurangan dan kesalahan yang anda miliki. Untuk itu kegagalan bukan berarti akhir dari segalanya karena kegagalan dapat membuat anda untuk belajar lebih baik lagi dari yang sebelumnya. Semua orang yang sukses pasti telah pernah menghadapi kegagalan dan tetap sabar sehingga menjadi tumbuh untuk berkompetensi, Semangat yang terbaik untuk dapat bangkit dari kegagalan adalah terus belajar dan memotivasi diri untuk dapat menjadi yang terbaik. Mencari kesuksesan di dalam dunia kerja dengan cara Anda harus mempersiapkan secara matang baik itu kompetensi yang anda miliki sehingga anda mempunyai sumber daya manusia yang lebih memadai dan dapat siap bersaing dengan para pelamar kerja yang lainnya. Ada banyak orang yang tidak mampu untuk beradaptasi dengan posisi yang mereka inginkan sehingga lebih cepat mudah mengalami kegagalan di dalam seleksi rekrutmen perusahaan. Padahal untuk menjadi seorang yang berkompetensi, anda harus selalu siap untuk menghadapi semua tantangan termasuk untuk mempelajari hal - hal yang berkaitan dengan posisi yang anda lamar.
Lowongan Kerja PT Aneka Gas Industri Tbk - PT Aneka Gas Industri Tbk Selama bertahun-tahun sebagai pemain gas industri terbesar di Indonesia, produk gas Samator maupun jasa layanan gas digunakan secara luas dalam berbagai industri seperti kesehatan, konstruksi, minyak dan gas bumi, metalurgi, petrokimia, elektronik, otomotif dan masih banyak lagi. Samator berkomitmen melakukan riset, pengembangan dan mempromosikan perkembangan pendidikan, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di Indonesia. Kami memperluas kegiatan usaha ke berbagai industri, seperti: kimia, engineering procurement and construction (EPC), properti, otomotif, kesehatan dan masih banyak lagi.
Saat ini PT Aneka Gas Industri Tbk kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan November 2022 untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan ditempatkan.
Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang tersedia beserta dengan kualifikasinya saat ini bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir.
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Aneka Gas Industri Tbk Tahun 2022
1. Manager Maintenance/Electrical – Bekasi
- Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Mechanical Engineering Energy Conservation are preferred)
- Proven experience as maintenance supervisor or similar role at least 7 years
- Understand Rotating equipment ( Centrifugal, Reciprocating and Screw Compressor)
- Mastering AutoCAD, Can read P&ID, Can read technical drawings and sizes
- Understand about the refrigeration system, the basics of alignment, the basics of manufacturing workshops (piping)
- Knowledge of health & safety practices and regulations
2. Accounting Staff – Surabaya
3. Accounting Staff – Bogor
4. Accounting Staff – Pulogadung
5. Accounting Staff – Padang
6. Accounting Staff – Kendal
7. Accounting Staff – Samarinda
8. Accounting Staff – Tanjung Selor
- Bachelor of Accounting
- Fresh graduates are welcome, preferably at least 1 year experience
- Proficient in operating Ms. Office / Open Office and other digital technologies, experienced in using ERP systems is preferred
- Understand taxation, accounting journals, and the KemenKeu’s E-Faktur system
- Having brevet A and B
9. Human Capital Business Partner Staff – Sidoarjo
- Bachelor degree All Major
- Have a minimum of 2 years experience as a Human Capital Business Partner.
- Have an understanding of the Manpower Law, experienced in handling Industrial Relations issues
- Flexibility in collaborating and handling problems with users
- Have problem solving and analytical thinking skills based on data
- Experienced in handling working relationships with outsourcing companies.
10. Legal Staff – Surabaya
- S1 all major
- Experience min. 3 years in supervisory position in human capital/min. 5 years in human capital staff position
- Proficient in operating Ms. Office / Open Office Calc, ERP system (SAP), and other digital technologies
- Understand organization design, organization sizing, job evaluation, corporate culture, assessment, performance management, training & development, potential sourcing, career & success
- Understand data analysis, labor regulations, general affairs processes, as well as company and employment licensing processes
11. Human Capital Business Partner Supervisor – Sampit
- Bachelor degree All Major
- Have a minimum of 2 years experience as a Human Capital Business Partner.
- Have an understanding of the Manpower Law, experienced in handling Industrial Relations issues
- Flexibility in collaborating and handling problems with users
- Have problem solving and analytical thinking skills based on data
- Experienced in handling working relationships with outsourcing companies.
12. Mechanical Maintenance Operator – Cibitung
13. Mechanical Maintenance Operator – Cikande
- Minimum vocational high school in mechanical engineering
- Can read technical drawings and understand industrial gas production processes
- Proficient in operating Ms. Office / Open Office and other digital technologies
- Experience in using ERP systems, such as SAP is preferred
14. Electrical Maintenance Operator – Cibitung
15. Electrical Maintenance Operator – Cikampek
- Minimum vocational high school in electrical engineering
- Proficient in operating Ms. Office / Open Office and other digital technologies
- Experience in using ERP systems, such as SAP is preferred
- Can read technical drawings and understand industrial gas production processes
16. Filling Operator – Siantar
- Senior High School / Vocational High School all major
- Preferably at least 1 year experience
- Proficient in operating Ms. Office / Open Office and other digital technologies
17. Staff Asset Management – Surabaya
- Min S1 Technical Information
- Fresh graduates are welcome to apply / preferably have experience in the field of inventory / distribution
- Have SIM A and C
- Preferably those who master the SAP program
18. Sales Counter – Batam
19. Sales Counter – Bambe
- Minimum D3 all majors
- Fresh graduates are welcome, preferably at least 1 year experienceProficient in operating Ms. Office / Open Office and other digital technologies
- Experience in using ERP systems, such as SAP is preferred
20. Operator Panggung Pengisian – Kediri
21. Operator Panggung Pengisian – Bandung
- Senior High School / Vocational High School
- Science / Technical Major
- Proficient in operating Ms. Office / Open Office and other digital technologies
22. Admin GM – Batam
23. Administrasi GM – Sidoarjo
- Pria/ Wanita
- Min S1 Akuntansi
- Mahir menginformasikan Ms. office, terbiasa melakukan analisa
- Min 2 tahun di bidang yang sama
24. Maintenance Operator – Bambe
- Minimum vocational high school in mechanical engineering
- Can read technical drawings and understand industrial gas production processes
- Proficient in operating Ms. Office / Open Office and other digital technologies
- Experience in using ERP systems, such as SAP is preferred
25. Staf Controller – Surabaya
- Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting
- GPA min 3.00
- Have experience in accounting/auditing at least 2 years
- Understanding Taxes
26. Staff Asset Management- Sidoarjo
27. Staff Asset Management – Morowali
- Min S1 all major
- Fresh graduates are welcome to apply / preferably have experience in the field of inventory / distribution
- Have SIM A and C
- Preferably those who master the SAP program
28. Operator Produksi – Kendal
- Minimum bachelor degree in Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering
- Fresh graduate, minimum 1 year experience prefered
- Proficient in operating Ms. Office / Open Office and other digital technologies
- Experience in using ERP systems, such as SAP is preferred
- Understand industrial gas production processes (such as ASP, H2, CO2, N2O, SFG, Gas Plant)
29. HSE Officer – Subang
30. HSE Officer – Palembang
31. HSE Officer – Medan
- Bachelor degree from all majors, Engineering/ Public Health prefered
- Experience min. 1 year in the field
- Can operate Ms. Office / Open Office, G Suite, Web Browser, and others
- Have a General K3 Expert education certificate from the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower
- Understand the standards and laws and regulations related to engineering safety, industrial hygiene and environmental aspects
32. Kasir – Morowali
33. Kasir – Malang
34. Kasir – Batam
35. Kasir -Tanjung Selor
Requirement :
- Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting
- Mastering Ms. Excel
- Fresh graduate are welcome
36. Operator Produksi – Makassar
37. Operator Produksi – Bali
- Minimum bachelor degree in Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering
- Fresh graduate, minimum 1 year experience prefered
- Proficient in operating Ms. Office / Open Office and other digital technologies
- Experience in using ERP systems, such as SAP is preferred
- Understand industrial gas production processes (such as ASP, H2, CO2, N2O, SFG, Gas Plant)
38. Human Capital Business Partner – Pekanbaru
- Bachelor degree All Major
- Have a minimum of 2 years experience as a Human Capital Business Partner.
- Have an understanding of the Manpower Law, experienced in handling Industrial Relations issues
- Flexibility in collaborating and handling problems with users
- Have problem solving and analytical thinking skills based on data
- Experienced in handling working relationships with outsourcing companies.
39. Sales Engineer – Bandung
40. Sales Engineer – Marunda
41. Sales Engineer – Malang
42. Sales Engineer – Kudus
43. Sales Engineer – Makassar
44. Sales Engineer – Sidoarjo
45. Sales Engineer – Tanjung Selor
46. Sales Engineer – Samarinda
47. Sales Engineer – Bogor
48. Sales Engineer – Batam
49. Sales Engineer – Padang
Requirement :
- Bachelor of Engineering
- Fresh Graduate are welcomed
- In-depth understanding of manufacturing company and its position in the market
- Basic computer skills and experience with tracking and recording call information, filing documents, or updating customer profiles/accounts; may include entering and tracking merchandise, scheduling with
- Microsoft Office Suite or similar software
50. Sales Counter – Tanjung Selor
- Minimum D3 all majors
- Fresh graduates are welcome, preferably at least 1 year experienceProficient in operating Ms. Office / Open Office and other digital technologies
- Experience in using ERP systems, such as SAP is preferred
51. Staf Asset Management – Tanjung Selor
- Min S1 Technical Information
- Fresh graduates are welcome to apply / preferably have experience in the field of inventory / distribution
- Have SIM A and C
- Preferably those who master the SAP program
52. Staf Billing – Tanjung Selor
- Minimum Bachelor Degree in Finance/Accounting
- Understanding Taxes and E-faktur system
- Proficient in operating Ms. Office / Open Office and other digital technologies
- Experience in using ERP systems, such as SAP is preferred
53. Filling Operator – Tanjung Selor
54. Filling Operator – Samarinda
- Senior High School / Vocational High School all major
- Preferably at least 1 year experience
- Proficient in operating Ms. Office / Open Office and other digital technologies
Bagi Anda yang berminat, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran secara online:
Diharapkan untuk membaca secara keseluruhan informasi dengan teliti
Hanya pelamar terbaik sesuai klasifikasi yang akan diproses untuk mengikuti seleksi selanjutnya
Selama proses rekrutmen tidak ada dikenakan biaya apapun
Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi Anda para pencari kerja dan jangan lupa untuk membagikannya kepada teman atau kerabat yang membutuhkan.
Informasi seputar lowongan kerja BUMN, CPNS & Swasta lainnya kunjungi
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